11 year old Picks up Girls

Kid can try all he wants but until he finds out about Chloroform and cotton rags I’ll always have the upper hand.
that kid is gonna have a good time in a few years.
When does Chris Hansen show up?

Can't decide if more creepy or more corny.

Either way, that's one obnoxious child.
Let's do the same with a 11 years old girl picking up 20-25 years old dudes and find it super funny when they give their phone number to take her to dinner.
Cant really pick up grown women when they know you have a baby dick.

Plus that little kid is clearly going to grow up gay
The only reason they gave him good responses is cuz they know he's a kid and doesn't mean anything. Nobody took it seriously. And anyways, anybody can get a number. The hard part is what you do with that number. Shit I have like 300 random phone numbers in my pH ne of girls I never really met, but I got their phone number
Those white shorts in the thumbnail tho...

Didn't, no make that couldn't,watch the whole video, but the girls that played along, were doing exactly that, playing along.
speaks to the ultimate trait a man can have for a woman and that is confidence. Men play to win and give their respects to the winner. Women are impressed just by your willingness to play the game
speaks to the ultimate trait a man can have for a woman and that is confidence. Men play to win and give their respects to the winner. Women are impressed just by your willingness to play the game
All you have to do to get girls is try. As long as you're decent looking. If you're ugly, it's gonna be a rough life. Most ugliness can be fixed by getting in elite shape and/or braces and such things like that though. There's very few truly ugly people that can't be fixed with a little hard work.
All you have to do to get girls is try. As long as you're decent looking. If you're ugly, it's gonna be a rough life. Most ugliness can be fixed by getting in elite shape and/or braces and such things like that though. There's very few truly ugly people that can't be fixed with a little hard work.

If you're ugly you can eat well if you have confidence and know how to present yourself. If you have money looks are almost inconsequential