You pull up to pick your kids up


Feb 10, 2016
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Pick them up from their friend's house and you see a bunch of other kids beating the shit out of your kid. Your kid(s) are 15 and the other kids are about the same age or older.

What do you do?

Is your reaction different if its your son or daughter?
I would probably beat the shit out of their fathers and fuck their mothers.
Sounds like a good time to whip out the sawn-off shotgun I carry in my car at all times
Beat the shit out of them and any who interfere with it. And for shits and giggles beat down their parents and siblings because im an asshole like that.
I'm dishing out uppercuts. 15 is old enough to catch a beating when your behaviour calls for it.

Probably not the smartest move, but fuck it. Surely the judge is gonna take into account that you're protecting your kid.
My kids wouldn’t be getting their ass beat. I don’t have any yet but all my pets are specimens from the environment I give them.

My tiny cat is a possum slaying assassin that cannot be brought to fight by any creature in our bush suburbia while my cockaspaniel trains daily chasing rabbits up hills, it’s a solid muscular thing that won’t back down to anything, including helping me stare down a loose Cane Corso the other night.

They are alpha predators of their domain and I doubt my children will be any different (my sisters and cousins are state/national champion schoolgirl athletes in soccer, rowing and skiing so the genetics will be there).
I saw a bunch of middle school kids beating up another kid. I called the police and walked right into the middle of it and started describing each little fucker to the police. They ran away.

Even the kid who got his ass kicked. Didn’t even get a thanks.
Beat them and make them read posts from the heavies
Pick them up from their friend's house and you see a bunch of other kids beating the shit out of your kid. Your kid(s) are 15 and the other kids are about the same age or older.

What do you do?

Is your reaction different if its your son or daughter?
Beat em over the head with a monster
Pick them up from their friend's house and you see a bunch of other kids beating the shit out of your kid. Your kid(s) are 15 and the other kids are about the same age or older.

What do you do?

Is your reaction different if its your son or daughter?

If it is my son, I yell to him "son, fight back, and I will give you $500, you dont have to win just look decent". If its a girl, I will have to jump in.

If my son after the fight, I just give him a pep talk, and tell you this is great, best way to learn is to lose. Analyze the fight, and figure out what you did wrong, what they did wrong, and how to win next time, and never give up.

If its a girl, any girl, depending on severity of beat down. If beat down real bad, I have to call cops. If not that bad, I will tell, next time carry a blade. No one will blame you because you are a girl. You get a freebee.
If it is my son, I yell to him "son, fight back, and I will give you $500, you dont have to win just look decent". If its a girl, I will have to jump in.
yeah if its more than one on one then i'll get involved boys or girls. Any adults watching are getting sucker punched

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