You pull up to pick your kids up

Lose my shit then wake up covered in blood and shackled, most likely. Or if I'm lucky just slap little fools unconscious with one hand whilst I dial the authorities with the other.

But likely prison.
My kids wouldn’t be getting their ass beat. I don’t have any yet but all my pets are specimens from the environment I give them.

My tiny cat is a possum slaying assassin that cannot be brought to fight by any creature in our bush suburbia while my cockaspaniel trains daily chasing rabbits up hills, it’s a solid muscular thing that won’t back down to anything, including helping me stare down a loose Cane Corso the other night.

They are alpha predators of their domain and I doubt my children will be any different (my sisters and cousins are state/national champion schoolgirl athletes in soccer, rowing and skiing so the genetics will be there).

Spoken like someone who has no children.
You didn't even need to include the "I don't have any of my own"... those of us who have kids can tell.
Pick them up from their friend's house and you see a bunch of other kids beating the shit out of your kid. Your kid(s) are 15 and the other kids are about the same age or older.

What do you do?

Is your reaction different if its your son or daughter?

I would draw a weapon on those kids for sure. Someone is getting fucked up.
Time to beat down some punks.

Wave a trucker over to honk his ear piercing horn at them for a long period of time.
The sound of loud shocking noise is enough to distract anyone to stop what their doing.
Well, you're an adult. You can easily stop that situation without violence.

Then teach your kid self defence, or have him go somewhere to learn self defence.
If it's not a one-on-one fight, I'm tagging in. Otherwise, my kid can take his/her asswhooping.
You cannot strike the teens, or rather shouldn't, but I would toss bodies around and put the fear of god into them. And if someone got Froggy, they'd be punished most severely. But I guess it depends on how seriously my kid was getting his ass kicked, as well. I get the red-vision anger, so I just cannot say for certain what I'd do unless I was in that situation.
My kids are trained to roll up into the fetal position and cry, I wouldn't be too worried.
My kids would be athletic and explosive so at that age they'd either be handing out the ass whuppings or be fast enough to run away.
Do the kids weigh more or less than a game pitbull
My son and his friends got jumped by older illegals that like to use the football fields for soccer. My son and his friends are all wrestlers. They beat the shit out of the illegals. Cops called us to pick kids up and said we couldn’t press charges because our kids won.
It would be a superkick party for sure. Kids would be laid out everywhere and the last one would get a jack knife power bomb.