Would you take Steroids for fame and fortune?

Arnold came and conquered... go Fck yourself with your analogy


ah yes the heavies you guys realism is refreshing may have to stop bye more often lol
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If I could be like Barry Bonds, yes. To me, he was the pinnacle of what steriods could achieve. He had all the tools you could ever want, and then given a Captain America super serum, and we got what Juiced Bonds became. Guy was a walking videogame character.
The rise and the fame would change me and the fall would destroy me but probably yes
I am on cycle now just for some gains, so yeah why not?
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People Like Jon Jones, Barry Bonds, A Rod are frustrating because imho they don't or didn't need the competitive edge that Juice or what you millneals call "gear" provides to have had hall of Fame careers.

But take Arnold Schwarzenegger( I know I know hear me out) essentially the physique that made him famous was due in most part to discipline and hardwork for sure. However the man we grew up idolizing also used copious amounts of roids. no one really gives him shit about it. maybe we start looking at as sports for what it is entertainment. and let these dudes juice away.

WWF hero's growing up almost all were juicing esp Hogan

Lance Armstrong

so many PRIDE F/C and UFC fighters to name but you've got Royce, Anderson, Lesnar, Jon Jones, and the TRT crew


Marion Jones, most of the Russian Olympic Team.

anyway would you juice for fame and fortune?

TBH....I would

I probably could and should of done.. i was naturally 6 foot 3 and 17 stone and toned without going to the gym and steroids. Since ive started training im now 18 and 1/2 stone of pure muscle and i dont even use roids/tst or any supplements bar protein.

I just left it too late in life im 33 now. Ive just started amature boxing 5 fights 5 wins. But im only doing it as a hobby. I have a family and a job. Any they are my priority.

I was the same size at 18 and i think if i had started training seriously then, in an era where you could take as many peds as you wanted im pretty sure i could have made a pretty big career for myself in either boxing or mma.

I have a friend who fought in ufc only got a 3 fight contract but was no where near as naturally gifted. I also have a friend who has held a world title in boxing not one of the biggest names but still made it. (Hes got a few million in the bank now anyway)

So looking back i probably should and could of done it.. but i was too much into partying back then. And because i was always naturally big and strong and able to fight i lacked the motivation these did to get into the gym to get stronger and tougher.

As ultimately alot of people who originally get into boxing/mma weightlifting they originally start out as they want to be able to look after themselves and its about self defence.

And then as they get better they then start to think about it as a career.

Looking back i definately should of done. But its easy said in hindsight lol.
The way the rules are set up, its kind of dumb not to take them. If the ufc made it a contract bullet that if you popped, you lose all your winnings and have to pay hefty fines, there would be less fighters using imo.
If I could be like Barry Bonds, yes. To me, he was the pinnacle of what steriods could achieve. He had all the tools you could ever want, and then given a Captain America super serum, and we got what Juiced Bonds became. Guy was a walking videogame character.
If only ken Griffey Jr took some Balco...damn
I think thye wouldn't have been successfull without it, so that's the reason for doping.

otherwise the risk makes no sense.

If I had no chance to achieve success naturally, I would, but if I had any chance without doping, I'd rather try without.

Take Bones against Bonnar the moves he was pulling off in that fight looked like some mortal combat video game shit.

and he was lanky and skinny and bonnar was at least on trt (legal juice) doctors note at the time. Jones imo is so preternaturally talented in Combat sports much (exp a skinny Barry Bonds when he won NL rookie of the year), he doesn't need the steroids.

that's what's frustrating with the exception of Gus he not just beats elite level guys, but destroys them and kinda makes it look easy (see rashad evans, or Rampage fights)

I'm a Bones fan because of his ability inside of the octagon. however his personal choices have soured me on him. he needs to sit for a few years and get his mind right. or we're looking at another Darryl Strawberry, Mike Tyson scenario.
Haha is this even a question

Every fucking time I would

If your taking steroids just to look good to get girls and impress the boys
Your a goon, period.

The movie stars and big time athletes that take them under strict doctor supervision, to make big bucks to set themselves up for life financially
Makes all the sense in the world

When they hit 50 and their heart starts giving them shit, no problem pay the best surgeon to sort you out

But some painter and decorator that takes tren just to over compensate his lack of social skills, when his heart starts giving him shit he won't be able to do shit about it
I've said many times "imagine junior on steroids" lol Griffey would have hit a thousand homers
Just to elaborate...I can give a fck less if anyone does them...just as long as they all can do them. I have said this to people many times...if I take steroids...it does not mean I will become Barry bonds. Bonds is my favorite player and people discredit his ability because of the balco thing. Steroids do not make you superman. But yes...Griffey on something would have been GOAT
Aren't there like millions of people without fame and fortune taking them just to get huge and get women?
People Like Jon Jones, Barry Bonds, A Rod are frustrating because imho they don't or didn't need the competitive edge that Juice or what you millneals call "gear" provides to have had hall of Fame careers.

But take Arnold Schwarzenegger( I know I know hear me out) essentially the physique that made him famous was due in most part to discipline and hardwork for sure. However the man we grew up idolizing also used copious amounts of roids. no one really gives him shit about it. maybe we start looking at as sports for what it is entertainment. and let these dudes juice away.

WWF hero's growing up almost all were juicing esp Hogan

Lance Armstrong

so many PRIDE F/C and UFC fighters to name but you've got Royce, Anderson, Lesnar, Jon Jones, and the TRT crew


Marion Jones, most of the Russian Olympic Team.

anyway would you juice for fame and fortune?

TBH....I would
Sports would be (or already are) a lot better juiced to the gills but there's a reason why we have to try to keep PEDs out of sports. First of all, it's cheating. (Is it cheating if everyone's doing it? Maybe not but...) Secondly, and most importantly, most PEDs are illegal without a prescription and steroids are a federally controlled substance. Trafficking or enabling the use of which is a felony. Sports organizations would have to openly flaunt federal laws to provide or encourage its athletes to dope. Unless the laws were changed to accommodate athletes. If we changed the laws to accommodate athletes and normalized PED use in sports, not only would the health of the athletes be at risk, but also the millions of kids who play sports and idolize pro athletes. If their favorite player is on roids and is glorified for it, they're going to want to do the same thing. And as crazy as sports parents are these days, you're going to have thousands of young kids on gear. This isn't a good outcome so really, the only choice is to try to keep PEDs out of pro sports or at the very least, bust someone every once in a while and shame them for cheating.
I on cycle now just for some gains, so yeah why not?

I think many people never faced with the allure of Money, hot bishes, fame would reflexively say no. but the whole "deal with the devil" "if you aint cheatin you aint tryin" thing is alive and well.

I wouldn't sell my soul to satan for a record deal . but if I was on the cusp of athletic fame and fortune and thought I could get away with it....most def
A lot of people use them just to look good on the beach.
Fuck no.
I'm 32 yo and I already had cancer once.
No more cancer for me (at least for a while). Thanks!

But take Arnold Schwarzenegger( I know I know hear me out) essentially the physique that made him famous was due in most part to discipline and hardwork for sure. However the man we grew up idolizing also used copious amounts of roids. no one really gives him shit about it. maybe we start looking at as sports for what it is entertainment. and let these dudes juice away.


Kind of a tangent from roids and MMA but here's how I always felt about the Arnold (love him or hate him) -

He wouldn't have won all of those body building contests without the juice.
He wouldn't have become an actor without his fame as a body builder.
He wouldn't have become governor without his fame as an actor.

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