Will you give Jones a second chance if he beats Gus?

Yes, he has been suspended and fined for his actions.

I don’t condone what he’s done or his actions, the hit and run, the continuous problems, he’s done some messed up shit in his life, but I don’t believe he’s truly an evil person.

I believe Jon has had an abundance of demons he has battled with for years and he has continuously struggled to get things right.

I don’t want to see his demise, and I firmly believe in giving people a second or third chance or however many it takes if they truly have the intentions of changing who they are.

Sometimes it truly takes an invidual to have to endure a bunch of problems that are even their own doing to do some real deep soul searching to change. And deep down I’m sure Jon knows that his window is closing here to get things right.

As a fighter I believe he is easily the greatest talent mma has ever seen, his accomplishments and his resume already are among the best ever.

To see Jon finally mature as a person and be able to click with his fighting career and his growth as a person would be great to see.

Ultimately I just don’t want to see anybody fail regardless of who they are in life. So yeah I believe in giving as many chances as it takes if a person truly has the potential to change who they are.

Excellent post, bud.
Bones was innocent usada cleared him he should still be champ anyway. The man took enlargement pills so what, it happened to be his nap time when usada came to his gym an he naps under cage, and aka slipped roids in Bones water 9n fight night........Bones is rds goat
I'd respect him more if he lost as long as he's clean but that would be a gigantic black eye on his career either way. Then the speculation really starts even though Gus stylistically is a dangerous fight for a roided Jones. Jon has to win this one and be clean.
You wouldn't respect him more for a "clean" win? Makes no sense. Just say you hate him and move on. "I'll only respect him if he gets his ass kicked". Foh
i doubt jon makes it to the fight, probably will crash a car with a pregnant hooker in it into a car with a pregnant non hooker in it. and steroid paraphernalia will be found in the glove box when he returns to the site after running.

usual friday night for jon.

Do better Young Grinderman San.
Looks like you are salty by the truth.

Accept it lol
DC av, downplaying Jones lol the salt is real on your end, quit trying to act like Jones beating him doesn’t bother you, twice btw...left in a puddle of tears twice LOL
He’s a noble individual with a malicious agenda on Sherdog. I want to see him in his best form, bud.

Guess you're a better human than me, bud.

I reported him.
Guess you're a better human than me, bud.

I reported him.

Oh I reported him too, getting caught for his known troll agenda hopefully will be his wake up call, bud.
Lol at playing down Jones.

He’s a hypocrite and unlikeable. Simply facts
The salt is real, quit acting like Jones doesn’t get under your skin, must suck being a DC fan knowing Jones son’d him twice.
The salt is real, quit acting like Jones doesn’t get under your skin, must suck being a DC fan knowing Jones son’d him twice.

Must suck being a Jones fan knowing he needs PED’s and is a massive fuckup meanwhile DC is the LHW and HW champion. Salt is real indeed
I genuinely don't trust that he'd even be exposed for cheating after USADA's rep already took a hit for them and all involved coming together to give Jones a slap on the wrist.


I just can't see USADA publishing another Jones failed test unless it somehow prevents USADA or the UFC from going bankrupt.

I applaud the positive attitudes from some of the posters in this thread, but I do not find Jones' character as being trustworthy.
are you willing to give him a second chance after he beats Gus?

Second chance at what?

If we're talking "prove he's not a cheating, lying, two-faced, scummy, bribe-offering, physical danger to innocent people", he's already up to about his 17th chance or so.
Must suck being a Jones fan knowing he needs PED’s and is a massive fuckup meanwhile DC is the LHW and HW champion. Salt is real indeed
Must suck knowing DC won’t EVER beat Jon Jones LMFAO left in a puddle of tears not once, but twice LOL Not like DC ever beat Jones for the undisputed title. Won’t ever since he keeps dodging the fade, knows he doesn’t wanna get beat a third fucking time LOL
Must suck knowing DC won’t EVER beat Jon Jones LMFAO left in a puddle of tears not once, but twice LOL Not like DC ever beat Jones for the undisputed title. Won’t ever since he keeps dodging the fade, knows he doesn’t wanna get beat a third fucking time LOL


KTFO, roids or not DC still got knocked out cold. Hurts to admit right? What you gunna say in retaliation? roids? LOL what I seen is DC getting knocked out and embarrassed for a second time.

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