What brought you to sherdog?

Somehow wandered into the WR and lurked there for a while.
UFC > Sherdog fightfinder > Forum > mayberry

i came here to meet chicks.
I wanted to read MMA discussion. I found this place within the first month of getting into MMA (September 2008) and it was all so new and exciting that at the time I never realized how truly godawful the Heavies was.

Now I barely read the Heavies, and I mostly just shitpost and insult people in OT and Mayberry.

I'm going to assume that didn't go so well.
in nearly 6 years i havent met near as many as i hoped to meet.

fingers crossed that in the years to come that will change.
Video watermark of sherdog.com on a Sakuraba highlight around 2003.
I'm here because ESPN put Kimbo Slice on the cover. As a curious traditional sports fan I was curious and came here. Only some of the threads were about boring losers like Josh Koschek, and I was all thinking "why aren't we talking about Kimbo Slice?!"
So I lurked for a few months and found out that MMA is a whole thing of it's own and Kimbo isn't even a big deal, really, just interesting.
Been a huge fan ever since.
I was a fan before too, being a kid in Denver when UFC 1 happened, I remember all that advertising so vividly. I saw the first 5 and quit until Kimbo brought me back.
I wanted to read MMA discussion. I found this place within the first month of getting into MMA (September 2008) and it was all so new and exciting that at the time I never realized how truly godawful the Heavies was.

Now I barely read the Heavies, and I mostly just shitpost and insult people in OT and Mayberry.

the Heavies can be fun if you roleplay as a retard to fit in.
Product reviews and a severe lack of boxing elitists like myself warranted my arrival.
Had been watching MMA for years and was looking up a fight online. Came across this place and fucked around a bit. Found the OT after making piss belt then helped the OT get deleted shortly after. Headed to the offshoots and really enjoyed the humor. Then they all died. Well, any worth a shit. Made my way back here a few two three years ago and saw it was far more lenient than when I started and stuck around a bit.

Plus booty. Booty is always the answer even when it isn't.
I wanted to read MMA discussion. I found this place within the first month of getting into MMA (September 2008) and it was all so new and exciting that at the time I never realized how truly godawful the Heavies was.

Now I barely read the Heavies, and I mostly just shitpost and insult people in OT and Mayberry.


I think you found your true calling brudda.
