Weinstein case - Paltrow misses the point entirely

My first Warroom thread - be gentle.

I read this, and was genuinely flabbergasted.

Paltrow taking about her then boyfriend Brad Pitt reacting to a Weinstein pass on her:

“He said, ‘If you ever make her feel uncomfortable again, I’ll kill you.’ Or something like that. It was so fantastic. He leveraged his fame and power to protect me at a time when I didn’t have fame or power yet.


Brad Pitt is the fucking man!

I’m only talking about Paltrow, and the bit I highlighted and bolded doesn’t sound very human to me.

That’s why I made a thread. For some fucking reason. Ha.

You should stop crying. Brad had man power to beat up a guy. He had box office power as well and fame to screw Weinstein in hollywood as well.

Blondie did not have the physical power and she was a nobody at the time with no clout. You need to wake up to the real fucking world, dude.

A much better Brad Pitt story is when Tyson came home to find a young Pitt banging Robin Givens! That's balls of steel right there.
Speaking about missing the point. Weinstein has been arrested but TS is talking about Gweneth Paltrow, a multiple time confirmed ass hat.
LOL. Ummm ya, is leveraging power and fame to do something good a bad thing?

Personally I always try to leverage my weakness and obscurity when I want something done.

It never gets done, but you can bet my intentions are as pure as the fallen snow. And that's what matters.
My point isn’t about Pitt or his reaction, it’s about Paltrow’s.

Put it like this:

Woman is abused by man in all powerful secret organization

Woman thinks it’s fantastic that her boyfriend is in the same organization, such that he can issue death threats unchecked

Woman yearns to join all powerful secret organization

Am I the only one who thinks this is a problem? Maybe.
Your view seems very child like in many ways. That is not a bad thing necesasarily, just naive.

A person (man or woman's) power can come in many ways. It might be because he is in the same organization with a similarly high status or rank, or it could be because he is a cop or prosecutor with gov't force behind him, or he could be a News reporter with the power to make things public.

Regardless of how that power comes about if there is a person or organization in a place of power abusing it, it is a good thing when someone else with power (from wherever) is willing to confront that one and risk a battle to make them stop.

You can wish disproportionate power never existed or that people would always be nice but that is not reality. So in reality when a person or organization abuses their power we WANT others with power to confront and stop them.

(now if you argued both Brad and her should have done more to prevent future Harvey abuse that is another thing entirely).
edit, misread post.
Your view seems very child like in many ways. That is not a bad thing necesasarily, just naive.

A person (man or woman's) power can come in many ways. It might be because he is in the same organization with a similarly high status or rank, or it could be because he is a cop or prosecutor with gov't force behind him, or he could be a News reporter with the power to make things public.

Regardless of how that power comes about if there is a person or organization in a place of power abusing it, it is a good thing when someone else with power (from wherever) is willing to confront that one and risk a battle to make them stop.

You can wish disproportionate power never existed or that people would always be nice but that is not reality. So in reality when a person or organization abuses their power we WANT others with power to confront and stop them.

(now if you argued both Brad and her should have done more to prevent future Harvey abuse that is another thing entirely).

I’m afraid you’ve missed my point, or I’m not articulating it clearly enough.

I don’t have a “can’t we all just get along” worldview. But when a system allows someone to be fucked over, I find it strange that the same person would think the same system is fantastic when it works in their favoir and look to join it.

If the Stasi fucked me over, but I said it was OK because I’ve got a friend higher up in the Stasi and I actually want to be in the Stasi myself, then surely I’m becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution?
If the Stasi fucked me over, but I said it was OK because I’ve got a friend higher up in the Stasi and I actually want to be in the Stasi myself, then surely I’m becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution?

Face palm.

You understand that the Stasi was a nefarious organization set up to work against the interests of the people of the DDR for the benefit of those who wanted to maintain power, right?

Hollywood is set up to make money.

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