Vitor vs. Hendo stoppage?

My thoughts on the stoppage:

1) It was a totally legit stoppage from the ref; Hendo took a huge punch, a few other punches on the ground, and a huge kick to the jaw which ended with his knees giving out, his arms dropping and his body going limp. (All of this in only a few seconds)

2) That being said, Hendo is one of a very few fighters that I wouldn't count totally out in this circumstance. If the ref had let it go, it's not unreasonable that he would have been able to come to and put up some defense (though it seemed unlikely).

All in all, I think it's a completely legit stoppage. It reminds me a bit of Hendo's fight against Fedor, although a bit less controversial. Could Fedor have turned it around? Absolutely. Was it legit for the ref to step in? For sure. I don't know if Hendo was "out," but he sure as hell was not properly defending himself.

well put. I agree with this.
I did seem a little fast at first, but I can live with the stoppage, I just find it funny how many people are trying to make judgments on it that clearly didn't actually watch it live. only grainy slow motion gifs. on both sides of the argument
I cannot see how anyone thinks this is an early stoppage. What do you guys want? Hendo to have permanent brain damage from the fight? That's all that would have happened. Vitor would have landed a few more big shots that weren't needed.
i voted OK stoppage. Hendo was coherent,but he took too many unanswered blows. he got uppecuted to hell in the opening seconds,got beat on and beat on the whole way before he finally got to his feat and ate a head kick and went down bad. A complete uninterrupted beatdown. Its kind of like the hendo "KO" of fedor...fedor probably couldve kept going but i can see why the ref stoped it. the way hendo went down from the kick prompted him to come and make the save...cant argue with that

Here he has just waken up, and still have no idea where he is or what he is doing, just instinct.

A ok stoppage? It was a perfect one if u ask me. 5-10 seconds later we would have Lindland all over.
After the 1st knockdown, then the g&p, and then the kick if the ref didn't jump in Hendo might have gotten killed.
not a big hendo fan, and at the same time, didnt want his face turned into a meatball sandwich either.
Decent stoppage. The way Dan went down was almost a flash KO. I didn't have a problem with it. If the ref didn't stop it then, it probably would have been a tko anyways. Still Dan has an epic chin.
Decent stoppage. The way Dan went down was almost a flash KO. I didn't have a problem with it. If the ref didn't stop it then, it probably would have been a tko anyways. Still Dan has an epic chin.

it's pretty crazy that dan wasnt fully asleep after the kick. Most guys wouldnt have stood up after the uppercut. Legendary chin IMO.
Perfect stoppage, that chin was finally cracked.
You're kidding me, we need a poll for this? I mean, really, looks like any stoppage that isn't a clean KO is controversial in these parts.
Really that's a question ?
He was out before he hit the floor . good stoppage .
Or diaz Daley, Or frankie Maynard, or Franklin Wanderlei 2. People recover, crazy shit happens. Not saying it would have, but it could have considering Hendos chin and recovery. Wanderlei, Fejaio, and Fedor all had him hurt and he came back and ko'd them.

Hendo did recover. He was knocked out cold from the uppercut and woke back up from the first punch Vitor landed on him. He even managed to get back to his feet, after being uppercut into the air like he was in a goddamn video game, and he ate a shin for his trouble.

I have no idea, those people are blood thirsty

Live it seemed a little quick, but in the replays Henderson looks done, dude is laying there with his eyes closed

Like I said, I can only understand thinking it was early based on initial reaction, but the stoppage is fine when you review the replays as you can see that Dan is done

I noticed, after watching this fight live, that I've trained myself to slow down time during Vitors fights. After watching it live, and cleaning the jizz out of my pants, I checked Sherdog and saw people talking about an early stoppage and thought "What the fuck?". So I re-watched it and noticed it was A LOT faster than I remembered. Insane how many shots he took and how brutal they were in such a short period of time....

Decent stoppage. The way Dan went down was almost a flash KO. I didn't have a problem with it. If the ref didn't stop it then, it probably would have been a tko anyways. Still Dan has an epic chin.

Definitely. Gotta have respect for a man who can weather a storm that would comatose almost anyone else. At the same time though, if it were anyone else the fight would have been stopped after the uppercut. I have no doubt about that.
Great stoppage, voted for "OK" stoppage. It's ridiculous that this is even a major dispute.
Hard to say but I voted for early stoppage - mostly because Hendo had a leg and, well, he's Hendo. I do think there's a chance Dan could have tied him up and recovered and with Vitor's terrible record in any fight that goes past one round, there's a definite chance we were robbed of one of the greatest comeback's of all time. That said, Hendo was taking a beating and I worry a bit for his long term health.

Here he has just waken up, and still have no idea where he is or what he is doing, just instinct.

A ok stoppage? It was a perfect one if u ask me. 5-10 seconds later we would have Lindland all over.

I disagree. This is a great photo of why it was an early stoppage.

1) Dan has his head off the mat vs being laid out as some of you have stated

2) Dan has his legs up in a defensive manner, he isnt laid out cold

3) And this is the major one: Dan has a hand clasped and is about to secure a hold on Vitors right leg, which Mirgliotta interrupts with the stoppage but can be seen in the rest of the gif. Dan is coherent, is trying to defend himself, and can continue.

Had Mirgliotta not stepped in...well, who knows...but I think it was stopped early just like the Fedor VS Hendo stoppage.

I can see why Mirgliotta stopped it from his perspective and he erred on the side of caution but I wouldve let it go for another 1-2 seconds as it appears Dan was recovering well, just like he did from the previous shot.

Oh well, great job by Vitor nonetheless.
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From a reffing standpoint the stoppage was absolutely correct. From a personal standpoint it was early
I think it was early. I felt Fedor Vs Hendo was early also. When it is a BIG fight, I'd give another few seconds to make sure it was over.
Pretty much out. Third gif look scary. Hendo was in the land on the dreams.

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