UFC Moscow weigh in: Taisumov missed weight by 5 pounds

He is 5’9 with a build like this, how is this small??
Never forget the Russian doping scandal
Hey, I bet Mairbek did it on purpose! He just wanted to give Desmond part of his "KO of the night" bonus, because Desmond needs a lot of money right now, lol
Never forget the Russian doping scandal
That makes zero sense, because there's stuff like diuretics that can help you lose weight. If he was a juicer, he sure as hell could have lost high amounts of water weigh rapidly with zero effort and make the cut.
Fighters don't even bother trying to make weight. They already know that they're gonna miss and they show up a full weight class above their opponent.
Russian Tiramisu strikes again.

Also missing by more than 2lbs should be an automatic move up to the next division if you don’t get cut. Make weight there three times, maybe you can go down agains
Fighters don't even bother trying to make weight. They already know that they're gonna miss and they show up a full weight class above their opponent.

And they got a shitle tot like Till. Romero.

But if you didn’t suck Dana’s cock and you’re the champ, you get cut.
Brock should fight at LHW and just weigh in at 265lbs and take the 10% fine and smash people.

Any LHW with good striking would still KO him at this point.

So that's a 10% fine and a concussion bill.
Well he's 30 now and didn't get the chance to be very active over the last few years. Maybe he can't cut to 155 anymore
Well shit, that was his first time in his pro MMA career that he missed weight, in 32 fights.

Shit happens I guess.

Also why 7 pounds? He has to weigh-in at 156. If he's 161 that means he has missed weight by 5 pounds.

arithmetic is so underrated these days
Disgraceful. People need to stop accepting the fights when the opponent misses weight by a huge amount.
Not really an option as the UFC will probably be cunts and refuse to pay them, that or offer a last mi ute replacement that can be worse than fighting a guy you've trained and planned for.
i hope desmond wrangles this fool to a UD
Shit, these caucasian warriors, are so tough,
they kill themselves to fight at 155, instead of going to 170 where they belong.
I’m about 20lbs overweight...No Big Deal..

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