UFC 221 - Rockhold vs Romero - Australia

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Yep like it. I'm splitting my pre fight action on Li ML and itd. 70% on ML and 30% on the itd prop.

i think rd 3 +1300 is worth a play as well. if hes cleally winning the fight the decision might be offered at good plus money sometime before the 3rd round for a middle
does anyone know when li got into australia?

couldnt find anything on social media
5D starting to add KO/sub, round, no scorecards and other props finally. BM has them for seven fights so far. Love Li Jingliang KO/TKO +400 at 5D. Love Mark Hunt scorecards= no action at -105 at 5D. Luke Rockhold wins in round 4 at +1600 on BM.
Don't understand the line movement on Matthews/Jingliang. Looks like every single person on the forum is betting Jingliang (incl. some big ones in the official bets thread), yet his price has improved from around -200 to -150..??

Is there some secret betting forum in the dark web where everyone's dropping 6u plays on Matthews?
Don't understand the line movement on Matthews/Jingliang. Looks like every single person on the forum is betting Jingliang (incl. some big ones in the official bets thread), yet his price has improved from around -200 to -150..??

Is there some secret betting forum in the dark web where everyone's dropping 6u plays on Matthews?
I find it odd too. This happens all the time though, which is why I often discount people who try to read into the "steam" as if there's some smart money out there who is in on a fix or who knows better than me or some perfect efficiency of the market as an aggregate which a smart bettor can use to try to deduce who is likely to win based on how the line moves. You can't even blame Australian money betting Matthews as they aren't allowed to wager at 5D or BM and other popular sportsbooks that many of us use in North America or Europe.
I figured that I'd end up on Matthews if his odds shot up. I ended up playing Jing small at -150. I just have a bad feeling that Matthews may end up on Jing's back in a scramble.
I'm surprised that Zane Simon and Connor Ruebusch picked Hunt and Romero to win
My guy I usually bet through doesn't have the lines up and Im guessing he won't be doing the event which I'm not happy about. Is there any site I can just use my CC instead of having to buy Bitcoins? I'm in USA.
I find it odd too. This happens all the time though, which is why I often discount people who try to read into the "steam" as if there's some smart money out there who is in on a fix or who knows better than me or some perfect efficiency of the market as an aggregate which a smart bettor can use to try to deduce who is likely to win based on how the line moves. You can't even blame Australian money betting Matthews as they aren't allowed to wager at 5D or BM and other popular sportsbooks that many of us use in North America or Europe.

Perfect example just happened. Morales got HAMMERED a bit before the fight with Figueiredo and it made some us a little anxious. Then Morales gets smashed. So yeah...Jim is spot on here. Don't get caught up too much on the big line swings. They can be advantageous if you stick to your read and get better odds though obviously. Wish I'd have added more to Figueiredo for example when his odds went up so much.
Perfect example just happened. Morales got HAMMERED a bit before the fight with Figueiredo and it made some us a little anxious. Then Morales gets smashed. So yeah...Jim is spot on here. Don't get caught up too much on the big line swings. They can be advantageous if you stick to your read and get better odds though obviously. Wish I'd have added more to Figueiredo for example when his odds went up so much.
I'm not complaining about the improved price on Jingliang btw. I'm just curious, somebody's betting Matthews and I'd like to know who.
What is NSC supposed to mean? No contest?
NSC= no scorecards

The bet (risk amount) will be refunded if the fight goes to decision.

The bet cashes if your guy finishes his opponent. You lose your money if your guy gets finished.
What is NSC supposed to mean? No contest?

No scorecards.

Meaning if the fight goes the distance your bet is refunded no matter who wins. You lose if your guy is stopped and you win if your guy wins itd. Hunt is a great play for this because if he wins it' likely by KO but if he loses good chance it' by Dec so you'd get your bet back.
I figured that I'd end up on Matthews if his odds shot up. I ended up playing Jing small at -150. I just have a bad feeling that Matthews may end up on Jing's back in a scramble.
His surname is Li, brah
Perfect example just happened. Morales got HAMMERED a bit before the fight with Figueiredo and it made some us a little anxious. Then Morales gets smashed. So yeah...Jim is spot on here. Don't get caught up too much on the big line swings. They can be advantageous if you stick to your read and get better odds though obviously. Wish I'd have added more to Figueiredo for example when his odds went up so much.

Took advantage of that Fig line, but at times it can mean something. Gina Mazany had a huge swing against Wu shortly before the fight as injury info leaked. She went into the fight with a broken bone in her foot. Mazany still won but there was reason for the big movement.
I really love Li ITD @+190, seems like a great line.
Li, Pedro, Volk, and Abe for a red panty night.
I rewatched Jake vs Bojan.. lol Jake was a paniced wrestler. Li jingliang is the Best bet for this event imo
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