Trump goes full truther on Puerto Rico

It's not crumbs, blue collar wages are rising faster than they have in decades and faster than incomes are rising in higher tax brackets.

As for whether others have it better, I don't begrudge it; envy is a sin every bit as much as greed.

I'm willing to bet you've got your own preconceived answer to that question, before looking at the facts that Trump's policies are substantially benefiting small businesses and blue collar and unskilled workers. No doubt they benefit the wealthy. I'm cynical enough to know that everything government does ultimately helps the wealthy more or hurts them less than it will help or hurt me.

Okay but certainly the recession in '07 was the worst global economic crisis since the depression. Wages were bound to rise after this but I am sure the administration will claim credit for this.

I am amazed that some people actually believe the guy with a gold toilet is fighting for the little guy.
did that mayor who looked like jds' wife ever go to la penitentiaria?