Crime Thousand Oaks: At least 12 dead in mass shooting at California bar. Attacker also dead

Ian David Long, drove his moms car to get there, multiple prior contacts with police. Gonna guess incel neck beard with mental health problems
RIP to the victims.

RIP to SGT Ron Helus, Ventura County Sheriff. Killed in the process of taking down the shooter.
Apparently he was using an extended clip. Those are banned in California. Precisely to limit mass murder casualties.
I wonder if there'd be a downtrend in the number of these shootings if the perpetrators weren't given their 15 minutes of fame.
By the description it seems that the attacker was a middle eastern descent. It appears that religion of peace struck again.
Source please

I'm reading now, and I see no mention of this. Also, let's keep perspective. Most U.S. mass shooters are WHITE MALES. Unless we're ready to treat every white guy as a potential killer, let's not fall down this rabbit hole until more details surface.
Apparently he was using an extended clip. Those are banned in California. Precisely to limit mass murder casualties.
Well no, they were banned as an effort to curtail usage via stiffer penalties during seizure of illegal firearms or noted illegal usage. And they were banned as part of a deal that allowed more automatic or modified weapons to remain somewhat protected via caveats to larger laws.
This is going to be some gun control vs mental illness shitshow
Thousand Oaks gunman Ian David Long, a military veteran, white male

The 29-year-old white male from California died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the scene. According to NBC News, the shooter drove his mother’s vehicle to the bar. Police said the gunman was “heavily tattooed,” but did not provide details about the tattoos, which were used to identify him along with fingerprints, NBC News reports.

Yeah but if every kid has an AR-15 in school I guarantee you mass shootings stop tomorrow
Lol there would be mass shooting if every kid at my school had an ar. Or a hand gun, fuck even a musket loader.
Otherwise they wouldn’t report the shooting. Eager to ensure proper narrative
Man, you're already playing politics and 12 people are dead. If you're arguing that non-white shooters don't get reported, you know you're lieing. Everyday on the news in every major city, shootings are reported. Just turn on your TV at 9pm. In fact, the truth is media outlets don't give nearly as much coverage to white shooters unless it's a mass killing. And that's an actual fact.

But on the subject of mass shooters - name every mass shooter in the U.S. along with their race. We'll wait.

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