Things I wish I had realized younger than 29 years old

Listen to older people. They're more often right than you.
Work on something consistently. Little at a time. If I think about how I didn't play video games in my 20s and used that time to study Spanish at least an hour a day, I'd be fluent by now. If practiced guitar an hour a day, I'd be awesome at guitar. But nope, I spent hours and hours on leveling up my character in Skyrim or some bullshit.
I learned:
1) time is a valuable commodity. It seemed endless when I was younger. Now I have so little of it left to myself that I wring everything out of it I possibly can.
2) don't commit to unrealistic dreams. Nothing has made me unhappier than having expectations I couldn't fullfil.
3) go all in for the things you can actually get: commit fully to your woman and kids. Give your friends your affection and not just endless ribbing and sarcasm. Take a few chances.
4) always turn around and look at a nice ass if you can get away with it.
Work on something consistently. Little at a time. If I think about how I didn't play video games in my 20s and used that time to study Spanish at least an hour a day, I'd be fluent by now. If practiced guitar an hour a day, I'd be awesome at guitar. But nope, I spent hours and hours on leveling up my character in Skyrim or some bullshit.
It's not too late though. I started learning Italian via an app on my phone a few months back. Like, I'll never be fluent, but when I went there two weeks ago I was surprised at how much I was actually able to say and understand with very limited training (just ca. 15 minutes a day for 6 weeks).
Look into the stock market and start investing while you're young, yeah yeah it seems boring at first but you'll thank me. I had money sitting in bank accounts for years doing shit all when it could've been making it work for me.

Every day you have lots of free time, fill it with useful shit! Sit on a train to work? Download a language podcast or Duolingo and fill up your time filling up your brain. There's hundreds of apps out there for the purposes of learning.

Saved the most important one for last... Get your 7 hours a night as standard, good sleep is the one biggest thing I regret not getting in my 20s. It's massively important for good quality of life, mental and physical health, motivation, focus, etc. Turn off the computer games and get your head down at 11.
1. I wish I had eaten better when I was in high school and college. My mom always said I can eat whatever I want when I am playing sports, so I did...and was chubby throughout high school and fat in college. I lot a ton a weight when I was 22 and never looked back, but being fit in those years would have helped my self confidence a lot back then.

2. I wish I had pushed myself harder in high school. I graduated with a 4.0, but put zero effort into it. It was too easy and I didn't care. I wish I had taken more AP classes so I would actually work.
Appreciate things more. Because not all things will be there later. Free time is gone once you have a family. Hiking, biking, everything like that has a limit. At some point it starts to get a lot harder to do. And damn. Appreciate the girls when you are young. When you are older, all ya can do is look at a tight body and try to remember what they were like.

It's never too late, two girls I know in their late 20s got into relationships with guys in their 50s.

One of those couples just bought a house together 3 years in.
Eat as much fat ass as you can but never trust the bitch.
I wish I could tell my young teenage self to...

Stop assuming so much about everything.

Know the facts before drawling a conclusion.

Play more sports and study more.

Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket (girls).

Go to bed earlier.
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1. Travel more

2. Worked more and even progress more in my career when I first started working in my field when I was 25. Maybe even taking the risk and changing careers

3. Invest more agressively from the get go

4. Build more relationships with others.

5. Not waste my time obessing over things that really hasn't contribute much to my life (e.g. playing excessive video games, working out/powerlifting too much)
2. Maintaining relationships with people and friends is really important and improves the quality of your life. Be there for family and friends and come to them when you’re down. Don’t be an island.

They interview people with extreme longevity (folks who live like 100 years).

Some of them say absurd crap like "the secret to a long life is smoking a pack of cigarettes a day" and stuff. But what they found to be consistent was that all of these people tend to have strong social support.
I love reading this kind of threads, listening to this old fvcks about life advise now that I'm still in my early 20s.
Idk I kinda realized shit early n I’m only 25
3. Masturbate at least once a day even if you’re sexually active