So my ex wants to start talking again should i give it a go?

Oh and pics?

There should be a thread start requirement that if it’s about a chick in question it won’t let you post until a pic is uploaded.
lol I entered the thread thinking "maybe? Let's see what happened?" ...but blowing 70 year old dudes? Nah, you're better off.
Why is hamburger helper being mentioned so much in this thread? Did i miss something?

BTW TS, yes, you should definetely go back to the girl who blew your half dead neighbor. Let us know how that goes

Not even a good attempt.
Yeah my country ass ex gf wants to talk again this Ho blew my 70 yr old neighbor because she felt sad for him. Smh i do miss her but damn she gives out sympathy blow jobs how can i trust her. Anyway she claims she over all that and that she was sorry. Do i trust her? Im thinking about hittin it and quittin it but she will blow up my phone no pun intended. She does have a good job now and im broke so this could be an opportunity.

Nah. But send her my way. I have the flu so hopefully she is sympathetic enough to shine my knob. Although she might want to get her flu shot first.