should obesity be illegal?

And the local BLM stops by.. Thanks for injecting racial politics were it is not needed..

The police are a profession that has a lot of obesity.

It coincides with the thread you simpleton
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The police are a profession that hasn't a lot be obesity.

It coincides with the thread you simpleton
The only simpleton is you, fool. You only brought up police because of your racial politics.. Simpleton, such a quaint word..
Fat people should have their victim card removed.
Doesn't smell like freedom to me, or Big Mac's, so I say no.
Self inflicting harm is illegal like suicide, and drug abuse. So..should obesity be illegal too? Should they make it so you can't be over a certain BMI or fat percentage? Of course, some body builders will be considered obese in the BMI index but they have 0 fat. So there should obviously be exceptions.

But if your BMI is 30+ and 50% body fat, then there is something wrong with you. Especially those who are so fat that they are considered disabled and have to go around walmart in a wheelchair.

Should the government intervene and fine these fat fucks for self neglect? I would love to hear the SJWs opinion.

People are scared of the pain of getting in shape. People are weak. I'd have no problem decriminalizing obesity.
The police are a profession that hasn't a lot be obesity.

It coincides with the thread you simpleton

My cousin is on that team. A LT.

He's a decent guy but he will bust you no matter what,
I disagree, I eat a high fat diet, I don't put on any fat. Give me a few weeks of crap with refined sugar in it, ill balloon up.

Sugar is the biggest cancer on society. Fats are good for you.
Sugar, carbs, etc retain water, which would explain why normally being on a keto type diet, and introducing carbs suddenly would cause you to bloat. You most likely don't put on any fat because maybe even if you don't count and track, it still at the end of the day falls within your maintenance intake (TDEE). If you're eating the same meals as you have, but now adding sugar foods say 2-3 bananas everyday, while have been on maintenance the entire time, you have now gone over with the added foods (sugar) and are in a surplus. Gaining weight is reasonable due to being in a surplus.

Some people can't handle high carbs and end up doing a keto type diet and thats fine, but its not for everyone. I myself need high carbs to function well, that along with an extremely high metabolism (3600 maintenance). I've done it all before, and I performed terribly on keto type diets.

I also find, most folks tend to be similar to myself, only a small minority can do keto and run it well. As long as things are done in moderation its fine.

I tried to do the "Whole30" challenge with my wife last fall. We made it about 4 days but were ready to snap into a murderous rage at day 2. Anyone who doubts how powerful sugar is should give it a try. It's not just sweets, its sugars in carbs, too. You don't realize how much of a grip it has on you until you try to cut it off.
We went over this in the d&s forum last year, the plan isn't good. Maybe you can get away without sugar, but the restrictions on that plan were so severe you end up eating starvation calories, so yes heavy mood swings and "snapping into a murderous rage" will happen. The whole idea is super clean eating but relying on protein as an energy source, which itself is terrible. Low carbs have to be substituted with fats to sustain. I think it was something like 1000-1300 calories based on their counting system of hand measurements without adjusting based on your individual activity level, metab, etc
Rogan's always good for some bro science.

And you are awesome for answering medical questions!

Q-If person is stabbed in his/her heart, how long do they have?
So should violent sports be outlaw or anyone that participates be taxed.

This is an MMA site, right?
I tried to do the "Whole30" challenge with my wife last fall. We made it about 4 days but were ready to snap into a murderous rage at day 2. Anyone who doubts how powerful sugar is should give it a try. It's not just sweets, its sugars in carbs, too. You don't realize how much of a grip it has on you until you try to cut it off.

this is 100% true. i went 30 days one time only eating natural sugars from fruits.

i truly didnt miss them at all after day 10 or so. around day 30 someone had made me some cookies. i honestly didnt even want them, but decided to eat a few to be nice. thats when i got that taste back....
If we went to universal health care I'd be open to a person's tax for it being on a sliding scale according to their body fat%, that way it incentivizes eating healthy and working out. Provides us with more able bodied men also should shit go down.

This is the very reason I can't back universal healthcare. As soon as that's a public resource, everyone's health habits suddenly become the governments business and they can argue reason to control pretty much any other part of their lives on this premise. If I could know it wouldn't slip that way, I'd be far more open to it but I know it wouldn't. You'd even have conservatives unintentionally arguing it the same way they do with those on welfare. "Well why does that obese person take more benefits than me and we both have to pay into the system equally."

It would suck
I honestly feel bad for fatties who have a legitimate medical condition. They're the exception (s) though and fatties raise medical costs and insurance rates for all of us. At least make them pay a fat tax if they aren't buying healthy foods.
Self inflicting harm is illegal like suicide, and drug abuse. So..should obesity be illegal too? Should they make it so you can't be over a certain BMI or fat percentage? Of course, some body builders will be considered obese in the BMI index but they have 0 fat. So there should obviously be exceptions.

But if your BMI is 30+ and 50% body fat, then there is something wrong with you. Especially those who are so fat that they are considered disabled and have to go around walmart in a wheelchair.

Should the government intervene and fine these fat fucks for self neglect? I would love to hear the SJWs opinion.

you are so beyond fucking stupid
you should get spayed or neutured
No, but fatasses should be charged extra for health insurance. Too bad obamacare prohibits that