should obesity be illegal?


Mar 9, 2015
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Self inflicting harm is illegal like suicide, and drug abuse. So..should obesity be illegal too? Should they make it so you can't be over a certain BMI or fat percentage? Of course, some body builders will be considered obese in the BMI index but they have 0 fat. So there should obviously be exceptions.

But if your BMI is 30+ and 50% body fat, then there is something wrong with you. Especially those who are so fat that they are considered disabled and have to go around walmart in a wheelchair.

Should the government intervene and fine these fat fucks for self neglect? I would love to hear the SJWs opinion.
New York and California should just tax the shit out of "fat", they tax everything else.
No, but they should be sterilized so they can't breed.
Absolutely yes!

Serious note:
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Only if there is a secret fat people task force that I get to be a part of.
I don't think specific laws are needed for it, but allowing a kid to become dangerously overweight certainly constitutes neglect imo and is grounds for intervention.

Adults - nah, fuck them.
No, you're safe along as you don't come out of your mom's basement
Should be taxed, based on how much exta health care you need.
Mandating health requirements is the logical evolution of forced health insurance.
The Rock and Lebron James would be considered obese using BMI
No, but they should be sterilized so they can't breed.

lol, not that this changes your statement. But I honestly believe being fat has fuck all to do with genetics and everything to do with habits. Fat people have fat habits that they pass on to their fat kids... then morons call it genetic o_O
sugary foods are as addictive as many illegal drugs. ill throw that into the convo
If we went to universal health care I'd be open to a person's tax for it being on a sliding scale according to their body fat%, that way it incentivizes eating healthy and working out. Provides us with more able bodied men also should shit go down.
Self inflicting harm is illegal like suicide, and drug abuse. So..should obesity be illegal too? Should they make it so you can't be over a certain BMI or fat percentage? Of course, some body builders will be considered obese in the BMI index but they have 0 fat. So there should obviously be exceptions.

But if your BMI is 30+ and 50% body fat, then there is something wrong with you. Especially those who are so fat that they are considered disabled and have to go around walmart in a wheelchair.

Should the government intervene and fine these fat fucks for self neglect? I would love to hear the SJWs opinion.

In my opinion, the less things are illegal, the better... And obesity definetly couldnt be illegal...
The Rock and Lebron James would be considered obese using BMI
That's why I talked about fat % as well. The Rock has like NO fat on him. Just lean big bulgy muscular muscles...mmm...