School bans "Poverty-shaming" coats

I guess that's why most schools in the philippinians have a uniform policy.
This is crazy liberal horseshit. These people have lost their minds.
This is crazy liberal horseshit. These people have lost their minds.

Stuff like this does seem super far left in the Communism type sense trying to force ‘equality’ ‘no one is different’ blah blah blah. It’s really trying to condition/program people to think a certain way that isn’t natural to them.

Very fucked up imo
Did I touch a nerve there?

Sure there're people all over the world who love their branded shit. But name me a third world country where a school bans branded items in the name of "poverty shaming" or the likes and I'll retract my statement.

Most third world schools have uniforms.
There’s no need. If you’re at a school that actually has low income students, and you’re wearing some expensive clothes, you just made yourself a ducking mark. The poor kids will jump you and steal that shit. At least, that’s how it worked when I was in high school. But then, we weren’t a generation of pussies.
Poor people gonna poor.
Britain really is falling apart.

And how far they have fallen is astonishing
Its lower down the pipeline in the third world of course, but it is for a reason. Kids in our countries need to be taught not to be spoiled cunts, laughing at others cos they cant afford the same clothing.

Spoiled cunts will be spoiled cunts regardless of what they wear. And poor kids need to learn that assholes will always be assholes.

If they allow this coat ban for the reason of stopping "poverty shaming", what's next?
Banning parents from picking up their children in their Mercedes?
Banning kids from inviting their classmates over to play his Playstation or swim in his pool?
Banning parents from picking up their kids because some students are orphans?

Most third world schools have uniforms.

But do they have the same jackets for winter? Or bags or wallets or mobile phones?
I disagree with the premise. Some people have nicer shit than others, some people get a better deal in life. That's a fact.

I thought school was for educating. Seems like a good lesson for kids to learn.
Pooboo's in action.

There’s no need. If you’re at a school that actually has low income students, and you’re wearing some expensive clothes, you just made yourself a ducking mark. The poor kids will jump you and steal that shit. At least, that’s how it worked when I was in high school. But then, we weren’t a generation of pussies.
Eh stealing someone's jacket sounds like a pussy move. Man up and work for one yourself if it's that important. Stealing in general is one of the biggest bitch moves I can think of.
Good for them... as I type this wearing an expensive Patagonia jacket. While we’re at it, can we ban yoga pants for giving consent to rape? Or maybe we can ban MAGA hats because the wearers are inherently racist? Maybe we can ban clean clothes because it makes homeless people feel subhuman?

I mean, let’s go full retard. I don’t want to half ass it here.
But do they have the same jackets for winter? Or bags or wallets or mobile phones?

Yes. If you're in a 3rd world country/region and you need a jacket for snow, you're probably (or should be) wearing some animal skin/fur shit that is worth 100x the Chinese knock-off fashion coat the sporty rich kid is wearing.

Poor people worry about food, not coats. This is middle class shaming at best.
Absolutely this. It's like if they're actually poor, this is just one of a million signs they get every day of that. Everything from the food they eat, the media they consume, what they're doing that weekend, to the future they're all preparing for is glaringly different and there's no escaping that. Unless you go with uniforms there is always going to be a hierarchy of clothing from the top down to the very bottom anyways whether it's an expensive coat or a relatively cheap pair of shoes.
when I was in HS we wore uniforms from Monday to Thursday, Friday was casual day, then one day school made a memo that banned jewelry and branded apparel so as not to force kids to force there parents to buy them expensive clothes, just to meet social pressure standards.