Elections Republican house: no border deal till trump or republican president

Again, would you rather the crisis continue for an entire year just because that would help get your guy elected?
It's not about my guy. Last time I voted, I voted against every incumbent because I felt like they failed us.

It's about acting like you wanna do something because it's crunch time, as opposed to ignoring it until it's benefiticial.

It's the same thing from both sides, and it's all bullshit.
It's not about my guy. Last time I voted, I voted against every incumbent because I felt like they failed us.

It's about acting like you wanna do something because it's crunch time, as opposed to ignoring it until it's benefiticial.

It's the same thing from both sides, and it's all bullshit.
Except its not a both sides issue.

When Trump did something Dems wanted, they didn't vetoed it just because Trump was president.
How did Joe Biden cause the immigration problem when the problem existed before Trump, during Trump, and after Trump?

You talk about how much I hate Trump, you are the one talking about how the Republicans shouldn't make a deal about the border (a huge national crisis, per the right wing) just to harm Joe Biden politically?

Homie, how can you be so fucking backwards in your rhetoric?

"If it's not a Republican fixing the border, I don't want it fixed" ....that might as well be what you're typing

The funniest part about all of this is that the Republicans could just get on TV and point out that Biden was wrong on immigration. It's pretty easy to do.

But now....now they've back themselves into a corner and you have the Republican speaker of the house claiming that now is not the time for immigration reform after screeching about for a decade at this point. Even after they didn't do shit but fuck it up even worse under Trump lmao. You think people are going to ignore the Republican rhetoric on immigration reform and won't notice that they are rejecting immigration reform? I'm sure that will play well with moderate voters. Congrats on being outsmarted by a senile Brandon

I don't teather myself to a person or party, I just don't like what's been going on in this country for the past 4 or so years.

my only point is WHY NOW? WHY NOT YEARS AGO?

You guys are acting like it's a coincidence that this came across Biden's desk for the first time during an all time low in his approval rating.

I've gone back and forth with you a few times, I've never resorted to insults or the smug 'lmfao' or whatever.

You seem angry, let it go... or don't... I'll sleep comfortably either way.

Cheers & good luck, buddy
Except its not a both sides issue.

When Trump did something Dems wanted, they didn't vetoed it just because Trump was president.
Do you really think that's true?

I'm not going to dig around and find it, but this isn't a first time 'Republican-only' thing.

Did they have the numbers to veto anything during the Trump administration? I can't remember
Have you stopped to consider that the House Republicans refused aid to Ukraine and Israel unless they got a border deal so that's how this came about? Now they changed their mind because they think it will boost Biden's numbers at the polls. Are you sure you're mad at the right people?
Brother I'm mad at all of them.
I am confused, didn't GOP control all 3 branches during Trump's first two years? Why didn't they pass a comprehensive immigration bill that Trump built his whole 2016 campaign on?

Oh I know....they were busy repealing and replacing ACA....

GOP cannot govern anymore. They are a party of obstructionists. They hope the SCOTUS does their dirty work and legislates on their behalf.
I don't teather myself to a person or party, I just don't like what's been going on in this country for the past 4 or so years.

my only point is WHY NOW? WHY NOT YEARS AGO?

You guys are acting like it's a coincidence that this came across Biden's desk for the first time during an all time low in his approval rating.

I've gone back and forth with you a few times, I've never resorted to insults or the smug 'lmfao' or whatever.

You seem angry, let it go... or don't... I'll sleep comfortably either way.

Cheers & good luck, buddy

Nobody is acting like it's a coincidence. Nobody is angry.

It's just hilarious watching people screech like they care about issues, then they have an opportunity to fix said issue and they say they can't because somebody they don't like is president.

Your logic is broken. If the people are telling you they don't like something, why wouldn't you change?

It's a microcosm of how Republicans think about damn near anything over the last 8 years. They will actively fuck up government if they think they can score points politically.

I don't think anybody has forgotten that McConnell even went so far as to fillibuster his own bill at one point.

Your points have lacked any sort of substance, any sort of critical thinking, and your overall point is that the Republicans shouldn't do anything with immigration now and wait an entire year before lifting a finger....and that's just assuming Trump wins.

What is going to be the Republican stance when they lose? Are they going to wait 4 more years for reform?

This is the second time Biden has done this to Republicans. The first being when he got them all to stand and applaud social security during his state of the Union Address. This is the same thing. He put the ball in their court and they've decided to take it and go home thinking they will campaign on the issue. People see this.
outrage by the very people who wanted a great depression under trump

"economic disaster will save our democracy"

wait, is the pot calling the kettle black? If I recall for 8 years of Obama we had idiots praying for the downfall of Obama and hoping we wouldn’t come out of the worst economic crisis in 75 years
Democrats are all angels and they never cry about anything

C'mon man it goes both ways

2018 republicans filibusterred any immigration/border bill when trump was president and they had house and senate.

It’s sad, I see this on both sides of the policitical spectrum but the majority of Fox News conservatives don’t actually look at what congress passes and doesn’t pass. They have no idea about individual bills.

Ask a Fox News Republican trump supporter what’s wrong with the us today? 90% will point to gas prices not realizing the President doesn’t affect those things. The point is generally they all spout the same talking points and repeat it until it becomes fact in their mind. Generally uninformed bunch
Nobody is acting like it's a coincidence. Nobody is angry.

It's just hilarious watching people screech like they care about issues, then they have an opportunity to fix said issue and they say they can't because somebody they don't like is president.

Your logic is broken. If the people are telling you they don't like something, why wouldn't you change?

It's a microcosm of how Republicans think about damn near anything over the last 8 years. They will actively fuck up government if they think they can score points politically.

I don't think anybody has forgotten that McConnell even went so far as to fillibuster his own bill at one point.

Your points have lacked any sort of substance, any sort of critical thinking, and your overall point is that the Republicans shouldn't do anything with immigration now and wait an entire year before lifting a finger....and that's just assuming Trump wins.

What is going to be the Republican stance when they lose? Are they going to wait 4 more years for reform?

This is the second time Biden has done this to Republicans. The first being when he got them all to stand and applaud social security during his state of the Union Address. This is the same thing. He put the ball in their court and they've decided to take it and go home thinking they will campaign on the issue. People see this.
My logic is simple.

No one in this administration wanted to address the border issue for years... Why?(I'm not an expert, but I've seen from Mayorkas...)

You'll ignore what I have to say and label me as a "MAGA" or whatever, but, this is me:

I hate the filthy government.

I'm not a fan of Trump or Biden or another live-long politicia & both Democrat or Republican parties.

The system is broken.

Maybe it's cyclical and/or cynical but I had a much easier time (financially) pre2020, I can't act like prices going up while package size goes down, does any good for regular people.
My logic is simple.

No one in this administration wanted to address the border issue for years... Why?(I'm not an expert, but I've seen from Mayorkas...)

You'll ignore what I have to say and label me as a "MAGA" or whatever, but, this is me:

I hate the filthy government.

I'm not a fan of Trump or Biden or another live-long politicia & both Democrat or Republican parties.

The system is broken.

Maybe it's cyclical and/or cynical but I had a much easier time (financially) pre2020, I can't act like prices going up while package size goes down, does any good for regular people.

Your logic is flawed. Voting records and proposed legislation don't lie. Democrats have proposed immigration reform time and time again. Republicans obstruct, then use it as a political cudgel to campaign on. When presented with the option to pass a bill they run faster than Josh Hawley from Capitol Rioters.

This is not a "both sides" issue.
My logic is simple.

No one in this administration wanted to address the border issue for years... Why?(I'm not an expert, but I've seen from Mayorkas...)

You'll ignore what I have to say and label me as a "MAGA" or whatever, but, this is me:

I hate the filthy government.

I'm not a fan of Trump or Biden or another live-long politicia & both Democrat or Republican parties.

The system is broken.

Maybe it's cyclical and/or cynical but I had a much easier time (financially) pre2020, I can't act like prices going up while package size goes down, does any good for regular people.

This is the problem. I can’t blame you but I talk to so many people like yourself, who are frustrated, economically may be suffering and lash out when they are told it’s the damn liberals screwing up again.

The presidents policies do very little to affect an economy. Repeat this again in your head until you understand it. There’s a reason why one party is constantly pushing suscipion on college education and education in General because they make their living off of uneducated people. They feast on people like yourself I’m sorry to say.

They can continue the grift, most people are too busy with their lives to actually look at the details of who’s passing what. And when they tell you to be afraid then that’s what will happen
Ahh so hes this scumbag?
Thomas Douglas Homan[1] is an American former police officer and government official who served during the Trump Administration as Acting Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from January 30, 2017 to June 29, 2018.[2] Within the U.S. government, he is among the earliest proponents of separating children from their parents as a means of deterring illegal entry into the country.[3

AOC is that you?? homan already wrecked her.

Im not the author but i signed it lol my favorite part is that you think it makes him look good

AOC: "aRe U seParaTinG faMiliEs???"

guy: "yeah any time there's an arrest they're gonna be separated"


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