"Raised Without Gender" Vice docu.

There are also roles mentioned in there.

But I don't expect you to understand traditional gender roles.

I don't think everything has to be concrete with gender roles at all times, but they serve an important purpose for thousands of years.
Perhaps it is best to agree to disagree then. Gender is real, as is race, but having roles for gender makes as much as sense to me as having roles for race does. Or having roles for tall people versus short people. Different groups will thrive in different roles, but making them do these roles before they make the decision to want to do them reeks of authoritarianism/ communism to me.
It's messed up to force someone to be gender neutral if they don't want to be, but it's also messed up to make people do/ not do things because of the genitals they were born with. Gender should be irrelevant. Fuck what you're born as. It's about what you do.

I don't like seeing gender stereotypes instilled in kids, but the trend of ignoring gender biological differences is harmful to society. Putting dresses on a little boy, growing his hair and forcing gender/pronoun discussions is the far extreme opposite to that.
Perhaps it is best to agree to disagree then. Gender is real, as is race, but having roles for gender makes as much as sense to me as having roles for race does. Or having roles for tall people versus short people. Different groups will thrive in different roles, but making them do these roles before they make the decision to want to do them reeks of authoritarianism/ communism to me.
You're right.

I guess the big masculine testosterone filled men should stay home and be the house wife while the wife is out laying pipe and drilling oil. Someone's gotta take care of the kids and who better than dad
I don't like seeing gender stereotypes instilled in kids, but putting dresses on a little boy, growing his hair and forcing gender/pronoun discussions is the far extreme to that.
Agreed. Forcing gender neutrality/ transgenderism is as bad as forcing gender roles.
You're right.

I guess the big masculine testosterone filled men should stay home and be the house wife while the wife is out laying pipe and drilling oil. Someone's gotta take care of the kids and who better than dad
Did you not read my line saying different groups will thrive in different roles? Or did you ignore it for what you thought would be a clever comment?
You have to be either in middle school, high school, a 30 year old virgin or a Manga freak to seriously not think there are no discrepancies in genders and that men and women can do the same exact shit. I'm not even going to get involved in these convos anymore, it's just an argument for the sake of arguing and not based on any sort of science, history, fact, knowledge or common god damn sense.
Did you not read my line saying different groups will thrive in different roles? Or did you ignore it for what you thought would be a clever comment?
Go back to your Manga kid
You're right.

I guess the big masculine testosterone filled men should stay home and be the house wife while the wife is out laying pipe and drilling oil. Someone's gotta take care of the kids and who better than dad
I talked to a female MD who came to my business quite a bit many years ago. She quit working to raise her 4 kids and her husband worked. I asked her about that. And she told me this.

"In the years I was a full time MD, I've never seen a career woman and a stay at home dad ever have a good marriage. Not that it can't work, but I just never saw it work out well."

She indicated to me that there were typically problems trying to reverse roles in a marriage.
This is what happens without religion. Religion fills the gaps between yourself and the infintie. Without it, society is lost. People revert back to step one. They can't even figure out what's a boy and a girl. How the fuck are these kids ever going to be great if they can't even figure out which pants to put on? The pink or blue?

Athiests took for granted the bedrock laid by Chrisitanity. They took it as a given. They are wrong.

Nailed it.
How much you want to bet this manga lover gets more pussy than you? Girls will take a confident geek over an insecure "alpha" any day. And I know you'll just respond with some nonsense you think is witty, but I know you know what I said is true, regardless of how many times you deny it.
This is what happens to Vice when Gavin McInnes sells his co-founder portion. It becomes MTV.
How much you want to bet this manga lover gets more pussy than you? Girls will take a confident geek over an insecure "alpha" any day. And I know you'll just respond with some nonsense you think is witty, but I know you know what I said is true, regardless of how many times you deny it.
You have to be either in middle school, high school, a 30 year old virgin or a Manga freak to seriously not think there are no discrepancies in genders and that men and women can do the same exact shit. I'm not even going to get involved in these convos anymore, it's just an argument for the sake of arguing and not based on any sort of science, history, fact, knowledge or common god damn sense.
Japan is very conservative when it comes to gender roles. Their videogames are the only ones that still feature women as sex objects with big boobs. Where else are you gonna see this but Japan?

How much you want to bet this manga lover gets more pussy than you? Girls will take a confident geek over an insecure "alpha" any day. And I know you'll just respond with some nonsense you think is witty, but I know you know what I said is true, regardless of how many times you deny it.

Hate to break it to you furry fucker. Paper pussy doesn't count.

Japan is very conservative when comes to gender roles. Their videogames are the only ones that still feature women as sex objects with big boobs. Where else are you gonna see this but Japan?

To each their own. I was a big dragon ballz fan. But is it surprising people aren't fucking in japan? When guys are idolizing dominant female cartoons and thinking women are attracted to submissive men it's not surprising. Unless of course you're a confident geek like @A.S. Deep and are slaying bitches like Rick on walkers with your sexy gender fluid ass