One machete crime every 90 minutes on Britain's streets as police try to deal with thugs

but but criminals need a safe space too!!!!!
A campaign to arm all with machetes would stop this. You people are blind.
You sir, are an idiot.

The middle east has been getting blown up pretty much forever and Africa has been poor and starving pretty much forever.

It hasnt been just the US bombing the shit out if the mid-east.

Why did these migrants/refugees just begin to appear recently?
Whatever makes you feel better bud.
fucking Indiana Jones.
Why not arm everyone with machetes?
You need a force multiplier. One guy with a blade being attacked by multiple with blades usually can't do anything, but arm him with a gun and the thugs know at least one of them can and probably will die.
What does the NMA have to say about this
You need a force multiplier. One guy with a blade being attacked by multiple with blades usually can't do anything, but arm him with a gun and the thugs know at least one of them can and probably will die.

Then people should roam in packs, armed with machetes, of course.
Its just a distraction from the real problem and that is the thousands of people everyday operating a tv without a license
Then people should roam in packs, armed with machetes, of course.

As someone who lives in the UK, much of this crime is attributed to local gangs (as in, born and bred british kids) and thier criminal shenanigans, not so much immigrants (thats not to say they dont do a bit of stabbing when given half a chance) who are also involved in illegal antics, but not to the same degree.

Also the shabby state of the police force in the UK, which is undermanned, overstretched and hugely limited in its powers doesnt help. Huge cuts in police numbers and poor pay for existing staff have lead to a lot of police officers leaving for other jobs in the civil service which are better paid and without any physical risk.

Its a shit show
My cousin lives in London.

She says every day that someone gets stabbed, usually youth and that there’s a bunch of 14-15 year olds on the streets every day mugging.

Ironic that London today reminds me of 1800s London with Murderers, pick pockets, thieves, like in Oliver Twist.
Gosh, America is so violent and terrible.

Oh wait.

I guess we're not the sole kings of violence.
