Official War Room Awards 2018


@Lead @Limbo Pete

I mentioned making a Hall of Shame thread earlier and I understand why the mods not like that but I think we should have sticky thread where people can submit quotes and threads throughout the year for these awards.

It's hard to remember all the great/horrible shit say over a year. Need a receptacle where people can compile their nominations throughout the year.

I agree it's hard to remember at the end of the year and usually the people who document during the year do best. Not really sure it's a good idea for its own specific thread. People usually put awful quotes in their sig when they are memorable enough or store them somewhere. It doesn't have to be in a thread dedicated to it until the awards.
I agree it's hard to remember at the end of the year and usually the people who document during the year do best. Not really sure it's a good idea for its own specific thread. People usually put awful quotes in their sig when they are memorable enough or store them somewhere. It doesn't have to be in a thread dedicated to it until the awards.
IIRC, both Homer and Palis used to use their platforms to make fun of particularly bad posters. Palis had his goldencuck awards and Homer had a hall of shame or something.
IIRC, both Homer and Palis used to use their platforms to make fun of particularly bad posters. Palis had his goldencuck awards and Homer had a hall of shame or something.

Wasn't bobgeese the only person Homer highlighted?
I agree it's hard to remember at the end of the year and usually the people who document during the year do best. Not really sure it's a good idea for its own specific thread. People usually put awful quotes in their sig when they are memorable enough or store them somewhere. It doesn't have to be in a thread dedicated to it until the awards.
I will clearly take down the award for:

Best surfer that posts memes. It's not even close. Wait, how is that not a category? WTF is this?

Anyone that posts FUNNY MEMES deserves an award
As has been traditional ever since the case of Panamaican v. Cableandthanos, Thread No. 2802197, p. 142 (Sherdog, 2014) was reargued in the 2015 Awards Thread.

This reminds me that back then I didn't actually know who Cable or Thanos were.

I'm starting to see a connection between some usernames...
The worthlessness combined with the volume of your postings make you a shit poster. But you're better at it than others. You've started to grow on me.
Like a fungus or a zit, one assumes.
Getting old is a motherfucker. I'm at a stage in my life when I'd rather get 10 hours of sleep on a Saturday night than have a threesome.
Why not both? Just start earlier :)

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