Newest research hints that first life may have been designed

It's a theory, just like evolution. Neither can be proven. But I believe in this one I posted.

No it's not a theory. It wasn't based on observable data when it was written. It provides those with no need to know how things actually slowly progressed over millennia a nice metaphor for how natural systems arise, however. See, if birds didn't come from their parents, they would still be popping out of thin air. That type of thing just doesn't happen. The word of God carries power and meaning to me, so I am not degrading it's truth, it's just a different kind of truth that leads to a different kind of knowledge. I just know it's not science, and it's not a theory like evolution is. Natural (and now unnatural) selection is more than a theory, by the way. It's the way species adapt and change over time. We've seen it even in the very short time we've been looking. Shoot, we've seen it in ourselves. The "Theory" that we come from our parents and share half of their DNA is really the basis of natural selection, and it's fairly proven.
I thought most, if not all, jellyfish had no form of locomotion.
Jellyfish move by contracting their bells. It's actually an extremely efficient means of locomotion [LINK].

"We summarize evidence that the last common ancestor of all eukaryotic organisms possessed a 9+2 flagellum that was used for gliding motility along surfaces, beating motility to generate fluid flow, and localized distribution of sensory receptors, and trace possible earlier stages in the evolution of these characteristics."

Very interesting and would make a lot of sense. Last common ancestor had to come fully equipped or at least with a motile device. You can't expect an organism of any kind to survive without ways to move about, otherwise it would get stuck or never get to where it's required to be in order to survive. As you know, cells in your body have different functions, so they need to be somewhere precise at a precise time. The flagella or cilia are used to get them on time, on target. These motile devices seem to have been around forever lol

Yup. Another sherdogger who knows nothing of science. Let me see if I can break this down.

It's just a theory
Science can't explain x so it has to be god.
Life had to start somewhere, even though this isn't evolution but abiogenesis
The eye is so complex it had to be designed
peanut butter argument
banana argument
Kirk Cameron
some retarded study about shells

Did I cover them all? Please add more if I missed any arguments that have nothing to do with science and everything to do with rhetoric and fallacious reasoning.
The ocean is full of animals with no locomotion, they're called coral.

"Coral organisms use minuscule appendages to control their environment, stirring up water eddies to bring nutrients."

wait for it...
wait for it...

it's cilia

Corals may not move anywhere, but some parts do move in order for the coral to get its nutrients and push away potentially toxic waste
Yup. Another sherdogger who knows nothing of science. Let me see if I can break this down.

It's just a theory
Science can't explain x so it has to be god.
Life had to start somewhere, even tbough this isn't evolution but abiogenesis
The eye is so complex it had to be designed
peanut butter argument
banana argument
Kirk Cameron
some retarded study about shells

Did I cover them all? Please add more if I missed any arguments that have nothing to do with science and everything to do with rhetoric and fallacious reasoning.

Why do you even bring God in this discussion lol. You're obsessed man. Tell me something, are biochemists on university campuses gods because they modify living organisms? When you've answered this question, you'll realize (at least I hope you will) how poorly thought your post was.

By the way, it wasn't a theory.

Some of you are missing the point. No matter how far back you go, the first life forms had cilia, flagella, or a similar organelle. They're used to move around (swim) or to move things around (like corals use their cilia to bring in nutrients and push away waste). The published research in OP refuted a theory that these swimming/moving apparatuses developed from a symbiosis (spirochete + primitive eukaryote) as it was once thought, but implies primitive life forms always had such apparatus. From the article, because I doubt some of you have read it:

"How did such a complex system evolve? Clearly it must have been preceded by a microtubule cytoskeleton with dynein and kinesin motors. Strong arguments have been made that the driving force for the evolution of a microtubule cytoskeleton and its associated motor proteins was the ability to accurately segregate a large, nuclear membrane-enclosed genome by mitosis. Although the complicated checks and balances used to assure mitotic fidelity vary widely in extant eukaryotes, some aspects of mitosis have been sufficiently conserved and are so central to the process that they must have been present at an early stage. Other aspects of mitosis, assumed to be ancient because of their simplicity, reveal a minimal apparatus but may not reflect the ancestral condition."

I think a picture of cilia assembly is in order to truly appreciate its complexity, because I feel some posters trivialize these nano wonders when they suggest they've risen by chance.


First life forms couldn't have moved without a similar apparatus. And not just that, but they have to be assembled in a precise spot otherwise it won't move properly. If you take the motor of a boat and place it on its starboard, you're going to turn circles. Naturally you want it to be at the aft

Flagellan motor/rotor system (and it spins clockwise too!)


You're going to tell me that this thing above happened by chance millions of years ago? gtfo lol

Let's be real. Has nature produced planes, clocks and similarly complex machinery as the one pictured above? If I see a mountain, I will admit that nature probably made it. If I see a river, I have no hard time believing that nature is responsible for it. If I see a bunch of rocks laid down on the ground forming a pattern, I will ask myself questions. But I can see the possibility that it arose by chance. However, if I see a motor/propeller that assembles itself with so much precision and parts that you cannot imagine, you have to be the most gullible person there is to think it came by chance, nature threw ingredients together and you got something like this. Sure mang

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Why do you even bring God in this discussion lol. You're obsessed man. Tell me something, are biochemists on university campuses gods because they modify living organisms? When you've answered this question, you'll realize (at least I hope you will) how poorly thought your post was.

By the way, it wasn't a theory.
Lol. Way to try and bob and weave. Your arguments are garbage and you know it. Call it what you want. A designer, a god or whatever. ID and creationism are the same. They just try and make ID more scientific sounding but it is still a god of the gaps argument and still garbage.
No, that's not what I meant to ask. And the fact that you think that's what I meant to ask tells me you're not at all even understanding what I'm saying.

So how am I to comprehend what you're saying when you don't even know that we came up with the rules of physics?

And you've yet to explain how your questions are any less arbitrary than what color the sky is.
Lol. Way to try and bob and weave. Your arguments are garbage and you know it. Call it what you want. A designer, a god or whatever. ID and creationism are the same. They just try and make ID more scientific sounding but it is still a god of the gaps argument and still garbage.

Do you believe biochemists are real tho?
Most atheists see the idea of God through the lens of organized religion. Most theists see the idea of God through the lens of organized religion.

Here in lies the reason this debate is so mind numbingly dumb in most discussion. If you're honest, you're agnostic or comfortable with the unknown. One thing I do respect about religophiles is their admittance to the club of fear. Most atheists are to arrogant and smug to truly accept the unknown.

The only question with regards to the origins of life is would it be weirder or more fantastic if intelligence created life or if it somehow spawned from nothing spontaneously? I'm pretty sure you could make an equal argument for either.

I would guess the conditions that spawned life are so alien because of their distance in time from today, even the faint traces of those conditions are long gone, thus we are bogged down in this quagmire where science pretends intelligence couldn't be at play and Bible beaters believe it is the only answer.
So how am I to comprehend what you're saying when you don't even know that we came up with the rules of physics?

And you've yet to explain how your questions are any less arbitrary than what color the sky is.

The rules of physics aren't just arbitrary bullshit that human beings came up with. They describe rules that are mostly constant throughout the universe. If they were made up by humans we wouldn't have a precise mathematical understand of gravity. We wouldn't be able to project the path of a comet or know what's happening inside of a star.
The rules of physics aren't just arbitrary bullshit that human beings came up with. They describe rules that are mostly constant throughout the universe. If they were made up by humans we wouldn't have a precise mathematical understand of gravity. We wouldn't be able to project the path of a comet or know what's happening inside of a star.

Yet gravity has never been explained from first principles. It's just an empirical law that we have described with mathematics (language). I can also describe gravity using the English language, it would be the same. You think because we can put a number on it and 'predict' stuff (mind you we can't even describe a 3 body problem) that somehow we have a complete understanding of it. This 'engineer' or pragmatic view is what is reducing science to mere usage for technology and leaving out the core philosophy of science. This is also why we haven't had a breakthrough in a while since the last quantum revolution.


Edit: To stay on topic, I must say that I am with TS. Darwinist wants us to believe so bad in their common ancestor, random mutation and natural selection bull that they come up with the most unscientific theories (randomness??) and the most childish insults.