Liberals - you sound just as dumb & hopeless as climate change deniers when it comes to Islam

We hear all the time about how climate change deniers ignore reality, and how their stupidity and obliviousness is not just stupid, but dangerous. It must suck coming to the realization that you Islam apologists are doing the exact same thing. You deny facts about how dangerous Islamists are, then invite them into countries. Outside of, what, ~5 War Room liberal regulars, none of you have any fucking idea what you're talking about when it comes to Islam.

You guys are like robots. Whenever the topic of Islam comes up, you have your automated defense mechanisms all ready to go. No matter how many times they get debunked, you keep repeating them. Just to once again go through all the common ones off the top of my head:

"But it's not all Muslims!" - literally no one has ever said it's 100% of Muslims.

"You are more likely to die from _______ than an Islamic terrorist in the US!" - Muslims are 1% of the population. They are still over-represented in terrorist attacks in the US despite this fact.

"They act the way they do because we get involved too much/because of ISLAMOPHOBIA!" - How does this explain the Muslims that slaughter other Muslims in droves? How does this explain Sweden and Germany who have welcomed them with open arms and still get fucked with? Spoiler: It doesn't

"But other religions have terrorists too!" - An amount that is so hilariously insignificant that it's not worth bringing up as a comparison by any stretch of the imagination. There is nothing in the New Testament that tells you to fuck with people. Religions have had reformations. Islam has not. The Koran is interpreted literally.

"But Timothy McVeigh!" - <36>

And the list goes on and on, really. You guys deny reality and betray liberal principles just for the sake of not looking like a "bigot." Your utter refusal to identify a problem without labeling people as bigots is one that has directly lead to people dying.

It gets worse than just the morons in the War Room/social media though. If you've ever watched Bill Maher for example, you'll see tons of liberal """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""intellectuals""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and apologists that genuinely have no idea what they are talking about. Their responses to the facts that Maher brings up are completely nonsensical. No matter how many times Maher has to hammer it into their brain that he's not talking about all Muslims or "painting with too broad a brush," they still say he is. They repeat much of what I already said above, but with even more insane apologist talking points. "Have you heard of Westboro Baptist Church? It's like this group of Christian fundamentalists, they're just as bad as Islam!"

Sometimes the liberals on his show eventually realize they have no fucking idea what they're talking about, and eventually say "what do you want to DO then? Just bomb them?" lmao. You guys really are hopeless.

Here are the facts: Islam is a problem. Does that mean 100% of the people who follow Islam are bad? No. It means you need to stop pretending the extremists are some tiny, minuscule fringe. We have jihadists, but we also have people who want to implement Sharia Law. Extremists are not just limited to people who are willing to explode and take a bunch of women and children with them, as people have been led to believe. Wanting to kill apostates, and the horrible views about human rights they have are also extreme. You can't reference "There are 1.5 BILLION Muslims in the world!!!!!!!" as a talking point and then ignore the fact that like 15% of fucking Turks think suicide bombing is justified. Turkey is kind of a big country if you haven't noticed.

A little critical thinking just absolutely eviscerates all of your arguments in defense of Islam. Kind of strange coming from the people who make fun of the delusional Christian right wing, huh?

Oh, and obligatory:





Migrant crime in Germany rises by 50 per cent, new figures show

This is one of the reasons reformation for Islam has to come within. Genuine kind-loving and moderate Muslims will get no actual help from liberals in the west, who have largely abandoned them. The pro-Islam rhetoric deters people from trying to make a difference. Sad.
Responses from liberals so far:

>some guy on a ban evasion account harping on a typo

I don't read anyone in here defending Islam as a religion, only the fundamental right of individuals to pactice their religion of their choosing without being infringed.

You should read more because it happens literally all the time

Right wingers on this site tend to advocate draconian policies that would alienate Muslims and effectively make them second class citizens, or removing citizenship altogether. This would undoubtedly create an atmosphere that would encourage radicalisation. Ironically, efforts by governments to integrate religious minorities which have a track record of working in many cases are seen as pandering and rejected by the right, which puts the idea that they want integration to bed.

lol, please post some examples of this.

The fact that there are extremist christians and peaceful muslims is only brought up to highlight there is nothing inherently peaceful about christianity, nor will being a muslim make you automatically violent.

Not necessarily, it's basically brought up as the "few bad apples" defense more often than not. Even if we're living in a hypothetical world and people mostly brought it up to show "being a Muslim doesn't automatically make you violent," why would you do that? Is there anyone taken seriously anywhere that thinks Muslims are born violent?

Christianity tends to lead to more morality than Islam though, and that's just a fact.

The rest of your post is just generalisations and rambling, but it's worth pointing out that accusing others of lacking in critical thinking skills while not really making any effort to accurately summarise the views of others, makes you either dumb, or wilfully ignorant. Doesn't make much difference.

Coming from someone who just defended people who bring up "Extremist Christians" no matter how many times that talking point is thoroughly rebutted, that doesn't really bother me all too much

Pretty much this.

It's a tactic of certain people to paint you as some kind of champion of Islam if you don't agree with their prescriptions.

In light of recent comments I would say I would say I have a far more negative view of Islam than their hero Donny.

Who have I painted as a "champion of Islam"? And what in my post is up for debate?
Pretty much this.

It's a tactic of certain people to paint you as some kind of champion of Islam if you don't agree with their prescriptions.

In light of recent comments I would say I would say I have a far more negative view of Islam than their hero Donny.

Yep. I've been in threads where simply not advocating ethnic cleansing, automatically results in an accusation of being an arab, a paedo worshipper, or a traitor. No exaggeration whatsoever.
Yep. I've been in threads where simply not advocating ethnic cleansing, automatically results in an accusation of being an arab, a paedo worshipper, or a traitor. No exaggeration whatsoever.

KONE put all he had into that post, and looks like he used up a whole lot of meth doing so. Be kind to him.
I consider myself a liberal, and I view theocracy being anathema to a civil society. Islam is the worst theocracy on earth, and a direct threat to our survival as a species. I view Islam as hurting Muslims more than any other reason, and believe Muslims do good in this world despite their beliefs.

All liberals?
You've been added to the list.
KONE put all he had into that post, and looks like he used up a whole lot of meth doing so. Be kind to him.

That's not an argument.
Without Islam we wouldn't have MEMRI though.


And hilarious vids galore:
Yep. I've been in threads where simply not advocating ethnic cleansing, automatically results in an accusation of being an arab, a paedo worshipper, or a traitor. No exaggeration whatsoever.
I'm Arab. Sexist A-rab on this damn forum. #bet
Who have I painted as a "champion of Islam"? And what in my post is up for debate?

I'm really not gonna dissect that wall of text, but your overall assertion that the left doesn't acknowledge Islamism as a threat is up for debate.

You see how you used a shit load of quotations without actually attributing to anyone in particular?

Yeah, that kind of sums up the problem with your approach here.
Kone is in full weeklong panic. What a jive chicken turkey. btw, WR liberals are almost unanimously anti-Islamism (extremism), and are also not generally fond of Islam.
I'm really not gonna dissect that wall of text, but your overall assertion that the left doesn't acknowledge Islamism as a threat is up for debate.

You see how you used a shit load of quotations without actually attributing to anyone in particular?

Yeah, that kind of sums up the problem with your approach here.

lol yeah, because it's the Islam apologia that comes from you guys in general. That was my intent.

If you want me to find specific quotes from leftists here defending Islam and liking posts that are factually incorrect, let me know. And you aren't gonna dissect the wall of text because you can't.