
If this fight ever happens it will look as bad as this and earlier.
Please no more MMA vs Boxing this shit is stupid sooo stupid

As long as Floyd is willing to do it is going to happen. Unless Dana put his foot down and refuses. They all want the money. Conor Got shit on for this but here we go again. Anyone and I mean anyone would do the same as you are now seeing. They want the money.
Moscow is the wrong time zone and far too cold until April/May so I guess the timing would work for the fight but the time zone just won't.
It's got to go off at something like 4-8 am to work for the US, ok Bisping vs Hendo did that and the UK is 2 hours behind Moscow.

The fight is completely pointless though, surely there aren't that many suckers who'd pay for it after May/Mac anyway.
Did Conor take over Khabib's mind?
Khabib takes Floyd down and starts beating him up. Referee tries to stop them and stand them up. Team Khabib enters the ring and beats up the referee. Khabib continues his onslaught and kills Floyd. Trump sends nukes as retaliation, Putin responds in the same fashion and the world ends. Islamic eschatology comes true. <seedat>
"No one can take that overhand right. The human skull just cannot take it."
Khabib is a trash just like Conor. Tony had no obligation to give him shot and could have waited for Conor. And now he's going running like conor did from only legit threat in division according to most analysts. Khabib owes it to fans Tony UFC to prove he's the best even at LW before doing this.

khabib owes shit to fans and so does any fighter. fans could give a shit once a fighter retires lol.
Can’t we all just move along and stop talking about Khabib?
Possibly the best MMA striker fighting a GOAT boxer in a boxing match proved to be retarded, so how would a grappler do against a GOAT boxer?
They will also set the record for most digital fights served through a potato computer.