Khabib advice to female fighters:

You're posting from a desktop<{Heymansnicker}>Oh boy this is even worse than that I thought

No, dipshit, it's a laptop. "Sitting at my computer" is an expression. FFS son.

You really love that 'rasslin guy you keep posting, huh? So I'm arguing with a 15 year old virgin who Khabib has made sexually confused...shame on me I guess. <Fedor23>
DAMN! Can't believe he just said a wife should have sex with her husband.
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he held back more than I was expecting him to be to be honest.
Look at those replies in the first page, no wonder those converts who go to jihad always are social-outcasts who can't get laid.
Like those two sherdogers that bombed the Boston marathon.
Ofc I believe women should have the right to do what they want, but his response is hilarious in light of all the sjw nonsense shaming women for wanting to pursue a more traditional lifestyle
Lol statistics! Lol
You don't like science? Statistics is about the best thing we have for a lot of things, even if you don't like the facts they reveal :(
Maybe. Are there other kinds?
Of course. According to Oxford the word retard denotes: less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.

In either case, referring to me as a retard is very derogatory to many mentally handicap persons, such as myself, who have IQs below 70. Instead it would be more appropriate for you to refer to be as a morally degenerate piece of garbage rather than fixating on my intelligence.
Of course. According to Oxford the word retard denotes: less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.

In either case, referring to me as a retard is very derogatory to many mentally handicap persons, such as myself, who have IQs below 70. Instead it would be more appropriate for you to refer to be as a morally degenerate piece of garbage rather than fixating on my intelligence.
Well to be fair, I didn't call you a retard, I just mused that you might be retarded

And as I understand SJWs, they don't love Islam and Sharia law, they hate it. But they also hate Islamophobia.

I get called an SJW all the time, btw. Clearly I'm not, as evidenced by my willingness to call people retarded.
The fact is there are Muslim countries that are very rich indeed.

I'm not Muslim, IDC, but the notion that all Muslim countries are poop-holes is just ignorance.

Even the rich ones suck balls...maybe even more so cause those bombed out muslim countries at least have an excuse of being a warzone
Khabib is a great man. Guy has his beliefs and doesn't fall for the bs political western pressure. But like always, toxic westerner beta snowflake incels getting all mad bc of his beliefs. Same thing happened when Fedor said he didn't wanna live the Hollywood life. Sherdog incels foaming at the mouth cried, "who the fuck does he think he is? ! Not wanting to live our Hollywood lifestyle like he's above us!" But i swear you cant win here on Sherdog! I once said Jones was a good role model for boys because everyone wants their son to get bitches, get $$$ and kick ass and everyone talked shit to me. I said Couture was fake humble 10 years ago and he wasn't necessarily a "good role model" either yet Shitdoggers talked shit to me. It's like, they love fakeass guys! They love Chuck who cokes up and fucks hookers, they love Couture who does the same and just had his little jerk off porn vid, they loved fakeass Rumble who also hits women. Its like, as long as their nice to the camera its cool. Here we have a real man who says how he really feels and doesn't do that fake trash talk and lets losers like Dildo know that it was personal. Khabib doesn't play the game. Like some other numbnuts said "keep women by using game" Lmao!yYou can't win here. But then again this is Sherdog where cucks calling real alphas betas while the so called "betas" are out there living your dream and fucking the women you masturbate to.

Only way to win here is be fake as fuck so you can convince people with words but still do the bad shit people wish they could do. I may not agree with Khabibs POV but at least he isn't a fake ass bitch like most people .