I'm a toonie

haha i'm so happy that it is. I remember a few sessions back where I was feeling incredible DOMS and accidentally put 260 on the bar instead of 250 and it was so hard. I was like fuck off, I better be able to get past 260 (if you look back, that was the last weight I did before reset). Now, I'm flying way past it and 3 plates is in site!
Yeah it sure is. Nice going man. Do you think the caffeine beforehand helps?
You know what, i forgot to drink a cup of coffee today and did feel low on energy today. Had a good night sleep too. But then again, I did play volleyball at lunch for a bit. I'll try some more coffee again next time and see how everything feels.

What I do find really helping though is contrast showers. I hardly feel any DOMS the following day.
Now that you mention it, I did that for the first time after my deadlift PR. Felt fine the next day. No soreness or anything. Maybe I should do that for every session.
Session 24 of SS

300x5 - Tough, but not killer. Form looked good.
300x5 - Lower back looked good, tiny bit of tail tuck.
300x5 - Looked good.

Had coffee today, and had so much energy. I have videos for all 3 sets and may upload later if not too lazy. Note to self, don't eat spaghetti an hour before work-out. Felt like I was going to throw up from belt squeezing haha.

(cleaned the weight on first rep for all following sets)
125x5 - weeee, easy. No belt because of spaghetti haha.
125x5 - Not too bad.
125x5 - Grinder on last rep. Got it up half way, then it started coming down a bit. Forced it up.

Felt in the mood to work on power cleans as you can see. It felt good. Going to power clean first rep for OHP from now.

125x3 (hook)
125x3 (hook)
125x3 (hook)

Decided to just do 3 sets with OHP press weight. Got videos on first set. May upload for critique later.

bw+25x 5, 5, 5

Shoulder rehab

video maybe later.
Last edited:
Nice squats! You're making good progress.
Not really a session of SS because just did my own thing. One of my left ribs hurt. Don't know why, just felt a little stiff there during work today. Went to gym, and it was a little bothersome while in the hole for warm up-sets. Tried first work-set, and failed in the hole because couldn't really use my core. Lack of sleep over last couple days because of early shifts at work. Also, long days at work this past weekend..

305x0 - Failed in hole. Just couldn't squat back up.

After this big fail, just wanted to do some fun stuff.

365x1 (hooked) - 20lb PR. Form looked good. Rib wasn't too sore, even with belt. Weight came up pretty easy. Can definitely pull more.
365x0 (hooked) - haha, was hoping I could do it again. Nope. Fail off floor.

(all hooked)

These were fun. I think I can get more hip extension though.

Some shoulder rehab, tried the Snatch with the bar. Found out its tough to keep balance while squatting down and locking the bar out overhead. Then just tried it with one of those weighted sticks (was 14lb or something) and tried it some more as well as overhead squats. Very hard to keep balance with the overhead squats and hit a good depth. Was fun though.
toonie said:
305x0 - Failed in hole. Just couldn't squat back up.

The poison has finally gotten to you. Took forever for it to work.
Indeed toonie u have a very nice squat! also whats with you belting for SOHP i hate the feeling of a belt while i overhead press.
The poison has finally gotten to you. Took forever for it to work.

LOL! You asshole! hahaha. ANTIDOTE NOW!!

In my little world, my squat would keep going up each and every work-out. In reality though, noob gains are going to stall eventually. But I'll tell you what, it's not stalling at 305! I really just think it was an off session. Just getting under the bar for that was tough. Just felt so beaten up and tired.

Gierrod said:
Indeed toonie u have a very nice squat! also whats with you belting for SOHP i hate the feeling of a belt while i overhead press.

Thanks! As for the belt, I just tried it out for my first session because I was curious to how much it would help. On my last OHP session, I didn't use it and it felt just fine. However, it doesn't bother me too much. It gives me something to brace my core against and makes me a little more conscious on breathing properly
Session 25 of SS

255x2 - Rib area was fine up to this point. Minor cramping when in the hole.
305x5 - Not too bad. Rib area felt like it was cramping.
305x5 - More pronounced cramping in rib area coming out of hole.
305x0 - Fucking fail. Rushed the set up, squat down, and when I came back up, weight transferred from heels to toes. I think it was because of the cramping in rib area. Lost balance, fell forward and had to dump the weight. Didn't injure or tweak anything though.
(no belt)
135x10 - After the major fail on last work-set, decided to do three sets. Did it in less than 3 minutes. Also did some Asian squats in between sets.

Had coffee today so had plenty of energy. Slept well these past couple days, ate well. I blame it on the weird feeling in left, lower rib area. It doesn't hurt, its just annoying. Feels exactly like a cramp when you eat/drink too much then go for a run. It makes it hard to concentrate on pushing my core out.

(cleaned the weight on first rep for all following sets)
130x5 - These weren't bad. Still tough though.
130x4 - Tough. Couldn't even attempt last rep.
130x4 - Tough. Last rep was a grinder. Couldn't attempt 5th rep.

Going to continue cleaning the weight like this as warm-up for clean work-sets.

135x3 (hook)
135x3 (hook)
135x3 (hook)
135x3 (hook)
135x3 (hook)

Forearms were shot after these. Fun though. Couldn't record form because phone was dying.

bw+25x 5, 4, 4

Shoulder rehab


Don't know whats up with my left lower rib area. It's not tender like it was on Sunday (mildy tender that day when pushing it, nothing serious). Like I said, felt like a cramp. Don't know if its because of tweaking it at work on Sunday? or maybe belt too tight? or maybe using belt too much? It doesn't hurt too much, its just distracting and makes it difficult to use core while coming out of hole. Input would be nice. Will probably make a post about it in main forum.
toonie said:
LOL! You asshole! hahaha. ANTIDOTE NOW!

Never! Its mine. Unless you want to trade your squat strength over for it?

toonie said:
In my little world, my squat would keep going up each and every work-out. In reality though, noob gains are going to stall eventually. But I'll tell you what, it's not stalling at 305! I really just think it was an off session. Just getting under the bar for that was tough. Just felt so beaten up and tired.

It probably was and your recent session was most likely due to your injury, the cramping. Whatever that is exactly. So don't worry too much about it. Maybe you should take a break from heavy squats to let it heal. *is serious and is not an attempt to get toonie off his program* ALso awesome that you started doing cleans for your SOHP. They rock eh?
due to your injury, the cramping. Whatever that is exactly.

Is it just me, or does it sound like I'm a female on her period? cramping.. jesus haha.

Maybe you should take a break from heavy squats to let it heal.

Seriously considering to move away from intensity and do some more volume on the squats until this gets better. Those 3 sets of 135 were tough (but easy on the rib) and it makes me kind of want to try 20 rep squats, even if just for a week or so.

ALso awesome that you started doing cleans for your SOHP. They rock eh?

I'm not going to lie, but I never thought of that until I saw your PR video for your OHP. I was like damn good idea, gives me a chance to do practice them, and gives me a warm-up and reason to start doing cleans again.
toonie said:
I'm not going to lie, but I never thought of that until I saw your PR video for your OHP. I was like damn good idea, gives me a chance to do practice them, and gives me a warm-up and reason to start doing cleans again.

Yes I am quite the man. *runs hand through his beard* But seriously, I like cleaning it more than I like unracking it. It feels better for me. Its more badass too.
Session 26 of SS

(low bar)
195x5 - Rib area sore
(high bar)
195x5 - Decided to try high bar as I could keep a more upright posture. Rib felt fine

These were much better. Didn't feel stiffness in rib while doing high bar. However, it's highly uncomfortable now. I greatly prefer low bar positioning now lol. Feel much more powerful and much more comfortable. Can't wait for this rib injury to go away.

210x5 - Tough. Decent leg drive.
210x4 - Tough. fourth rep was a grinder so didn't try 5th. Better leg drive.
210x4 - Tough. spotter touched bar on 4th rep and actually said "its all YOUUUUU!!!" fucker..

315x5 (hook) - Form looked good. Belt felt too tight. May readjust it.. or it could of been because i ate a potluck for lunch and felt bloated...

DB Snatch

These were really fun. Going to keep these here.

I don't like high bar anymore.