How can any fan not like Mike Perry?

Some people don't like others that act like a douche
I like Perry. JBG disciple. 'Platinum nation' can eat a dick with their constantly calling each other into every thread to give themselves cover though.
I'm apart of platinum nation and I smh everytime I get called into a thread lol I like Perry's style and hope he can do great things in the sport but I'm not going to be shocked if he doesn't. I like to laugh at myself when I post a ridiculous statement about the platinum one
If you think shit like that makea him the man. Your ballswing name makes sense.

I find Perry quite feminine in his attitute. He is like an angry woman, he seems to be becoming a gay icon. Lol.

Platinum Nation = Closet Homo's
I'm not a closet homo, but I only suck dick for money. It's not gay if you don't like it, fact!
lol The whole "(didn't watch)" part you felt the need to include basically confirmed you have sucked at least 1 mile of penis, it's all good bro, do what you do.
I'm not judging, I just know what you "wild boys" are in to
One mile of penis, better known as a platinum inch. #platinumbless


any fighter that inspires a member to @______ about 287 other members to alert them their boys name has surfaced in a thread somewhere.

I like a few of the posters in that Platinum Text Wall,


We're not super gay, we don't wear capes when we have sex with men we aren't weirdos
No i was just letting you know. I didn't watch the gay pride vid that you happend to just have ready to defend the gayness of the gay king Perry.

Wild is actually my Surname.. haha.

Do you know my family? We are pretty well known..

Defo not for being gay though.. i will leave that for you and the Platinum 'Gay' Nation.
Hmmmm Wild never heard of her.
I detest him.
Stupid face tat was the final straw..
He is what I like to call a dick...
Maybe because I'm an adult, and not a fifteen year old child who's impressed by a tit with face tatts who tries to act hard...
How do you know 15 year olds are impressed by that? Sounds like you were recently 15. Face tats don't mean you're trying to be hard, I got my tear drop tattoos the same reason everyone else did, because I cried during the notebook.
Our :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s are openly queer in the Nation, we have no room for discrimination. Also our main gay would rag doll you and rape you with ease.
Idk if I could rag doll him with ease, he might be fat or grease before our match to avoid early penetration. Also I'm probably not our main gay and I'd like my opportunity to compete to be main gay. Sorry I can't stop saying main gay
Your :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s are openly queer.. i thought that was the minimum requirement to join the nation.

No member of the Platinum 'Gay' Nation would ragdoll me at all. Lol.
Daniel if you'd like to join the platinum nation we'll consider it. And the minimum requirement is to be yourself and have fun. Also just got word you can't join the nation because kissed a girl once, wow Dan that's disgusting.
If you met me you would see i'm in no way 'closeted gay' as you put it.

I'm bashing because i find it surreal theres an entire movement behind this very effeminate fighter.. who is growing into a gay icon.

The fact that all you platinum gay nation members defend the fact so much just proves my point.

It's like a secret society of gay members on here. Theres nothing wrong with that. Whatever floats your boat.. but i don't get what the deal is with getting behind one of the campest fighters on the roster and how you are so hardcore about it.

I seriously wouldn't be suprised if perry comes out as gay.
Well closet gay means people can't detect it otherwise you're just gay. I've meant plenty of people who don't come off as gay but are, generally because I don't give a shit about another mans sex life, if a guy has to constantly tell me how much tail he gets to make himself look straight he's either a virgin or gay so what are you wild dan? Btw that's a great name when you get promoted from fluffer to dick in the ass guy
Well I figured there was a reason my account name was above the comment I made. You know, indicating that this is my opinion. You know that’s kinda what sherdog is for right?

No your right, I should just get involved in the big circle jerk that is plat nation and make all my comments hence forth be about Perry and watch all these beta cuck snowflakes get triggered by my hilarious trolling
You get it! I'll get you a t shirt and add you to our email list

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