How badly would Golovkin have beaten Mayweather?

My post correcting your spelling is before that sweetheart, you'll figure it out. Kisses.

Learn how to take a loss like a man. As for misspelling it, it's an alternative way to spell the word. It's an informal spelling.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
v. Alternative spelling of renege.
from The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
A form of renege (II., 2).

I'm a wordsmith, what can I say? ;)
You spelled it wrong.

Admit it and move on, you can only move the goalposts so many times.

Wrong, as I just proved. I used an alternative spelling of the word. I then proved that the pronunciation I claimed was correct with both the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries. You and your boy are a salty bunch of Brits.
I haven't lost, I'm capable of admitting when I have.

Funny you pick me and canelo out there, me and him don't have a good history of getting along together on here, but I'll admit when he's right and respect his opinion.

You are a moron who digs a hole and tries to get back to the surface but keeps on digging and your opinion always seems to start
Wrong, as I just proved. I used an alternative spelling of the word. I then proved that the pronunciation I claimed was correct with both the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries. You and your boy are a salty bunch of Brits.

Not according to a reputable dictionary.

The word 'renig' doesn't appear in the Oxford English Dictionary, and neither does 'renigged'

Funnily enough, any google search of either term results in a correction to the term mentioned by Sunfish.
Kova man Bag is funny, I ike how you are winding the entire place up. You/ve got people talking about spelling, ghettos all sorts LOL!!!!!!
So that guy Mayweather yeah? Think he'd do ok against that Golovkin feller yeah?
Not according to a reputable dictionary.

The word 'renig' doesn't appear in the Oxford English Dictionary, and neither does 'renigged'

Funnily enough, any google search of either term results in a correction to the term mentioned by Sunfish.

Wrong again. From Merriam-Webster (as reputable as it gets)

intransitive verb re·nig \rə̇ˈnig, rēˈ-\

Definition of renig
renigged renigging renigs
  1. : renege
Origin of renig
alteration of renege

Alteration = alternative spelling, recognized by Merriam-Webster and other dictionaries to mean "renege".

I spelled it correctly (an alternative variation) AND pronounced it correctly, as I proved through Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries.

Thanks for the debate. It was fun. ;)
lol, previous page you agreed you spelled it wrong and now you've spent your evening googling alternate spellings (not actual spellings) to try and prove a point on a BOXING forum.

Can you go to the support forum and change your name to "I can has Google".
lol, previous page you agreed you spelled it wrong and now you've spent your evening googling alternate spellings (not actual spellings) to try and prove a point on a BOXING forum.

Can you go to the support forum and change your name to "I can has Google".

I admitted that I misspelled it formally, since I used the informal spelling of the word. Just say "I was wrong". Go on.
Wrong again. From Merriam-Webster (as reputable as it gets)

Alteration = alternative spelling, recognized by Merriam-Webster and other dictionaries to mean "renege".


As reputable it gets is the Oxford English Dictionary, which doesn't recognise the word.

Look what happens when you say "renig" to the internet...


And when we ask about the term you used...


It gets automatically corrected, because it is wrong.
As reputable it gets is the Oxford English Dictionary, which doesn't recognise the word.

Look what happens when you say "renig" to the internet...


And when we ask about the term you used...


It gets automatically corrected, because it is wrong.

Listen, I gave you Merriam-Webster's DEFINITION of the word and how it's spelled. All the backtracking won't save you now. Know when to call it quits for your own good.

Suck it up.
I forgot you have people talking about who invented shit too, LOL!!
I admitted that I misspelled it formally, since I used the informal spelling of the word. Just say "I was wrong". Go on.
You can spin it any way you want, you were wrong and you're too pig headed to say so. Put renig in a masters essay and see if the professor says "what a fantastic use of an alternative colloquialism" or "this guy can't spell".
That is actually one of the worst posts I've ever read.

It's only too bad that you cannot dispute any of it. Mayweather was a Las Vegas creation, to prop up the struggling sport of boxing.

As far as his actual fighting capabilities, he's very good but not great. He lacked many tools that were possessed by the truly great fighters.
Jay has spoken, sorry, I'm out, enjoy your discussion with yourself man sack.
It's only too bad that you cannot dispute any of it.
Nah, it was BS. Floyd hasn't had a big power advantage over everyone he's fought since he hit WW. Floyds style isn't about power. He doesn't beat guys with power.
Nah, it was BS. Floyd hasn't had a big power advantage over everyone he's fought since he hit WW. Floyds style isn't about power. He doesn't beat guys with power.

Of course he isn't about power. But his lack of power would've made it difficult for him to compete against an opponent that gave him no respect. There's a reason why his toughest night in recent times was against a journeyman like Marcos Maidana. Maidana treated him in the same manner that Kovalev treated Hopkins or Alfonso Frazer treated Nicolino Locche etc. There was nothing to worry about, so he just bulldozed forward and laughed off his punches, if you can call them that.

Unfortunately Maidana is about the crudest fighter I've seen, alongside Ricardo Mayorga.

Chances are that Mayweather's open-handed punches wouldn't even have been counted in the old days, and he would've been done in like George Benton was back in the day by the judges.
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You can spin it any way you want, you were wrong and you're too pig headed to say so. Put renig in a masters essay and see if the professor says "what a fantastic use of an alternative colloquialism" or "this guy can't spell".

Stop crying man. It's an American English way of spelling the same word. It's officially recognized, as I evidenced. Give it up. Webster's dictionary, now Merriam-Webster, which was acquired by Encyclopædia Britannica (a Scottish founded company, btw) recognizes it.

Just tap out already. You're boring me.