Crime Hasidic Jews fight with NYPD in Brooklyn after authorities try to fill in secret tunnels that they've been digging underground around their synagogue

This somehow doesn't surprise me.

Hasidic Jews give me bad vibes. Their isolationist culture seems to come with an air of judgement and avoidance that I find off putting (unlike with, say, the Amish - who, by contrast, seem welcoming and warm).

They're awful drivers too, like horrendously bad. Minivans just blindly backing into the roads like they own the fuckin world and nobody else lives in it. Damn near every time I pass through their villages that shit happens smh.

those hasidim are really something else.

Similar experience working at a national recreation area outside of NYC. The general feeling was that they didn't give a flying fuck about anyone that wasn't part of their group and treated everyone else (including us employees) like shit.

There’s crazy, then there’s Hasidic Judaism…

I think we’re quite beneath them in the scum hierarchy

1. Pork
2. Shellfish
3. Mixed fabric
4. Alt Humans

Seem like Socially Awkward goofballs

With zero self awareness

That’s all intentional and taught. Theyre supposed to try and get goyim to do things for them whenever possible, without explicitly asking them for help. A thank you? These people believe you’re literal dog shit.

You can pretend it’s limited to the Shabbat all you’d like bud.

That’s rough, even for you

Anti-Judaism. Has nothing to do with race bud.

An orthodox jew doing manual labor????? Hasidim but i dont believe em'
DougieJones said:
Literal cockroaches these people are
I only went up to the 5th page of this thread and found all of this.

Then there are stories of actual interactions with the community and some very questionable behavior- which I fully believe. In the end it comes down to them having a very distinct appearance which makes them easy to target. Sure we may have seen some of them be asshole drivers but asshole drivers are literally everywhere. I have seen asshole drivers wear red shirts- does that mean all people who wear red shirts are asshole drivers? No, in that instance we would just call that one person an asshole and move on with our lives. I have also seen extremely entitled behavior from wealthy people and mildly famous people- do we group them all together and call them asshole? Well I suppose some people do, but the truth is they are not all like that.

In the end I agree they should absolutely not be treated differently and subject to the same laws as everyone else.
You got called a pussy for insinuating that anyone discussing the poor behavior they endured at the hands of Hasidics is being a bigot. Don't be trying to suppress people's gripes because you've had good interactions with the ones you make money off of.
You didn't understand anything I said. Move along.
I provide an educated response, where I even acknowledged the behavior, and give stories of interactions and I get called a pussy. This is exactly the kind of ehavior I am talking about. People like you are incapable of having an educated conversation with nuance and I genuinely feel sorry for you.

Have you seen the other threads on this forum?

If this is bigotry then every single thread in the war room should be removed for hate speech.

This thread has been very gentle surrounding a situation that is bat shit crazy. Any other group would have been slaughtered verbally for this and multiple calls for jail time and fbi investigations.
I only went up to the 5th page of this thread and found all of this.

Then there are stories of actual interactions with the community and some very questionable behavior- which I fully believe. In the end it comes down to them having a very distinct appearance which makes them easy to target. Sure we may have seen some of them be asshole drivers but asshole drivers are literally everywhere. I have seen asshole drivers wear red shirts- does that mean all people who wear red shirts are asshole drivers? No, in that instance we would just call that one person an asshole and move on with our lives. I have also seen extremely entitled behavior from wealthy people and mildly famous people- do we group them all together and call them asshole? Well I suppose some people do, but the truth is they are not all like that.

In the end I agree they should absolutely not be treated differently and subject to the same laws as everyone else.
I am not going to pretend to know every single person's intentions behind all of the comments I quoted, as some of them are right on the borderline of what is generally considered to be a stereotype (but there are some that are just horrible). However, my general point is that in these kinds of discussions, the people who have genuine hate and/or xenophobia in their heart will use this as ammunition to spread their agenda. There is evidence of this in this thread.
Have you seen the other threads on this forum?

If this is bigotry then every single thread in the war room should be removed for hate speech.

This thread has been very gentle surrounding a situation that is bat shit crazy. Any other group would have been slaughtered verbally for this and multiple calls for jail time and fbi investigations.
I am aware.. I call people out in those threads too...
I only went up to the 5th page of this thread and found all of this.

Then there are stories of actual interactions with the community and some very questionable behavior- which I fully believe. In the end it comes down to them having a very distinct appearance which makes them easy to target. Sure we may have seen some of them be asshole drivers but asshole drivers are literally everywhere. I have seen asshole drivers wear red shirts- does that mean all people who wear red shirts are asshole drivers? No, in that instance we would just call that one person an asshole and move on with our lives. I have also seen extremely entitled behavior from wealthy people and mildly famous people- do we group them all together and call them asshole? Well I suppose some people do, but the truth is they are not all like that.

In the end I agree they should absolutely not be treated differently and subject to the same laws as everyone else.

That was just my personal experience at my job. We had assholes of every size, shape, color, religion that I had to deal with on a daily basis, but they stood out from the average percentage of assholes because of large groups repeatedly, and intentionally ignoring the law (read leaving trash everywhere, feeding wildlife, parking where they knew they weren't allowed, and berating rangers that tried to inform them about these violations).

Do I think all Hasidic Jews act that way? Of course not. But a large percentage of the Hasidic Jews I interacted with at my job did. That was my personal experience.
I heard it’s to keep the women there during a certain time of the month. It’s also the reason why the bed sheets are stained.
My first thought it was for orgies as these men are likely repressed sexually
I'm just glad you guys are arguing, and distinguishing yourselves from one another. I get you two confused all the time, LOL.

No idea what you're talking about.
Are you talking about yourself?

Your whole posting history revolves around this one topic. Your insecurity is the reason for your deep seated hatred of the unknown. I've noticed a trend where the biggest failures in life are the ones who always harp on about non white immigration killing the west. I would be upset too if my job could be stolen by someone without any prior experience that can't even speak the local language. Life must be tough for you.

Thank you for proving my point. lol
Half the posters on this forum live off her tweets lol

amazing stuff

You're a caricature. You also obviously have a problem with Jews, yet have the nerve to call me a bigot. So much projection with you.
Personally I have no issue with this but then I would have allow the call to prayer too. I really hate loudspeakers.

This is not safe for the people in the area, so the tunnels should be filled. Makes you wonder though, that even in New York with such a high population of Jewish people, some still have to literally go underground to have a sense of security.
That’s not true and several of the big NY and MSM publications had articles that addressed the hypocrisy from different angles.
As far as the Covid 2020 era goes do you realize that BLM protests became a feature after George Floyd was killed?
I am not going to pretend to know every single person's intentions behind all of the comments I quoted, as some of them are right on the borderline of what is generally considered to be a stereotype (but there are some that are just horrible). However, my general point is that in these kinds of discussions, the people who have genuine hate and/or xenophobia in their heart will use this as ammunition to spread their agenda. There is evidence of this in this thread.
You can’t even define what a Jew is. It’s not a race, cause we’re all the same….remember? So what is it? Seriously, answer this question.

So why can’t i dislike the insanity of their disgusting mythologies and call them out on it?

You virtue signal from nowhere but ignorance.
As far as the Covid 2020 era goes do you realize that BLM protests became a feature after George Floyd was killed?
Are you seriously suggesting that the BLM riots were going on after everything was all but over, and they weren't shutting down backyard barbecues, and calling every gathering that wasn't a BLM riot, a "superspreader" event that could potentially kill millions?

Give it a rest. That revisionist history isn't fooling anybody.

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