Glass chins.

The Roy talk is understandable. He was out of this world in his prime and became a walking ko later. Someone was saying it'll be difficult to describe him in a few years but it really isn't. He was amazing in his prime and couldn't stop fighting and ended up with losses that look awful. Roy was special, as soon as we piss on his legacy we might as well stop watching the sport.
i wouldn't piss on his legacy but a lot of the guys he fought shouldn't have been there, glenn wolfe is an obvious example, he had a lot of glen wolfe's on his record. Roy was the real deal but i cannot help wondering and even wishing he'd fought better people when he was younger, people who would have hit him back. Anyone can look like a superstar when they aren't taking it back and i don't think it was just his gifts that helped him avoid punches, he even said himself that the tarver kayo could have happened at any time in his career.