News Francis Ngannou his 18-month-old son has passed away

Heartbreaking news, man this one hit hard, after all the hardships this man went through, nothing even comes close to this
Saw this and like a gut punch -im just shattered for the guy
Sincere condolences to Francis and his family. This is tragic.
Terrible news, not sure how you ever recover from something like that
I have no words. 😢

Sending out all the love I can muster. RIP.
they say the smallest coffin weighs the heaviest..

R.I.P and condolences to Francis and his family
My son just turned 9. I would have been absolutely devastated if I lost him at 18 months. I hope he gets through this. My prayers are with him. I hope he finds light in a very very dark world we live in.
Motherfucker that’s the most awful thing I’ve heard all day.
The entire MMA community mourns for Francis’ loss.
RIP, condolences, and prayers for you and your family Francis.
Yeesh. I may talk some smack on the guy, but that is some real shit. Condolences. Hope he can find peace. That's no joke.
life is so unfair, it really is.....this mans life story is literally unbelievable.

On another personal note it does at least give me comfort to know I have always have been a supporter for
francis and rooted for him when his back was against the wall these past years. I only wish i could have personally met him to tell him how iconic
he was. anyway francis you are my favorite number 1 MMA heavyweight of all time. and you will always be my top 5 mostly due to
how you stood up to DANA and WON.
That's devastating. Just the shittiest fuckin thing possible.

18 months. We really are all so lucky to even be here in the first place- even Francis, although he certainly doesn't feel that way right now. I hope he gets through these dogshit times and will feel that way someday.