Media Ex UFC Fighter Corey Anderson Claims Pay "Wasn't enough to pay the bills"

I assume he kept 40% of 957k - 382,800 or 76,560/year profit after taxes and management/coaching etc. Which is still better pay than engineers, architects, chemists and even some doctors.

Pediatricians have the lowest average annual wage among doctors at $203k/year. That is the absolute bottom pay of specialties for doctors. Average salary is ~350k/year. There are not 'some doctors' making 76k, that is absurdly wrong. Residents in training make that.

Average BASE salary for a chemist is $80k, and that is excluding 401k contributions, healthcare benefits, paid time off, vision/dental. Of course Corey would not be considered 'average' as he was ranked top 10 and there are ~500 UFC fighters under contract. A veteran chemist near the top of the field would earn well over 100k/year, excluding all the benefits above.

Median engineer salary is 100k, and at the upper end where Corey fits into MMA, you're looking at double that.

You are clueless about this stuff or intentionally bullshitting.

I'm simply stating if he's struggling with bills it's due to something else. I could drop myself in his area making $35-40k BEFORE taxes and still keep my head above water.

That is completely ridiculous. 35k before taxes for a married couple is a miserable existence in almost any metropolitan area. This is so stupid at face value it doesn't deserve a response, but here I am. You are a self-hating weirdo or just trolling.
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The fact is he got knocked out by Gian Villante, OSP and the ghost of Shogun. And when he was winning in the UFC it was largely by being boring. Fair play he did well in Bellator and was massively robbed from winning the title in the first Nemkov fight but I don't think there's much grounds to argue the UFC did him dirty.
So instead of fighting every 4 and a half months on average like he did, he could easily have doubled his money by fighting just over every 2 months.

Brilliant. How has no one thought of that before?
I guess you're just letting me know you can read? Good job.
Pediatricians have the lowest average annual wage among doctors at $203k/year. That is the absolute bottom pay of specialties for doctors. Average salary is ~350k/year. There are not 'some doctors' making 76k, that is absurdly wrong. Residents in training make that.

Average BASE salary for a chemist is $80k, and that is excluding 401k contributions, healthcare benefits, paid time off, vision/dental. Of course Corey would not be considered 'average' as he was ranked top 10 and there are ~500 UFC fighters under contract. A veteran chemist near the top of the field would earn well over 100k/year, excluding all the benefits above.

Median engineer salary is 100k, and at the upper end where Corey fits into MMA, you're looking at double that.

You are clueless about this stuff or intentionally bullshitting.

That is completely ridiculous. 35k before taxes for a married couple is a miserable existence in almost any metropolitan area. This is so stupid at face value it doesn't deserve a response, but here I am. You are a self-hating weirdo or just trolling.

The only areas you're going to find ridiculous wages are CA and NY but they'll be negated by their cost of living.

An aeronautical engineer averages 80k (before tax).
My software engineer friends are making $70-80k (before tax).
A pediatrician will average 120k if we're excluding CA and NY. After taxes that's the same as Corey Anderson.
The highest paying engineer is a chemical engineer and that's around $130k. After taxes that comes up roughly the same as Corey Anderson.
A chemist averages around 65k (before tax).

Not sure why you're so hostile and angry. Your poor socialization makes me think you don't get away from the screen often. I have three degrees myself having majored in engineering and physics. I also have many friends who are engineers, doctors or entrepreneurs. They are not pulling in multi 6 figures.
The only areas you're going to find ridiculous wages are CA and NY but they'll be negated by their cost of living.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. NYC famously has the lower end of sub-specialty pay. Rural areas where demand is high and the area is less desirable for educated people to settle pay FAR HIGHER than metropolitan areas. The fact that you are unaware of this and too lazy to do basic research does not surprise me.

This is pants-on-head backwards.

An aeronautical engineer averages 80k (before tax).
My software engineer friends are making $70-80k (before tax).

"My friends."

Median salary for software engineers is available by state and you are looking at 132k in California and 130k in Nebraska. SE1 are making more than 70k/year in FAANG, and those are brand new graduates with virtually no experience. On the upper end of the pool, like you would compare to a top 10 ranked person in their field, you are talking about overall compensation packages >400k year as standard.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

A pediatrician will average 120k if we're excluding CA and NY. After taxes that's the same as Corey Anderson.

This is flat out, demonstrably wrong. I honestly don't know if you're stupid or a liar. Again, NY and CA are not at the top of the list, they are famously LOW PAYING for most sub-specialists.

Not sure why you're so hostile and angry. Your poor socialization makes me think you don't get away from the screen often.

There is a difference between angry and appropriately shutting down a lying moron who is confidently incorrect.

I have three degrees myself

LMAO shut it you fedora wearing lying turd. Tip your hat m'lady.
As you can see Corey only focuses on what he earns because he is not some little bitch. He is not crying about some random fighter earning 12k.
What's pathethic is grown men acting like a 13 years old fangirls and crying about how much other men earn.
I'm watching this sport, i don't worship fighters. Just like how i don't care about the amazon workers when i order something from there, i don't give a fuck about fighter pay when i watch the UFC. To me fighters or any celebrities are no different than average workers and they are not some special human beings i have to worship. My advice to fangirls is, take a break sometimes. Your tongues are doing too much ass cleaning
We have words for people with your perspective, but I won't engage in name calling.

Sorry, but the attitude of caring about nothing in the world except yourself does not make you more manly than anyone else.

And as other posters said, stop crying about people crying, you make a mockery of yourself.
PFL's gonna potentially be snagging all the talent over the next 1-3 years.

Hopefully Saudi start feeding the fighters their rightful pay cheques.

MMA will take off when the pay at the top level starts getting better. There's no reason why top 10 fighters should still be complaining.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. NYC famously has the lower end of sub-specialty pay. Rural areas where demand is high and the area is less desirable for educated people to settle pay FAR HIGHER than metropolitan areas. The fact that you are unaware of this and too lazy to do basic research does not surprise me.

This is pants-on-head backwards.

"My friends."

Median salary for software engineers is available by state and you are looking at 132k in California and 130k in Nebraska. SE1 are making more than 70k/year in FAANG, and those are brand new graduates with virtually no experience. On the upper end of the pool, like you would compare to a top 10 ranked person in their field, you are talking about overall compensation packages >400k year as standard.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

This is flat out, demonstrably wrong. I honestly don't know if you're stupid or a liar. Again, NY and CA are not at the top of the list, they are famously LOW PAYING for most sub-specialists.

There is a difference between angry and appropriately shutting down a lying moron who is confidently incorrect.

LMAO shut it you fedora wearing lying turd. Tip your hat m'lady.
I'm talking hands on experience in my own fields as well as knowing directly from my close friends and seeing the median averages in not just my state but nearly all states outside of radically out of touch cost of living areas. Both anecdotal and empirical evidence align with what I've said.

It's so wildly apparent you don't live in the real world. Absolutely no socialization skills. A seriously lacking father figure or absent. Typically I'd suggest venturing outside of your four walls but in your case I don't think you'd have teeth very long. Stay inside your safe space and take yourself a little less seriously. You don't have the merit for the ego you're projecting.
in that 5 years he fought a total of roughly 180 minutes so he worked for like 3 hours total in 5 years how many hours did you work?
Only UFC can attract geniuses like this as fans

Imagine thinking that a pro fighter only works during the fight when a fight is merely the culmination of months of work training for the fight & promoting it by giving interviews, attending media events etc
The lengths people will go to in order to defend/protect/excuse big corporations or unreasonably rich people and their practices, continue to stagger me. Especially since this is always coupled with attacking, belittling and standing against their (more or less) peers. The cherry on top is that they think that's the "manly" or "mature" thing to be doing, that they're the "tough guys". Sad and disheartening for the future...
Pediatricians have the lowest average annual wage among doctors at $203k/year. That is the absolute bottom pay of specialties for doctors. Average salary is ~350k/year. There are not 'some doctors' making 76k, that is absurdly wrong. Residents in training make that.

Average BASE salary for a chemist is $80k, and that is excluding 401k contributions, healthcare benefits, paid time off, vision/dental. Of course Corey would not be considered 'average' as he was ranked top 10 and there are ~500 UFC fighters under contract. A veteran chemist near the top of the field would earn well over 100k/year, excluding all the benefits above.

Median engineer salary is 100k, and at the upper end where Corey fits into MMA, you're looking at double that.

You are clueless about this stuff or intentionally bullshitting.

That is completely ridiculous. 35k before taxes for a married couple is a miserable existence in almost any metropolitan area. This is so stupid at face value it doesn't deserve a response, but here I am. You are a self-hating weirdo or just trolling.
More importantly, in none of those careers are you risking permanent brain damage, serious bodily harm, & possible death every time you show up to work

They are also long lasting careers which you can be in until you are 65+ where as a pro fighter has the short window of a few years during which they have to maximize their earnings. Once that window of a few years of being in prime is gone, its over

Trust UFC fans to not even think of basics
Most of these guys are just card fillers for the UFC brand anyways. Nobody is tuning in because of them.

Guys who actually sell PPVs, merchandise, and bring people to the arena are the ones who deserve raises. Corey Anderson didn't do any of that.

If UFC pay is so bad, why do fighters still sign with them instead of the PFL, ONE or wherever 🤷‍♂️
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Save the sob stories. These guys know what they’re signing up for. Don’t like it, get in another line of work
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