Douglas Murray : The Strange Death of Europe

That us truly not the same as what happened here indeed, you are right

The streets were run by men like this, and by the way still are in many places

That's buggered up. Unfortunately it's an internal problem amongst citizens instead of an imported one forced on a continent by a select few.
Yet nobody cared when this happened to us Irish, only if it's brown invaders eh????

I'm an American with British and Irish ancestry. I try to look objectively and come to a fair conclusion on this topic. It's not that I don't care. I do care and I find the whole situation very unfortunate.

The point is I was a young child when the "the Troubles" we're going on. What was reported in the American news was undoubtedly biased. I really don't remember hearing much about it growing up other than through the odd hollywood movie on the subject, (more biased propaganda). Also, there weren't a whole lot of people talking on internet message boards back then. So it's not that I don't care or ignore that situation.

The thing is, that struggle has reached a conclusion for the most part. I understand these wounds take a long time to heal. But if we are going to go back in time and relitigate all the bad blood from the past we are never going to get anywhere and we are going to cripple our ability to deal with current and future problems. I'm not saying there aren't still issues that need to be addressed, I'm just saying if we ignore the current and emerging perils then all the pain and sacrifice from our forefathers and foremothers in the past was for nothing.
How do you mean?

Some of the founding intellectual trends in politicised Islam were explicitly left-wing and that's carried through today. Sayyid Qutb's "Social Justice in Islam" was explicitly left-wing and his later "Milestones" was a Leninist approach to Islamic revolution, both of which are extremely influential on modern Islamist movements. The Iranian revolution's opposition to the Shah's monarchy was much the same.
The anti-colonialism, anti-monarchism and anti-western stances are all portrayed as an egalitarian defence of the oppressed. The development of Islamism paralleled, and heavily borrowed from, the Marxist and socialist intellectual and revolutionary movements.
Why are all Western European countries intent on destroying their own societies, why don't any of them just shout STOP!
The politicians have to know what is happening?

Now of course we have lots of countries signing up for the UN Global Compact on Immigration.
It's great American wants nothing to do with it, although if Hillary were president i suppose she'd be keen on it?
Everyone here in Australia is waiting to see what our new PM will do about this. I'm certain he will give up our sovereignty and hand over control to the UN as he is weak just like the person he replaced.
How can a country allow an organisation that isn't even in your country to decide how many migrants will enter across your 'borders' each year? It makes no sense. Even more so for non-European countries.
The UN will make things difficult for any country who doesn't sign up for this.

This is not about immigration, it's about muslim immigration, that is why it came about. Once again we see a concertive effort to wipe out Western society and replace it with an islamic one. Sharia will rule in the future and it will contribute to the chaos that migrants brought in to the European countries. Society in these countries will go backward.

Eventually all traces of past civilizations will be destroyed and children will not be taught about what was before the islamic society they live in.
Music and art will be outlawed. Gays will be murdered, females raped, pedophilia will no longer be taboo, and there will be slavery.
I'm glad i won't be around to witness all of this.
Anyone reading this book yet? I just started it a few days ago, left the book out in the rain (derp) and now like a dork waiting for the next season of GoT I'm jonesing. Here's some background noise as a primer along with a few bullet points.

-Shots fired at Islam and the multiculturalism model.
-Walk a Jew to Synagogue day is a real thing in some parts of Sweden now. Lol, this cracked me up.
-NGOs as ferry services for migrants.
-Majority of newcomers to Europe are economic migrants and not refugees.
-It's all about ideology and not race.
-I'm charging Murray with plagiarism as he makes many points I've made in the past, just polished to a much higher degree. I'm sure he stole my Sherdog material, as there can't be any other explanation.
-People get more worked up about the conversation than what the convo is about.

Anyways, this is my thread for the year, so have at 'er. Murray is respected, well spoken and travelled and not seen as a right wing figure so this might stir up better dialogue than something coming from provocateurs or controversial figures.

Thanks to @Kafir-kun for making me aware of this guy. He's no Tommy Robinson but he'll do. :D

Once you are aware of the Kalergi plan , there is no going back! .
Then you realise who the real enemy is and that islam is just a symptom of that.
Then you realise who does all the lobbying , organising and funding of this attack on our countries .

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