Dom Cruz gettin sassy again

thats fine. But there is a disproportionate response of attitude because of whatever mental insecurity Dom deals with and the good nature and enjoyment of listening to commentary is ruined.

I hate Cruz but I didn't see it. He just seemed to be correcting DC and getting excited himself. Honestly there is no one better at explaining a fight technically. DC just doesn't know enough about fighting to be doing the job IMO.
Cruz strikes me as someone who generally thinks he's the smartest guy in the room nearly all of time if not all the time. At least that's how it comes off.
I actually like Dom and Cormier together. But Dom is definitely abrasive.
I see Cruz is commentating and immediately turn the channel. Don't care who he is with.

pretty much the same here

last night, saw it was cruz so i just tuned in for the two fights i wanted to see (waterson/casey and poirier/gaethje) and ignored the rest
Shit would be just as annoying.....Bas would just try to talk about himself like he always does. Anything Cruz would say Bas would come back, "well when I fought so-and-so in Japan, I did dis submission and broke dis guys leg. Banga da banga da bang. WOOOP"

Cruz doesn't get along with anyone. There are a few combinations of broadcasters that don't belong together:

Cruz + anyone
Anik + Florian(voices way too similar)

Any combo of DC, Felder, Smith, or Rogan seem pretty good.

Id really like to see Dan Hardy with Rogan

dan always gets the fight pass stuff but would be interesting to see him with Joe. Hes got eh technical stuff to counter Joe, but both are kinda laid back potheads
Faber has been saying shit about Cruz's personality for years. Guess Urijah wasn't just jelly after all... :)

I'm surprised the UFC didn't give Faber the gig over Cruz, they always seemed to want Faber to beat Cruz imo.
Frank Mir did a better job at live commentator then Dom - All Day
I like cruz because he puts rogan in his place - basically doing to rogan what rogan did to goldie.
DC could literally fuck Cruz if he wanted to. But yeah, Cruz doesn’t seem all that easy to get along with.
By the time DC tried to throw a punch, Cruz wouldve landed 10 and DC wouldnt be there to hit back.
He's also got sweet-dog-but-no-girl syndrome.

hehe he is like male version of cute stuck up lady who everyone wants to fak but not really date.they all have dogs like this
He's accomplished so much in his career. Don't know why he is such a d-bag. He almost makes events that he's announcing not watchable.
Condit was out, woke up, and tapped

Dominick Cruz is mentally ill
I'm surprised the UFC didn't give Faber the gig over Cruz, they always seemed to want Faber to beat Cruz imo.

They probably know Faber would be garbage as a commentator. I was a huge fan of the guy throughout his career but I think he had the fight IQ of a turnip. I believe he would come across really badly trying to do color.
Cruz is a sociopath that's why he's weird and looks even weirder next to Daniel who's a cool cat.