BBC turns Doctor Who into a Women

The end of western civilization as we know it
Wow another thread with some cry baby complaining about "teh liberal media".

Apparently the actress playing the part also sees this as a statement by "teh liberal media".
If she plays the the Doctor well, this will be successful. Michelle Gomez did a fantastic job as Missy (the Master).

Also for 50 Michelle Gomez is hot as hell.
I don't care when fictional characters are reimagined. It is art, and art gets modified, re-imagined, reinterpreted etc..

They can re-imagine Sherlock Holmes as a woman but to me Jeremy Brett will always be the standard.
They can re-imagine Jeeves and Wooster as females but to me Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry can't be topped.
Or why GoT mangina directors wanted to made up a fist fight where Brienne fuck up the Hound

Yeah, but Brienne is beast of a woman, and it was a sword fight with heavy armor. It's not like The Hound absolutely dwarfed her in size and strength.

I don't have nearly as much of a problem with that, than I do when I see a 120lb chick kick the shit out of a 300lb dude in hand to hand combat that you see regularly in a movie or TV Show. "Preacher" just had one of those scenes. In one moment, huge dude is controlling this mouse of a woman with one hand, the next, she is going all ninja on him and beats him to death. That shit is ridiculous.
My sister kick boxes the Enough (Jennifer Lopez) out of a punching bag. But can't open a jar of of mayonnaise. I don't think so.
Yeah, but Brienne is beast of a woman, and it was a sword fight with heavy armor. It's not like The Hound absolutely dwarfed her in size and strength.

I don't have nearly as much of a problem with that, than I do when I see a 120lb chick kick the shit out of a 300lb dude in hand to hand combat that you see regularly in a movie or TV Show. "Preacher" just had one of those scenes. In one moment, huge dude is controlling this mouse of a woman with one hand, the next, she is going all ninja on him and beats him to death. That shit is ridiculous.
I see your point but to be fair, we used to watch scenes where Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan beat up like a hundred guys in a row. Movies don't really give an accurate depiction of fighting.
I see your point but to be fair, we used to watch scenes where Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan beat up like a hundred guys in a row. Movies don't really give an accurate depiction of fighting.

In all honesty, it doesn't actually bother me. It's all fantasy, and it just depends on how well you set up the situation and characters.

If you're gonna go there though, there are so many more scenes to nitpick than the Brienne/Hound fight scene from GOT. That was actually really well done.
I don't think they could make more of a travesty than the movie, where they Americanised Dr Who with car chases and fisticuffs.
In all honesty, it doesn't actually bother me. It's all fantasy, and it just depends on how well you set up the situation and characters.

If you're gonna go there though, there are so many more scenes to nitpick than the Brienne/Hound fight scene from GOT. That was actually really well done.

I liked him dodging the wheels of an earthmover and jumping across an alley into a fire-escape.
Yes, the show is geared towards people who have higher brain functions and have more ways to solve problems then "shoot it".

Lol. It's ironic to me that you would say this and your AV is a Dalek.
Never watched a single episode of Doctor Who, show is for nerds anyway
Don't young white men want to see women?

Is this seriously an issue?
This show is on the BBC so everything has to get the pc treatment. It's brainwashing masquerading as entertainment and the best thing you can do is just ignore it. In this series she will probably be combating Dalekphobia and bringing Dalek refugees to planet Earth to add much needed diversity and vibrancy. #DalekLivesMatter #ExtraterrestrialsOfPeace.
idrc at the end of the day but i do find it weird how they have to try and fuck with tradition instead of just creating new female leads in new shows
Yep. Just like all the whining about lack of women lead movie characters. They just need to get their shit together and create something fun and watchable instead of whining and piggybacking onto men.
I don't care when fictional characters are reimagined. It is art, and art gets modified, re-imagined, reinterpreted etc..

They can re-imagine Sherlock Holmes as a woman but to me Jeremy Brett will always be the standard.
They can re-imagine Jeeves and Wooster as females but to me Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry can't be topped.

It's not even much of a re-imagining. The original series were ambiguous about whether timelords would ever change gender on regeneration, but they certainly completely changed in personality.
As an idea in science fiction gender fluidity is pretty old hat. Ursula LeGuin published The Left Hand of Darkness in 1969.
A lot of the pulp era/golden age stuff was more stereotypical of course.

"There is a reason that movies put in place a Joe every man character in every movie even when one does not make sense"

This would make sense if the doctor was ever a "joe-everyman character." (Incidentally, the title of the show is "Doctor Who" but the name/title of The Doctor is simply "The Doctor", not "Doctor Who". If you're going to get outraged about something in a show, it should be a show you've watched.) It would also make sense if this wasn't meant to portray an alien that canonically shifted between entirely different bodies and personalities every few years (seasons), with gender-swapping a canonically established possibility. It would also be possibly relevant if TS watched the show. I've seen maybe half a dozen episodes with an ex-girlfriend, and I know better than that.
"There is a reason that movies put in place a Joe every man character in every movie even when one does not make sense"

This would make sense if the doctor was ever a "joe-everyman character." (Incidentally, the title of the show is "Doctor Who" but the name/title of The Doctor is simply "The Doctor", not "Doctor Who". If you're going to get outraged about something in a show, it should be a show you've watched.) It would also make sense if this wasn't meant to portray an alien that canonically shifted between entirely different bodies and personalities every few years (seasons), with gender-swapping a canonically established possibility. It would also be possibly relevant if TS watched the show. I've seen maybe half a dozen episodes with an ex-girlfriend, and I know better than that.

I get what you're saying, but a lot of people very reasonably feel the urge to kill themselves if they hear about a TV show that has a non-male main character. Don't you think producers and writers have a responsibility to take that into account when creating characters?

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