Are you in your prime?

Just turned 43 today. I honestly feel the same way as you. I'm in tremendous shape, great marriage and kids, great career.

Yeah it's weird. I mean, I'm hitting my stride now it seems. I was never in bad shape, just not as good, and I never developed a dad bod to this point. Literally gained 20+ lbs of muscle in like 5 months, gonna start my own business, amazing wife, and I still have my hair lol. I guess we're lucky men.


Btw, happy birthday, old man.
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Im in my 3rd year of my Prime membership thanks amazon.
Yeah it's weird. I mean, I'm hitting my stride now it seems. I was never in bad shape, just not as good, and I never developed a dad bod to this point. Literally gained 20+ lbs of muscle in like 5 months, gonna start my own business, amazing wife, and I still have my hair lol. I guess we're lucky men.


Btw, happy birthday, old man.
Appreciate it. Going out to eat with the family tonight. Gonna be a good time. And I should have added my hair isn't in its prime. Thinned out so I just clip it with no guard every couple of days. And no dad body for me either. Can't handle that.

Good luck with the business.
lol no you didnt. That's impossible even with all the steroids, hgh, and insulin in the world.

Well, I weighed myself and was at 145. After lugging lumber around for 8 or more hours a day every day, pushing myself the entire time, I weighed myself again 5 months later and was shocked to see 167. I've never been that heavy. I ate like a horse and was pushing myself to the point I could hardly move or walk at the end of every day. Had to take hot baths and Tylenol at the end of every day. So k, but that's what the scale says and I don't have an ounce of fat on me.
Appreciate it. Going out to eat with the family tonight. Gonna be a good time. And I should have added my hair isn't in its prime. Thinned out so I just clip it with no guard every couple of days. And no dad body for me either. Can't handle that.

Good luck with the business.

Thanks, man. Have fun with the fam. Thinning hair happens. I'm sure mine will eventually, but not yet. But hey, at least we're not like a couple of 21-22 year old guys I know who are already starting to go bald. Be grateful for that.

That's right. :D


Was your prime also short lived?

Or is there still potential?

lol, not sure. i think my best days were when i was 32 or 33. i still feel great, to be honest. maybe i don't look as good, but i do feel as good.
Turned 30 not too long ago, I feel like I'm in my prime right now. Physically and mentally in another thread I mentioned it could be due to my genetics as I'm half Mexican half Filipino, so I still got a head of hair and still looking compared to my peers. I have a feeling though once I hit 40 it will get rough, since Ive been doing masonry for a living.
Well, I weighed myself and was at 145. After lugging lumber around for 8 or more hours a day every day, pushing myself the entire time, I weighed myself again 5 months later and was shocked to see 167. I've never been that heavy. I ate like a horse and was pushing myself to the point I could hardly move or walk at the end of every day. Had to take hot baths and Tylenol at the end of every day. So k, but that's what the scale says and I don't have an ounce of fat on me.
I'm sure you did gain 20 lbs, and some of it was actual muscle. But you also grew a corresponding amount of fat along with larger glycogen stores. That's assuming your visible leanness remained the same.
muscle gain in one year = 0.3 × wrist2 × 0.5(no. of years training - 1)

Where "muscle gain" is expressed in pounds and "wrist" is the circumference of the wrist in inches. So, a man with 6.5" wrists could be expected to gain about 0.3×6.52×0.5(1-1) = 0.3×42.25×1 = 12.7 pounds of muscle in his first year of serious training.
And thats under the most ideal conditions.

Interesting, on the subject of an experienced drug-free bodybuilder putting on just 6 pounds of muscle in a year, two of today's top natural bodybuilding champions, who both had almost 20 years of training experience, had this to say,

"Six pounds in a year? That's not natural!" and "I haven't put on 6 pounds of muscle in the last 10 years, let alone a year."
Probably 3 - 5 years past that. I'm 30 now.

Better than recent memory for sure.

Do you feel your age?

I def feel older than I have ever felt before. I don't "feel" old yet though. Just a little more time to recover after workouts.

Knees and Shoulders are exactly what I'm experiencing as well. A little impingement and a little patella pain.
I'm 29, and I feel like I"m physically stronger and mentally sharper than I was in my teen's and early 20's. It must be inherited since most men in my family seem to be in peak shape in their 30's opposed to their 20's.