Al Franken probably will have to resign...

What an interesting year in politics and among the celebrity peerage it's been. Rose certainly started a fire and in fact I would say she's had one of the biggest social impacts in some time. Certainly the equal, if not bigger, than anything Colin can lay claim to.

It has been absolutely wonderful watching these smug, self-righteous hypocrites in Hollyweird and politics eat shit.

LOL are you addicted to posting this shit or what?

To be honest, I am truly rustled by Creepy Joe Biden's behavior towards young children. It greatly bothers me and I am surprised more people are not outraged.
To be honest, I am truly rustled by Creepy Joe Biden's behavior towards young children. It greatly bothers me and I am surprised more people are not outraged.
You're not rustled, you're sexually aroused. Take a breather, you've been edging all day.
In the 90’s I had a motocross calendar that had bikes with 2 hot models in bikinis. One of the models was Leanne Tweeden. I sexually assaulted that calendar many times
When we need your opinion on Canadian Goose, we'll ask for it.


I guess Jared doesn't mind.
Have you looked at the Creepy Joe Biden pics and gifs? How is grabbing and kissing children like that in anyway normal? Creepy Joe should be facing far harsher criticism than he is.

You reaching here bud. He looks like an affectionate grandfather in all of those photos and gifs. Nothing wrong in those, sorry
I think it's somewhere in between, really, creepy by most people's standards, but not to the degree asserted by DP.

@Devout Pessimist Although I'm not going to because I see what you're doing, you should be sanctioned for this constant spamming of this Biden stuff in other threads. It's fucking ridiculous. Call the cops already and let them deal with it if you're so sure. At this point people just want you to be wrong about it so you'll shut the fuck up.
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Yeah I don't think he should resign for that, a good public shaming should be enough.

If he really gets off on that kind of thing and thinks he can get away with it, I'd assume more people will come forward and he'll rightly be finished. If his account is true, that'll probably be the only one, and he'll get censured and shamed and that's about it.
Yeah, he's only violently raped children.

In 1994, Trump took a 13-year-old girl to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped her that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe."

The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.
Well, that certainly was wrong and he most certainly shouldn't have done it. Shame it never got it's day in court. Not making light of that fact. Just a shame justice was not served in the matter one way or the other.
If true, he should.
As should anyone. If within SoL, and guilty, jail time, too.
Yeah, he's only violently raped children.

In 1994, Trump took a 13-year-old girl to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped her that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe."

The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.
I know that Trump was friends with Epstein, as was Bill Clinton, but I'm pretty skeptical of these claims. And I say that as someone who's not a fan of them.

Can't sexually assault a statue you dunce.

He said you can grab cooch if you are the shit and women want you. He was literally talking about only trying shit with women who are dow.

Franken forced his tongue down a resisting womans throat and fondled her in her sleep, took pictures and showed people.
I agree about his fellow Senators and Congressmen. But the culture is changing and the Democrats have to appear to be consistent. Also LeAnn Tweeden is an outspoken Republican. She won't shut up about this, believe me.
What do you see in the photo?

He is not actually touching her in the photo so in the worst case it's a slightly inappropriate joke... Maybe

The kiss meh they were rehearsing... it' not like he grabbed her by the pussy

She's accepted his apology at this point

If more come out he's done
Is there a source for the accepted apology?

He seemed to be one of the good ones. Sure he was playing it up for the laughs here as he's posing for the photo, but it's worse in that he's playing sexual assault for the laughs.

Dem Governor will name his replacement who will serve until next November.

Are his hands even making contact? Sexual assault is a stretch.
It has been absolutely wonderful watching these smug, self-righteous hypocrites in Hollyweird and politics eat shit.

But you regularly defend Trump and were completely silent on Moore, indicating that you have no problem with the actions.
Yeah, he's only violently raped children.

In 1994, Trump took a 13-year-old girl to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped her that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe."

The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.
truth vs fiction

I'de say fiction. Trump is a rich businessman that's been sued many times. How many sex cases has he even settled?

he's a 70 year old man, "rich", and there's no history of him settling any sex suits. If he hasnt done it up to this point, he's clean as far as I'm concerned.

You telling me that Trump had a romp with a 13 year old and never bothered having another one? Not very pedofilish.

if you look at the history of rich and powerful men that get accused of sex, and that are likely guilty of it, they often settle. Weinstein has settled a ton, Kobe got fake rape and still settled. Cosby settled plenty.

up until his run for president, wasnt a blip on the radar. Guy had plenty of money, maybe women werent interested in his money?

if someone makes it all the way to 70 years of age before "claims" start rolling in, I'm taking innocent till proven guilty.
truth vs fiction

I'de say fiction. Trump is a rich businessman that's been sued many times. How many sex cases has he even settled?

he's a 70 year old man, "rich", and there's no history of him settling any sex suits. If he hasnt done it up to this point, he's clean as far as I'm concerned.

You telling me that Trump had a romp with a 13 year old and never bothered having another one? Not very pedofilish.

if you look at the history of rich and powerful men that get accused of sex, and that are likely guilty of it, they often settle. Weinstein has settled a ton, Kobe got fake rape and still settled. Cosby settled plenty.

up until his run for president, wasnt a blip on the radar. Guy had plenty of money, maybe women werent interested in his money?

if someone makes it all the way to 70 years of age before "claims" start rolling in, I'm taking innocent till proven guilty.


Yep, squeaky clean
Yeah, he's only violently raped children.

In 1994, Trump took a 13-year-old girl to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped her that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe."

The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.

Translation. her lawyer gave up on her after 5 months
But you regularly defend Trump and were completely silent on Moore, indicating that you have no problem with the actions.
The women who have shared their stories about Harvey Weinstein over the last few days are incredibly brave. It takes a lot of courage to come forward, and we owe them our thanks,” Franken said at the time. “And as we hear more and more about Mr. Weinstein, it’s important to remember that while his behavior was appalling, it’s far too common.”

Franken added that the way women are treated when they go public with allegations of sexual misconduct “both embolden harassers and encourage victims to stay silent.”

That’s why he’s enjoying this one ^^^^
Franken apologized so I guess this one is true