According to Ali Abdelaziz Woodley Not Ready For UFC 228

I would take whatever this jabroni Ali says with a grain of salt, he will talk out of his ass for his fighters.

Agreed! But doing his job...
woodley not ready for 228, but hes ready for bellator
Agreed! But doing his job...

Awesome fight! I want to see Till's takedown defense get tested by a top 10/top 5 wrestler before he gets the title shot.
Jesus Christ Tyron. Just be a color commentator already, full time. You obviously don't want to fight. What a cunt. The challenge is there, but you dont' want to fight because you might lose and can no longer 'act' in dlist movies. ffs. youre a strikeforce champ at best. Till would win that fight, although i want to see Chaos vs wood.
I think Usman will expose Till and dominate him.
If Conor, GSP or one of the Diaz brothers offered to fight him....Woodley would suddenly be ready to go!
C'mon man don't be racist.

I'm guessing that you are being sarcastic. But, there was nothing racist in my post and I would say the same thing about any champion who sits on their ass and won't defend. Connor was deservedly stripped for the same reason.
And? Usman beats them both. . Same for Till.
Last I heard Till was a MW and Usman is still stuck at 30%. Either way, didnt have shit to do with what I was talking about.
If you're healthy and able to fight and you haven't defended your belt in over a year then you should be stripped period. We don't need more interim belts, we just need champions who will defend their belts period. This nonsense with Woodley has been going on for too long now, and he just needs to be stripped of his belt!

For the bold, you're a dumbass.

For the whole message as a whole, you're a dumbass.

Cos it's the mindset behind your exact post that results in stupid fights and interim belts.
Thanks to bellends like yourself, we are in the wweufc era.
Woodley was suppose to be ready since last month. WTF?

Edit: Wait it’s that con artist saying this. I’ll wait for official word
Yeah, I just fixed the title
For the bold, you're a dumbass.

For the whole message as a whole, you're a dumbass.

Cos it's the mindset behind your exact post that results in stupid fights and interim belts.
Thanks to bellends like yourself, we are in the wweufc era.

No, you are the one that is a DUMBASS. Because you apparently don't understand what fighting is. To be a fighter, you actually have to fight. HE HASN'T DEFENDED THE DAMN BELT IN A YEAR!!! It's called the "Ultimate FIGHTING Championship". It's not the "Sit on your ass and talk shit championship" If he was injured that's a different story. But, he's not; he just doesn't want to fight. F' him and F' you!
The UFC ain't letting Usman anywhere near Till

Putting a possible star in there with promotional kryptonite who would probably beat him in the most boring way possible?

WW is probably the division with the longest line of clear contenders in the UFC and yet the champ hasn't fought in over a year.{<huh}

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