A Linguistic Explanation of Mackenzie Dern's Accent

Many of my fellow sherdoggers love to make fun and ridicule Mackenzie's accent as being fake or disingenuous. Consider this, if you are a native English speaker around a group of non English speakers and you are fluent in their language you would just speak that right? Possibly not.

Mackenzie may spend most of her time around Brazilians who are not speaking Portuguese but instead they are speaking broken English. Also, Mackenzie may not be actually "fluent" in Portuguese. So, if Mackenzie spends most of her days around people speaking broken English wouldn't she not have to communicate mostly in the same sort of way?

Ms. Dern likely speaks most of her English to people who don't understand it that well so she has to dumb it down a bit. This and the fact that her father whom she was raised by likely spoke this type of broken English should explain why Ms. Dern continues to speak in this variation of English even when it isn't necessary.

I'll admit the whole case is a little strange. But people need to give the girl a break. She's not some phony like everybody suggests. Hell man, she's just a sweet girl who's impressionable and I can't say my accent wouldn't change in that scenario too.
A few people have pointed out Charlie Hunnam having to re-learn the British accent - that's because he was deliberately doing it.

This is her real accent, she's not faking it, but she probably was when she first started doing it. She's just done it so much that it becomes muscle memory.