5/3/1 Assistance Templates: BBB or SS?

Would not keeping up with SS itself indicate it was heavy enough to be time to move on?

Or were you doing other things at the same time? I was doing SL 5x5 and it was going ok but when I was doing training 3-4 times a week on top it was way too much.

It would seem so. But in my case I was not eating properly. I didn't have my priorities straight in terms of my goals and so my gains suffered. I am back to squatting three times a week, with a great diet and feel great!...
It would seem so. But in my case I was not eating properly. I didn't have my priorities straight in terms of my goals and so my gains suffered. I am back to squatting three times a week, with a great diet and feel great!...

Likewise, congrats!
I like Simple Strength. How does the progression go in terms of percentages?
I like Simple Strength. How does the progression go in terms of percentages?

Week One: 10X50%, 10X60%, 10X70%

Week Two: 8X60%, 8X70%, 6X80%

Week Three: 5X65%, 5X75%, 5X85%

Week Four: Deload.
what do you guys think about replacing the close grip bench with the barbell row as main assistance lift for the OHP and adding dips on the same day ?

I used to do that. I think the CH Bench translates more into my bench press and overhead press than dips do. I do my dips on my Bench day after an incline bench assistance.

But if you're doing weighted dips, I think you're in the right direction either way. Its semantics at that point.
One of the advantages of 5/3/1 is its flexibility. It has evolved from the original program into something more like a general outline and a training philosophy that can be switched around and modified to fit your needs. The progression isn't groundbreaking but it's simple and logical so it works plus it leaves room for assistance exercises so you can easily tailor it to your needs.

If someone was so inclined they could probably do different variations of 5/3/1 for decades, progressing from beginner to intermediate to advanced versions and eventually even to variations tailored to older athletes.

That said, there were plenty of strong people before Wendler wrote 5/3/1 so its not like it's the end all, be all of lifting.


If you run The Triumvirate as your assistance template it is more or less open to interpretation and changing whenever you feel the need. I've seen a lot of people on this forum and others say it's too easy or whatever but I think it can be whatever you want.

And there have been strong people before Wendler and after and stronger then him but more bad ass then Wendler? Nope
I have a real complicated way of progressing on BBB. Get five sets of ten with a certain weight, add 5% and start over, work up to 5 sets of 10 again, add 5%.
I'm a triumvirate man, myself. I'm in my third cycle of 5/3/1 right now, and it's worked pretty well. I like the variety. Also, to keep the primary lift interesting even while it's lighter, I keep my rest periods very short between sets.

However, I only plan on using 5/3/1 until the first time I can't hit a prescribed rep, which I hope is well over a year. The ease of the lifting is allowing me to work cardio in slowly and surely. Once I can comfortably handle 5/3/1, 3 days of intense cardio, and maybe some box jumps, I'm going to move on to Juggernaut method.
Voting for triumvirate here as well. I would do BBB, but my gym has GHRs,reverse hypers and the works so it would feel like a waste for me to pay that money without utilizing it. Simple strength sounds like a variation of triumvirate.

Has anyone ever incorporated cluster sets into their 531?
Im doing triumvirate but I hate it. Doing 5 sets of 10 dumbell bench presses is boring and irritating. I'm gonna see it out this cycle and then next cycle Im going to go with SS. seems much quicker, easier, and the progression is there.

Triumvirate doesn't make me feel like I am achieving anything.

Also SS would allow me an extra 30 minutes or so to get some cardio in on deadlift and squat days, which I am in dire need of.
Im doing triumvirate but I hate it. Doing 5 sets of 10 dumbell bench presses is boring and irritating. I'm gonna see it out this cycle and then next cycle Im going to go with SS. seems much quicker, easier, and the progression is there.

Triumvirate doesn't make me feel like I am achieving anything.

Also SS would allow me an extra 30 minutes or so to get some cardio in on deadlift and squat days, which I am in dire need of.

You don't have to do 5 sets just because its trimvirate. You could always do 3 sets instead. The extra is just volume.
You don't have to do 5 sets just because its trimvirate. You could always do 3 sets instead. The extra is just volume.

This. I don't see the point in doing 5X10 unless one is running BBB.
Having said that, I've started doing 5X10 instead of 3X10 on the first week of SS Assistance, just because the volume works well for me. The next two weeks - 8/8/6 and 3X5 - I don't add any volume to.
I like SS with the 3 day Staring Strength type split.
MONTHLY progression!?!? I thought 5/3/1 was a weekly weight-add, yikes how long does it take to increase numbers on that then? Why would anyone do that?

Don't confuse how fast your training max increases with how fast you would get stronger on the program.