Zuluzinho's purple belt?

Inge T

I upload things
Dec 4, 2003
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Well, Zuluzinho is set to fight in Pride 30, and I read that he has a BJJ purple belt. I was just curious as to how they evaluate his skills - I mean a knee on belly from this guy would most probably hospitalise most people, and just having a beast like that in your guard must be horrible. Also, if there's any chance whatsoever to muscle out of a submission, this guy probably does so in his sleep.

I guess he isn't much of a quick mover while on his back (but who could ever put him on his back?), though, and I guess his transitions can't be much to write home about.

All in all, I guess he can tap out a lot of the BJJ black belts out there by smothering/overpowering them, but that says little about his skills. So, on what grounds do huge guys like him get their belts?

Hard to say. In general, huge guys develop really slowly technically. It depends on their mindset. If they just think about winning and muscle out of stuff....then they never progress.

If they pay attention and cut back on the power moves, they can really get some game.

Anybody know who little Zulu got his purple from?
We have a guy at our club who is 6'4 315...
He is a blue belt and nice most of the time when you roll with him... If you pass his guard, or cause him any pain at all you better be ready for an ass whipping.

A new guy can openered him and he spent the next 3 minutes pulverizing this guy every which way but loose.. as the guy reached for the can opener every ones attention turned because we knew it was going to piss off the big man... Someone even shouted out "NO! dont do that!"

Our teacher laughed and said "If your going to kick the tiger in its balls, You better have something for its teeth" in a brazilian accent

He is pretty good technically But when he wants to use his weight and power he does! and there is nothing you can do about it. Last tournament he entered the absolute and beat a bunch of purples and a brown belt. He got to the semi finals against a purple from a rival school and won in the last 30 seconds with an Omo-platta sweep to side mount for points. Then he lost in the finals to an amazing purple belt who caught him in a heal hook. Was for 500$.. Needless to say he placed 1st in his division before the absolute, and also won the all weight blue belt division..

Only way to tap him is by chokes, and leg locks... The guy is to strong to get an arm or get to his back.
i see a lot of big guys get blues and purples, butthey have a hard time with the guys that are in the 195-205 range, the speed of the game is considerably different.
but... i do see a lot of big guys with great technique and some speed. it all depends on how the big man trains, and if he gets time with upper belts that arent too small.
i am farely fast for a big guy, but i only weigh 252, so i am not a real big guy compared to some of the super heavies.
side mount and half guard are hell to pay when the big guy is on top, mouint is easier to escape in my opinion, it is easier to get the big guy off balance and get a an upa or start a shrimp escape.
i see a lot of keylocks from the big guys.
seeing a big guy pull of a triangle or flying armbar is really a site to see. i dont get enough training time with big guys, so my game sucks when i get with a big guy, i am used to keeping a lot of my wieght off the smaller guys to keep it more fair, but then my technique goes to crap.
dude just because someone is a huge guy doesn't mean they will tap out a black belt by smothering them, thats just fucking ridiculous and stupid.
the smother factor only exists in the lower belts...from what i have seen.
its fucken weird seeing Zulu jr. I think it might be just me
Kron is shitting his pants.
guardpasser said:
i see a lot of big guys get blues and purples, butthey have a hard time with the guys that are in the 195-205 range, the speed of the game is considerably different.
but... i do see a lot of big guys with great technique and some speed. it all depends on how the big man trains, and if he gets time with upper belts that arent too small.
i am farely fast for a big guy, but i only weigh 252, so i am not a real big guy compared to some of the super heavies.
side mount and half guard are hell to pay when the big guy is on top, mouint is easier to escape in my opinion, it is easier to get the big guy off balance and get a an upa or start a shrimp escape.
i see a lot of keylocks from the big guys.
seeing a big guy pull of a triangle or flying armbar is really a site to see. i dont get enough training time with big guys, so my game sucks when i get with a big guy, i am used to keeping a lot of my wieght off the smaller guys to keep it more fair, but then my technique goes to crap.

instead of overpowering the smaller guys, try and play keep up in training. thats where you try and match their speed. it works against you but when you roll with guys your own size you will move faster than them. that's what i do in our room since there are only two guys my size.
ugh i just read in PRIDE interview that he is a blackbelt in BJJ and TEACHES it.
suppose to have good submission skills. but most of his fights end in KO from
Gsoares2 said:
We have a guy at our club who is 6'4 315...
He is a blue belt and nice most of the time when you roll with him... If you pass his guard, or cause him any pain at all you better be ready for an ass whipping.

A new guy can openered him and he spent the next 3 minutes pulverizing this guy every which way but loose.. as the guy reached for the can opener every ones attention turned because we knew it was going to piss off the big man... Someone even shouted out "NO! dont do that!"

Our teacher laughed and said "If your going to kick the tiger in its balls, You better have something for its teeth" in a brazilian accent

He is pretty good technically But when he wants to use his weight and power he does! and there is nothing you can do about it. Last tournament he entered the absolute and beat a bunch of purples and a brown belt. He got to the semi finals against a purple from a rival school and won in the last 30 seconds with an Omo-platta sweep to side mount for points. Then he lost in the finals to an amazing purple belt who caught him in a heal hook. Was for 500$.. Needless to say he placed 1st in his division before the absolute, and also won the all weight blue belt division..

Only way to tap him is by chokes, and leg locks... The guy is to strong to get an arm or get to his back.

Ha!!!!!!!! Reminds me of a lot of guys in my school!!!!!!!!!
we have a guy at our school that is about 6'0 260 and he is a 2 stripe blue. The guy is unbelievable when it comes to technique. He is so smooth and uses his weight so well that he gives purples and browns a run for their money.

big guys can have great technique
i guess pride was hyping him up
damnit I hate it when they do that.

They said before Shannon RItch was gonna fight Saku
that Shannon was the Ruler of underground pro-wrestling
in AMerica what the heck?????
My step brother use to train in a Japnese JJ school. At the time he was around 6'2" and 350lbs. A big country boy. I hated going to the ground, having him in guard was always a test to see if I could tap him before my groin cup collapsed. I always thinking, "Oh God, any second my cup's going to break and I'll die!" I normally tried winning with strikes(standing or ground) and chokes.
ohh man that sounds like a nightmare, I believe I've been in
the same boat with a guy about the same size, except this guy was
a former highschool wrestler.

going to the ground REALLY sucked.