YouTube creating unrealistic strength standards


Gold Belt
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
If you thumb through powerlifting vids on YouTube, you'll notice that nearly everyone Is a 700# deadlifted, 600# squatter and 550# bencher. Does anyone feel like this may create unrealistic strength standards for average plebs? I know I feel like a bitch watching Chris Duffin, Stan Efferding, George Leeman, etc. perhaps it's just my own autism saying "hey, I weigh as much as these guys, I should be moving as much weight too. Especially as a natty fatty.
There is definitely something to that. Youtube fitness "experts" and widespread "information" in general has brought a lot of bad with it. Good too, for sure, but a lot of bad too.
There have always been a lot of strong people in this world, it's just that now the world wide web has made it easier to witness and share these events and have more discussion about them.

If powerlifting is your passion work on surpassing your own PR's and don't worry about anyone else. Don't let the natty fatty excuse hold you back. Work for it.
no OP i do not think it has created unrealistic expactations

just because advanced strength athletes are highlighted does mean that what they are doing is the norm
no OP i do not think it has created unrealistic expactations

just because advanced strength athletes are highlighted does mean that what they are doing is the norm
Yo, where that's 600 dead vid youve been promising me?
YouTube is absolutely awesome. Its on demand content unlike anything we have seen before. But it has spawned a few problems.
1. Every dude who grew up reading bodybuilding mags started a channel giving out fitness advice and so often delve into giving out health and wellness advice that they obviously know nothing about.
2. The fake natty. Hows this for a great business model. Youre a skinny, fat, skinny/fat, out of shape dude, you start taking steroids, document your transformation, claim natural, and then all the impressionable/gullible people out there believe that because you are now in great shape and claiming natural, you must really know what you're talking about.
This is true.

My 155-pound ass squats 275 below parallel for reps and gets mad respect in the real world. On the internets and Youtube, it's shit.
No. There are loads of people posting videos of lifts that are far below the standards you mention. Of course the ones with the most views are going to have decent strength level.
There is definitely something to that. Youtube fitness "experts" and widespread "information" in general has brought a lot of bad with it. Good too, for sure, but a lot of bad too.

YouTube fitness expert in 10 sec
  • Eat food, count macros
  • Drink Monsters every vid in hopes of scoring a sponsorship
  • Wear flyknits
  • Create YT drama

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We need a Sherdog expert channel:

-Don't forget to sub to the berry
If you're below 6'5, go to @manlet_dog
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YouTube fitness expert in 10 sec
  • Eat food, count macros
  • Drink Monsters every vid in hopes of scoring a sponsorship
  • Wear flyknits
  • Create YT drama

Don't forget to like my stuff, share, sub, follow me on XYZ plaftform x4, comment and get a 10% discount of my 10x markup made in China T-shirt

We need a Sherdog expert channel:

-Don't forget to sub to the berry
If you're below 6'5, do to @manlet_dog
Exactly. So many "experts" selling bullshit programs, bullshit supplements, fluff information, youtube drama, fake natties, stupid dogmas, shitty technique videos, unrealistic body images, skewed strength image, information overload, analysis paralysis and so on.

In the end many consumers just end more confused with very little to show for it. Way too many talking heads out there.
Exactly. So many "experts" selling bullshit programs, bullshit supplements, fluff information, youtube drama, fake natties, stupid dogmas, shitty technique videos, unrealistic body images, skewed strength image, information overload, analysis paralysis and so on.

In the end many consumers just end more confused with very little to show for it. Way too many talking heads out there.
Online coaching is a huge scam in that community. I've heard multiple occasions where they don't know jack about their client's reactions to food types, and go with IIFYM (as much as I like it myself, I do know its not for everyone), and when things go south, they dip and cut off contact.

There was one guy who took a simple upper lower program (free) and made money off it to clients.

Female fitness "gurus" are the best laugh though, they tend to have good genetics and looks (boise dimes) to get away with poor planning, while being inexperienced (something like 1 bulk / cut cycle - aka 1 yr exp.) and they're going off teaching people everything there is to know about fitness. Hell, alot don't even have a background in sports sci, nutrition, etc.
Will probably start seeing these channels disappear since YouTube is demonitizing all of them. Of course they all sell merch and programs so maybe not. Mark Bells channel is the only one I like.
Will probably start seeing these channels disappear since YouTube is demonitizing all of them. Of course they all sell merch and programs so maybe not. Mark Bells channel is the only one I like.

YT is demonitizing fitness channels? I thought it was just political channels
Don't forget that you can just read the comments and realize that most people aren't near that strength level. I watched a video the other day of someone doing high rep squats the other day. It was over 30 reps if I remember correctly. He clearly hit parallel or below on every rep. Several comments were there on "it wasn't ATG" or "you'd be doing 80 lbs less if you were A2G". People are morons.
YouTube fitness expert in 10 sec
  • Eat food, count macros
  • Drink Monsters every vid in hopes of scoring a sponsorship
  • Wear flyknits
  • Create YT drama

Don't forget to like my stuff, share, sub, follow me on XYZ plaftform x4, comment and get a 10% discount of my 10x markup made in China T-shirt

We need a Sherdog expert channel:

-Don't forget to sub to the berry
If you're below 6'5, go to @manlet_dog
Dan green has a couple decent vids out there. Alan thrall is ok too. It's the same material rehashed but sometimes watching it helps me fix something little I was missing
Don't forget that you can just read the comments and realize that most people aren't near that strength level. I watched a video the other day of someone doing high rep squats the other day. It was over 30 reps if I remember correctly. He clearly hit parallel or below on every rep. Several comments were there on "it wasn't ATG" or "you'd be doing 80 lbs less if you were A2G". People are morons.

Youtube has so many trolls and haters it's ridiculous. I remember just uploading a meet compilation of my friend winning IPF Bench Worlds. As usual haters popped up, especially because he wore a 'bench shirt'.

Just read the comments and it looks like a lot of them are gone. I wonder if it disappears if they delete their account. I can't believe that was 10 years ago