Your striking story...


Blue Belt
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
I want to hear how you guys got in to striking since legit striking takes alot of nerve and keep in mind Im not talking about cardio stand up or anything but a striking art with legit sparring.

I will go first so heres my story...

So I use to do these shitty ass waterdown kickboxing when I was 15 for 2 years then I was like now I wanna workout and get big so I stopped doing that since I thought w/e striking is for pussies anyway its all about muscle and grappling ( god how wrong I was :redface:)

Anyway Its after highschool and me and my buddy are watching ufc/pride and tuf. Then I started saying how I would beat the kick the living shit out of all these lightweights/boxers/lanky anderson silva and how I thought that baroni was like the greatest striker in the world cause he was ripped and muscular ( I know I know :redface:)

Then his like well lets go spar in the garage and I was like sure no problem THEN as soon as I got hit I felt like my perception just changed and it was like unreal I was flenchy and shit like that it was not good got my nose messed up but when I look back at I did deserve it and after that I became very very humble.

Then I started to look in to how basic striking works and two guys I realy liked was vitor belfort and Joe Riggs because they had very good movements and good punches and then I realized that my kickboxing was fake and just because you sweat doesnt meen you know how to fight. So fast forward 2 more years here I am as a proud boxing practioner a little bit wiser with good footwork decent punches and more tolerant of the newbie meatheads knowing that I was one of them ( but heres the kicker I am lightweight that had crazy small man syndrom:icon_twis)

So yeah thats my story hopefuly later on I would like to add some muay thai to my boxing but for now boxing and just learn as much as possible and keep in mind that there is always someone that can messe you up with a decent strike so no cocky bs for me.

Alright hopefuly I didnt bore you guys to death.

Oh and heres a quick highlight for those that have ADD:

1.Ts Had small-man-syndrom
2.Ts thought he was a badass cause he watched ultimate fighting
3.Ts got a rude awakening
4.Ts is now a striking practioner and humble about it
I started off watching UFC when Chuck Liddell was on the rise and moving into his prime. He was my favorite fighter so I already had an interest in striking. Then I decided to get into martial arts in general, and headed down to my local Kenpo school. Turns out the head intructor isn't just a Kenpo guy; he's into MT as well. After I started going through the belts, he started showing me more and more MT techniques and I've just naturally grown into a striker. I'm 6'5" and 190 lbs, so I'm very tall and lanky and it's natural for me. I love grappling to, but striking will always be my home.
I started off in Karate and after about two years my instructors told me how much I had improved and that I should start taking the kick boxing classes because it would help me make major improvements. So I did and now I'm fuckin amazing.
Watching power rangers --> Shotokan Karate --> Kuk Sool Won ( point sparring)--> Thai boxing (just techniques, little light continuous sparring)--> Kick boxing (this is where I started sparring properly and started competeing full contact) --> MMA.
I played Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance when I was a little younger, and I thought that fighting was the most BADASS thing in the world. I wanted to learn Hapkido like Scorpion.

I started taking some kiddy Kung-Fu classes. This didn't last too long.

Flash forward a couple years, I'm a 19 year old white kid entering an all-black boxing gym in the ghetto, scared out of my mind and not really knowing what to expect.

I get taught a few basics, and practice, practice, practice. I spar for the first time, and get the tar beaten out of me.

I consider quitting for a brief moment, but fuck that.

I keep practicing, keep sparring, and start to improve, more and more, every day.

My first fight will be on June 28.
started in karate as a child, was alright and the instructor seemed to be a real blackbelt but i was like 8 and i lost interest. few years later i joined a kung fu studio that a friend recommended. did that for 3 months but it stunk of mcdojo before i even knew what it was. that was all like 4 years ago and i had given up on finding a place to fight and was out of shape until my friend introduced me to mma and took me to his gym and i've been going there since
I played Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance when I was a little younger, and I thought that fighting was the most BADASS thing in the world. I wanted to learn Hapkido like Scorpion.

I started taking some kiddy Kung-Fu classes. This didn't last too long.

Flash forward a couple years, I'm a 19 year old white kid entering an all-black boxing gym in the ghetto, scared out of my mind and not really knowing what to expect.

I get taught a few basics, and practice, practice, practice. I spar for the first time, and get the tar beaten out of me.

I consider quitting for a brief moment, but fuck that.

I keep practicing, keep sparring, and start to improve, more and more, every day.

My first fight will be on June 28.

good luck with your fight man, and congrats with keeping with it. so many people puss out after there first beating.
i was a painfully shy kid, i cried a lot and was unable to express myself through words. in elementry school i sat by myself up in the soccer field to avoid every one. some kids came up there to make fun of me. i was incapable of talking and instead begun to cry, i felt a rage inside myself that i still feel when talked down to. so i stood up, and looked one of the kids making fun of me right in the eyes, and rather than saying a single word, with tears runnin down my face, i swung. next thing i know bully is on the ground crying with a bloody nose. i instantly felt like a fucking king, and since fighting has been second nature. its how i delt with arguments.

my dad and his dad were both boxers, my dad trained me to box from birth up until he died when i was about 7. i then did karate for a year and then stopped all of it(except for school fights etc. i couldnt even count how many) then at age 15 i started boxing and did that until i was arrested at 17, i was put away for two years(im a diffrent person, no need to judge me on that) at the age of 22 i begun muay thai, jiu jitsu and mma and still practice 5 days a week for 3-4 hours.

i will going to thailand for 3 months, when i get back to the states i will be fighting for rage in the cage and i plan to go pro eventually, im taking my time though. i have watched to many kids train for a week then jump in the cage, get there asses kicked and then just fall off. i plan on seeing where i can go with this, it seems the only thing really natural, besides workin with animals.. haha, but seriously
Thought I was tough. I fought in school like a lot of guys. Local bar advertised kickboxing matches come down well suit you up you can go a few rounds with somebody. First fight I did real well. Knocked the guy down in every round felt good. Second fight fought an amatuer boxer and he made me look like an ass. Half way through the second round I gassed real bad and was a punching bag for a round and a half (3 round fight). Got into jiu jitsu thinking I should fight ufc. Got a quick tap/ass beating my first class. A guy at the gym tought muay thai, I started doing that quit grappling all together and never looked back.The funny thing is how tough I thought I was before I trained. I know better now.
Man my story is intense, I used to hang out a lot outside my old school you know play basketball, relax, just chill and one day these dudes came up to me and my friends and they obviously wanted to fight so they started trying to cause trouble with me and my friends,

so I told the one who appeared to be the leader of the group to back off then he says what are you gonna do about it then I threw a haymaker to which he caught and picked up me up above his head and spun me around before prompty dropping me on my head after that I went home and my mom asked what happened and she got all scared so she told me to learn to fight to defend myself and i asked how so she said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air".

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh with a dice in the mirror. If anything I can say this is rare but now I thought 'now forget it... yo homes to bel air'.

I pulled up the house at about 7 or 8 and i yelled to the cabbie yo homes smell you later I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of bel air.
I Started out as a BYB (back yard boxer) When I was 15 got my ass beat like 3 times in one night,twice by the same person because I did not know the importance of straight punches and the JAB. But I liked it, so a couple years later I get some gloves and continue to do byb where we would just stand there and slug it out. Man it was fun times.

Later on I go on to advenge my first lose, it was great we beat on eachother for like 5 mins, we did not have rounds. Then I began to study boxing by watching videos on youtube and learn the basics of the jab and not staying stationary and what not.

So About a year ago I sign up at a local gym and I would just mostly do sparring and man I went in there and tore some shit up, had alot of good times and memories, but there is this one guy who has like 13 amature boxing matches under him and boy this guy would work me, he would always give me props to, telling me I am the toughest he has gone agaisnt, out of anybody that trains at his gym and that I have a wicked jab. but Striking is hella fun. It has been awhile since I put on some gloves, but Hey I plan on getting back into. I just love to punch people in the face and dont mind eating a couple.
Man my story is intense, I used to hang out a lot outside my old school you know play basketball, relax, just chill and one day these dudes came up to me and my friends and they obviously wanted to fight so they started trying to cause trouble with me and my friends,

so I told the one who appeared to be the leader of the group to back off then he says what are you gonna do about it then I threw a haymaker to which he caught and picked up me up above his head and spun me around before prompty dropping me on my head after that I went home and my mom asked what happened and she got all scared so she told me to learn to fight to defend myself and i asked how so she said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air".

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh with a dice in the mirror. If anything I can say this is rare but now I thought 'now forget it... yo homes to bel air'.

I pulled up the house at about 7 or 8 and i yelled to the cabbie yo homes smell you later I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to sit on my throne as the prince of bel air.

F'n hilarious. I had just read all these serious and inspiring stories and you seriously had me going.
started off with wing chun, did it fairly consistently for around 4 years.
then went on to shotokan karate, entered a competition. again, practiced this for about 4 years.
then started san shou, did this for 3 years, also did a few competitions.
now have been consistently doing boxing and thai boxing for 2 years.
good luck with your fight man, and congrats with keeping with it. so many people puss out after there first beating.

Thanks man, I'm trying.

i was a painfully shy kid, i cried a lot and was unable to express myself through words. in elementry school i sat by myself up in the soccer field to avoid every one. some kids came up there to make fun of me. i was incapable of talking and instead begun to cry, i felt a rage inside myself that i still feel when talked down to. so i stood up, and looked one of the kids making fun of me right in the eyes, and rather than saying a single word, with tears runnin down my face, i swung. next thing i know bully is on the ground crying with a bloody nose. i instantly felt like a fucking king, and since fighting has been second nature. its how i delt with arguments.

my dad and his dad were both boxers, my dad trained me to box from birth up until he died when i was about 7. i then did karate for a year and then stopped all of it(except for school fights etc. i couldnt even count how many) then at age 15 i started boxing and did that until i was arrested at 17, i was put away for two years(im a diffrent person, no need to judge me on that) at the age of 22 i begun muay thai, jiu jitsu and mma and still practice 5 days a week for 3-4 hours.

i will going to thailand for 3 months, when i get back to the states i will be fighting for rage in the cage and i plan to go pro eventually, im taking my time though. i have watched to many kids train for a week then jump in the cage, get there asses kicked and then just fall off. i plan on seeing where i can go with this, it seems the only thing really natural, besides workin with animals.. haha, but seriously

Good luck with your training as well. Keep us updated on your fights!
From a young age, I felt the urge to punch people in the face.
my mother smacked me one day and sent me to my room.
as I lay on my bed i swore this would never happen to me again and i vowed to get revenge.
shortly after i headed to the nearest gym with my picture of my mum to stick on the nearest heavy bag and i trained like a man possessed.
sure enough as i suspected several years later she tried the same stunt again,now me and my mother are tied 1 and 1, she won't pull that shit a third time
I boxed my friend in his garage with 9 oz boxing gloves, I had never boxed and he trained for 3 summers under Johnny Tapia. Needless to say I got my ass beat really bad but I had asked him just to see what it was like.
my mother smacked me one day and sent me to my room.
as I lay on my bed i swore this would never happen to me again and i vowed to get revenge.
shortly after i headed to the nearest gym with my picture of my mum to stick on the nearest heavy bag and i trained like a man possessed.
sure enough as i suspected several years later she tried the same stunt again,now me and my mother are tied 1 and 1, she won't pull that shit a third time

hahaha... nice