Your grappling: Loose or Tight?


Green Belt
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
Loose-fluid-transitional game or tight-methodical-discomforting game, which do you prefer, which do you play, and why?
I'd perfer playing a loose and relaxed game, but I usually play a tight game with a lot of transitions. I need to relax and flow more on the mat.
I play it tight and methodical, but stay explosive when openings occur.
Depends on my opponent. If he's flexible or fast etc. I tend to be slow and tight, not giving him room to move. With bigger or stronger etc. guys I play more fast & loose. Make them use more energy and try to catch them by flowing more and using more speed.
I would i play more of a loose and fluid game, it depends on alot though, who i'm rolling with what position, etc....from guard i play a very loose game, open guard mostly, and try to set up submissions that way,...on the top i try and control more however. I think thats just par for the course though.
tudor_bjj said:
Depends on my opponent. If he's flexible or fast etc. I tend to be slow and tight, not giving him room to move. With bigger or stronger etc. guys I play more fast & loose. Make them use more energy and try to catch them by flowing more and using more speed.

I agree. with smaller opponents (and, therefore, usually faster) I play a tighter, slower game. With larger (stronger) opponents I pick up the pace in hopes that they will either loose energy 'chasing' me or give me a submission out of frustration. The real challenge is what game to use with opponents in my own weight category...?
It varies. Loose when I can get away with it or want to have fun, tight if I really want to wreck someone.
Depends on who I am rolling with and what I am rolling for. If it's just regular sparring and I'm looking to set up and try out things, I'll play fast and loose. If I am in side control or have someone in my guard I am more likely to play a tighter game since I am not a big dude and as a result control can be harder to keep.

I think he meant if you apply a technique tightly there is less chance of escape and a higher chance of them tapping out sooner rather than later.
depends. if I am showing somebody something, then easy going and loose. if someone is
playing hard against me then I fall back on very tight/methodical and very heavy
as I am a heavyweight (270) and the glacial crushing approach with quick bursts of speed gives
me best results overall.
loose and fluid when ive got some form of top control. tight on the bottom and just kind of hold and control my opponent
Coach Couzo said:
I was with you until 'tight is fast' - you have some explaining to do.

if you are speedy fast you get sloppy but if you are slow and smooth you will be able to finish any move you attempt much faster than someone that is going balls to the wall and flying around all helterskelter...
I'm at a point right now where I'm not sure where I should go in terms of a grappling game plan.

I tend to play a transitional game, always taking what my opponents give me, moving to new positions, and looking for opportunities to finish. I don't mind getting into scrambles, and I don't fear any position really (except when someone takes my back). I just like to play the game, and I don't mind "losing".

Recently however, I'm wondering if I should maybe take some focus off of this, and start playing a more methodical game. Imposing my will on my opponents instead of taking what they give me. Making them more uncomfortable and really playing a tighter game all around.
If your small like me (115 lbs at 27 years old), you have to play the loose and quick game...becomming tight only when your back to sink in a sub.

That means there should be no space between you and your opponent (if you are in the dominant position). If you are not in the dominant position, you want to "create daylight", aka make space between him and you.

In either case, you do not want to keep your muscles flexed and tight because that wears you down quickly. Stay loose enough to be able to do your own moves, and solid enough to avoid being manhandled and shoved around.

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