Your Fave/Best Disney Film??


Blue Belt
Aug 24, 2023
Reaction score
My Niece is obsessed with the original Beauty and the Beast, and I must say it is quite amazing. an easy 4/5 if I were to judge. Your fave Disney film?

Beauty and the Beast for Me...

I agree - also an underrated one was "A Goofy Movie" which is actually based on Goofy trying to make up for all his past mistakes by trying to take his son on a road trip. Very awesome and a rocking soundtrack, IMO
I concur. All of the movies up to the mid 90’s were just incredibly well made. A Goofy Movie is legit awesome and criminally underrated as was Duck tales the Movie: Treasure of the lost lamp.
I concur. All of the movies up to the mid 90’s were just incredibly well made. A Goofy Movie is legit awesome and criminally underrated as was Duck tales the Movie: Treasure of the lost lamp.
"Nobody else But You" is a crazy underrated song.
I haven't seen any of the classic animated movies in a very long time, but I enjoy National Treasure and Miracle.
I don't expect for this to be a popular opinion.

But of all of the Disney movies I've seen, which is most of them, but I saw most of them a long time ago, the one I have the highest opinion of is...


Yeah, kinda weird, because I do prefer 2D animation, but Tangled has the most flawless 3D animation I've seen. Besides that, ever aspect of it is 10/10.

Adapting the classic fairie tale into a kids movie that adults will also appreciate? 10/10.
The songs? 10/10.
The characters, plot, & script? 10/10.

I literally have no complaints, and as jaded as I am, that's as high of praise I can think of.
I concur. All of the movies up to the mid 90’s were just incredibly well made. A Goofy Movie is legit awesome and criminally underrated as was Duck tales the Movie: Treasure of the lost lamp.
I'm glad to see Goofy Movie get it's flowers as the generation that grew up on yearns for nostalgia now. It's a legit amazing movie with such a good soundtrack and a wholesome message about family

It always reminds me of summer as a kid. Not only is it about a summer vacation but I swear my sister and me would watch it every single day when we were on summer break. It's still burned in my brain
Hard to not put Lion King #1. Probably the best soundtrack and the most memorable songs. Voice cast was unreal, and Jeremy Irons as Scar might be Disney's best villain. I will say that I saw Aladdin again recently and that movie is completely flawless, doesn't drag whatsoever, Robin Williams might have given the best performance of any animated movie ever, some really good memorable songs. Probably by the slimmest of margins behind Lion King in music and villain but really not by much.
even at a young age i knew watching a movie where you saw a lot of pussy was something i enjoyed very much

The Lyin’ Kang

Never forget me and my brother watching the movie for the first time on Saturday night.

We spread the word in the house about the movie and we ended up watching it with the entire family multiple times

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