Yoga. Any serious practitioners?


Yellow Belt
Feb 27, 2016
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I randomly get lower back muscular pain about 1-2 days a month. It comes, fking hurts, and goes away. It is here right now, and I am sick of it.

Today, I viisted a Physio for a muscle massage to release the tension. I then visited a Chiro for a spine assessment. Both told me my posture and alignment are incredible but my lower back and glute muscles are very tight. They advised me to seriously add yoga to my weekly training.

Anyone do yoga on a serious level? Will it help increase flexibility substantially?
I do something called Pro-bodx. It's better than yoga. They probably don't have anyone teaching it in Australia.

But if you started yoga and did it 3-5 times a week, you'd probably gain some flexibility in your hips and some strength in smaller muscles that you don't typically train. Fixing weaknesses often has a positive effect for injury and performance.

So I would sign up for yoga/pilates or something similar and go often. Getting a knowledgeable instructor would be great.
Not yoga but I'm pretty serious about joint mobility. I like to use stuff from Steve maxwell (encyclopedia of joint mobility), I'm on that ~ 3 times a week and it's really helped my hips and lower back.

He breaks it down by body part so you can hit exactly what you feel you need.
Not yoga but I'm pretty serious about joint mobility. I like to use stuff from Steve maxwell (encyclopedia of joint mobility), I'm on that ~ 3 times a week and it's really helped my hips and lower back.

He breaks it down by body part so you can hit exactly what you feel you need.
I think I told you I watched a Steve Maxwell video. It was incredibly thorough. Head to toe. It looked like a workout in itself of just mobility. What I do is working for me, but his stuff looked good.

What people don't realize is that if you're lacking mobility somewhere and you improve it, it can really help you generate power athletically. And help in injury prevention.

Proper mobility helps your body work as it should. And helps your whole body work together in unison. It's very underrated. Especially in this forum.
I think I told you I watched a Steve Maxwell video. It was incredibly thorough. Head to toe. It looked like a workout in itself of just mobility. What I do is working for me, but his stuff looked good.

What people don't realize is that if you're lacking mobility somewhere and you improve it, it can really help you generate power athletically. And help in injury prevention.

Proper mobility helps your body work as it should. And helps your whole body work together in unison. It's very underrated. Especially in this forum.

Yeah the joint mobility stuff can be a workout at times, it made a lot of sense for me when I started because I could really tell what needed work, i.e. If it's easy, skip it, if it's a pain in the ass, keep working on it until you can do it smoothly. It's really helped
My interval runs and helped me get my squats really deep ass to grass.
Yeah the joint mobility stuff can be a workout at times, it made a lot of sense for me when I started because I could really tell what needed work, i.e. If it's easy, skip it, if it's a pain in the ass, keep working on it until you can do it smoothly. It's really helped
My interval runs and helped me get my squats really deep ass to grass.
I don't doubt that at all.
Just start wearing yoga pants, it will instantly increase your flexibility.
Yoga is inseparably linked to Hinduist pagan practices, beliefs and rituals. The positions represent Vedic gods in many cases. Best avoided.
for me even once a week while doing other pretty heavy training has been alright just to get the body warm and stretch a bit.
for me even once a week while doing other pretty heavy training has been alright just to get the body warm and stretch a bit.

I've been taking extra time to do like 30-40 minutes of mobility like 3x a week, it's been making a huge difference. My intervals are getting faster and my stride is really smoothing out more. It's helping a ton.
There is nothig wrong with some static stretching and no i dont think you need to take yoga classes to alleviate the pain.
I've been taking extra time to do like 30-40 minutes of mobility like 3x a week, it's been making a huge difference. My intervals are getting faster and my stride is really smoothing out more. It's helping a ton.
yeah doing yoga is basically me just forcing myself to go somewhere and do that because i wouldn't otherwise
yeah doing yoga is basically me just forcing myself to go somewhere and do that because i wouldn't otherwise

For sure. I always thought I had good mobility until I tried getting through the Steve maxwell was pretty eye opening and I realized my hips and lower back were just right and not mobile. So I started getting serious about it, now I can do all the stuff and it's helped.

When I first tried, I couldn't do a lot of the spinal rocking, hip walking type stuff. Now I can knock it out and I feel great.
Yoga is inseparably linked to Hinduist pagan practices, beliefs and rituals. The positions represent Vedic gods in many cases. Best avoided.

Not when I do it- I cut out that middle man crap and directly channel Satan into my body.
I did yoga for about 7 years with a very good teacher. I got to be okay at it. I stopped, mostly, 7-8 years ago, although every now and then I still do some.

Obviously I got very flexible and pretty mobile, and some of it has stayed with me. Probably just the stuff that you use lifting- hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, lower back.

There's nothing really special about yoga from a stretching and mobility perspective, except for the massive variety of different things you stretch, and the fact that in some styles there is a lot of attention to detail- making sure you are getting the most out of it and not cheating in some way. The former is not really a plus for most athletes- there's no particular point for most athletes being so flexible you can put your shin behind your neck or bend over backwards with an extreme arch in your spine. It might even be a negative.

The practical advantages of yoga is that you do learn to stretch pretty much anything in an effective way, and you are more likely to put the hours in that you need to actually improve. High levels of flexibility, like the levels needed for good BJJ, take many hours a week to achieve and so that's no small thing. It can be a fun social thing too. I met some great people doing yoga, not just vegans and hippies.

But really, if you are organized and a self-starter, you should be able to just find the stretches and mobility work you need to do, and just put in the time on your own.
Not when I do it- I cut out that middle man crap and directly channel Satan into my body.

Hey, man, take the piss if you want but it's the Hinduists and Yogis themselves who have said this.
For sure. I always thought I had good mobility until I tried getting through the Steve maxwell was pretty eye opening and I realized my hips and lower back were just right and not mobile. So I started getting serious about it, now I can do all the stuff and it's helped.

When I first tried, I couldn't do a lot of the spinal rocking, hip walking type stuff. Now I can knock it out and I feel great.
Got any links to that stuff?
Got any links to that stuff?

I just use this thing called "Steve maxwells encyclopedia of joint mobility", look that up and try YouTube for it, I bet a lot of it is there.

Steve maxwells stuff is awesome, I've worked with him personally before and gone to a few of his seminars for kettlebells and mobility stuff, it's all been awesome. He posts up lots of conditioning/mobility circuits as well.
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Hey, man, take the piss if you want but it's the Hinduists and Yogis themselves who have said this.

Oh, yeah, I know it's true. And that's just the positions ("asanas"). The breathing stuff is all based on Hindu-influenced meditation and spirituality.

I just think the idea of Christians being afraid of doing something because it derives from another mainstream religion is pretty funny. Also it reminded me of a kid I knew at school who had a book called "Satan's Snare". It was about all the things that the devil has sent out into the world to try to get you to go to hell- heavy metal music, role playing games, etc. It was also pretty funny, in a clearly retarded way. Also, equating Hindumism (the world's third largest religion) with paganism gave me a chuckle.

So, whether serious or not, I enjoyed your post.