Yall should try these spicy chicken tenders


I made this delicious meal last week its orange chicken with veggies and noodles.
Put some collard greens in this I got free from walmart them sumbitchs are good.
I wish I could do spice but whenever I do it's just not worth it the next morning.
Looks horrible but would probably eat if starving
Are they good in Fiesta Chicken?
fiesta chicken.JPGs.JPG

Well heres the pic that started it all and applebees version that I got it from. Only difference in mine is I used doritos instead of them curly tortilla twists applebees use.
Mine tasted damn good either way and brought many laughs on here.
RIP delicious meals thread you are missed.
EDIT my pic was damaged somehow on the usb drive but I put it back together in its awesome glory.:)
This is just lazy adult chicken nuggets. Go for the Costco lightly breaded version instead
How does one procure free collard greens from Walmart?
Got food delivery from walmart and it was the ghetto walmart so they messed up the order and put things in they shouldnt have. Got turkey flavored collard greens and condensed milk in cans that were suppose to go to someone else. Them collard greens are good too heres the brand,
