WTF? Jones did nothing but just pose and he won? Santos won clearly off effective workrate

The funny thing is this is MMA yet they dont score any of gimp leg Santos kick damage. Jones leg was damaged badly you could see the damage in the inner leg. I wonder if Jones took a pain killer they give him so many exemptions let him test positive multiple times as well.

it seems the judges scored everytime Santos wobbled from misstepping on his hurt leg and scored that for jones

Santos hurt his leg by stepping on it awkwardly while moving, yet Im pretty sure these dumb ass judges were scoring everytime he fell down or wobbled misstepping for Jones
I feel like the judges should be able to note certain points of the fight (like press a button) so that when the fight is over, they can go back to those moments and look at it under replay/slow mo.
Santos 1, 2, 4. 3 and 5 were very close too.

Jones defintely lost. Jones vs Gus 1 was closer fight than Santos vs Jones.
UFC is already a ruined organization.

I hope other orgs start to pop up and destroy the monopoly of the UFC.

LGBT propaganda, now this...
Yep, judges seemed more interested in who was controlling the center of the octagon than who was landing the bigger strikes, I feel for Santos, doubt he ever gets that chance again.

Jones had no decisive rounds, I only gave him round 3, but even then he only edged it, couple of rounds should have been 10-10 rounds, and Santos had 2 rounds clearly.

49-48 to Santos being generous to Jones
49-47 was how I scored it in real time.
What rounds did you give to jones and why?

Thought Santos took 1,2,5

Pretty clear Santos was outstruck (technique wise) despite him throwing more strikes, though he was throwing 5-8 punch combos to get his back off the cage that never actually connected. The only round I gave to Santos was the 1st and he eeked that out because Jones didn't pressure as hard. You could potentially make an argument for the 5th going to Santos as well because Jones was quite lack luster, but you could see him rolling all of Santos shots off his arms, constantly kept octagon control, Santos not only was immobolized from checked kicks, but couldn't get his back off the cage, actually tripping a few times on that little indent where the cage and canvas meet.

Not to mention, Santos was dropped twice in the fight and landed less than a handful of significant strikes. Despite a terrible output from Jones, it was a pretty obvious 49-46 but I would also accept 48-47. If Jones actually tried he could of finished that fight by round 3 but yet again we see him playing an extremely safe fight.

I actually REALLY dislike Jones, and would like nothing more than that PED using fuckstick to lose his belt, but Dana was actually right, anyone who saw that as a win for Santos is blind. I think most people expect Jones to go out there and dominate his opponents so when he fights like he did last night and doesn't finish a guy like Santos who isn't a big name, people discredit what Jon actually did with the minimal amount of strikes he threw.
we simply need overtime for fights like this! the fight wasn't over.
stupid unified rules!
Santos 1, 2, 4. 3 and 5 were very close too.

Jones defintely lost. Jones vs Gus 1 was closer fight than Santos vs Jones.

3 was close when Jones knocked Santos down?
i watched it this morning and realized that many people hate Jones more than I do, and I dislike him strongly. Not enough to call that a fix, though.

Like most close fights, it depends what you were looking at and for. I think too many were looking at it with bias.

Round one was probably Santos, but it wasnt as obvious as everyone on here made it seem last night.

Three and Four were Jones, but not dominant by any means.

Just depends how a person saw Two and Five. For me, I dont personally pick a winner based on ‘there needing to be a winner’ I couldnt tell who won those rounds, so id call them even. Id have Jones by a point, however anything from 3-2 Santos to 4-1 Jones would be not in the robbery realm.

It does suck that Jones has gotten the benefit of the doubt in his two close fights as id love to see him lose, but he wasnt outclassed in either of them.

edit - I also dislike when fans of the fighter who got the W call it ‘objective truth vs. your feelings’ or anything along those lines. In every close fight there isnt a person in that building (outside of Buffer and maybe some official judge tallyer) who knows who ‘won’ the fight until the last card is read. Switch the last read judge out with another one and maybe we are calling Santos the ‘objective, hard facts’ winner.

Records should show finishes and being finished as a fighters primary record, and decisions in brackets, lower down, smaller print
Pretty clear Santos was outstruck (technique wise) despite him throwing more strikes, though he was throwing 5-8 punch combos to get his back off the cage that never actually connected. The only round I gave to Santos was the 1st and he eeked that out because Jones didn't pressure as hard. You could potentially make an argument for the 5th going to Santos as well because Jones was quite lack luster, but you could see him rolling all of Santos shots off his arms, constantly kept octagon control, Santos not only was immobolized from checked kicks, but couldn't get his back off the cage, actually tripping a few times on that little indent where the cage and canvas meet.

Not to mention, Santos was dropped twice in the fight and landed less than a handful of significant strikes. Despite a terrible output from Jones, it was a pretty obvious 49-46 but I would also accept 48-47. If Jones actually tried he could of finished that fight by round 3 but yet again we see him playing an extremely safe fight.

I actually REALLY dislike Jones, and would like nothing more than that PED using fuckstick to lose his belt, but Dana was actually right, anyone who saw that as a win for Santos is blind. I think most people expect Jones to go out there and dominate his opponents so when he fights like he did last night and doesn't finish a guy like Santos who isn't a big name, people discredit what Jon actually did with the minimal amount of strikes he threw.

I pretty much entirely disagree with your analysis. Santos took round one clearly, and I thought he edged rounds 2 and 5, though I agree they were close and could have gone either way depending on what you were looking at for scoring criteria.

I can see someone scoring it 3-2 for Jones if you think he won the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, but it definitely wasn’t a robbery either way.

I have nothing against Jones and barely even know who santos is. Only saw him kill Manuwa previously.

They need to run it back, if only to remove the doubt thanks to it being a split decision.
Was drunk and half asleep but my recollection is that JJ played nice with him and wasn't taking Santos seriously until some point in the 2nd Rd he felt Santos power and for the rest of the fight kept his fingers up in Santos know JJ is taking you seriously once he starts trying to blind you...
I think it is fairly obvious Santos won 1 & 2 but lost 3 & 4. Round 5 is the question. I watched round 5 multiple times. Jon squeezed out that round by a couple of pinches.

Add to all of this Jon was moving forward 90% of the time. Allthough barely, Jon won that fight.
I think Jones won based on the criteria that neither man did enough to sway the judges except the last criteria octagon control which Jon won all rounds after Santos hurt his knee and could no longer offer effective pressure.

That being said...What happened to Jon Jones of old? I will agree with you that he has not been the assassin we know Jones to be. Lately it seems like Jones' past few fights are almost fight to not lose like performances. I remember when Jones fought Shogun, Rampage, Rashad, Machida the list goes on is a safer fighter now. Remember when Jon was a buzz saw which gave him that invincibility aura. Now he rarely attacks unless the opponent makes a mistake. If he hurts the guy he will attack yet retreat if the opponent fires back. IMO this isnt the best Jones we have ever seen. Was it the PED's that really made the difference? Jones wins because the opponent doesnt fight him which makes it look so easy. If you get a guy who is not afraid of Jones's attacks and can really get in there with unlimited gas tank who will give Jones a dog fight he seems like a beatable man now.
Jones literally did nothing but a few side kicks , an elbow and sloppy heel kicks. I give him octocon control but that's about it
Extended fingers are a foul. Jones fouled Santos 500 times.
yeah very strange
I was laughing and saying they will give the fight to Jones every time Santos wobbled or fell from his gimp knee. That knee was hurt but Jones wasnt hitting it at the time he fell, yet they gave credit to Jones even when Santos slipped on the logo sticker

its pathetic, Santos could have punched himself in the face and they will score it for jones

Jones did nothing but pose, with his hands out stretched he didn't try, when it comes down to this type of fight you must give the rounds to the guy actually TRYING to win, not the guy playing defense with low punch output.
Jon was moving forward, and (I guess) this is what steered the judges to give him the nod. That is obviously not how a fight should be judged, but these guys don't know MMA.
We need to get retired fighters to become judges. That would help a lot.
I guess the fight metrics mean little. I know you guys hate Jon but how you convince yourselves Santos definitely won is beyond me. If Jon thought he was losing he would have simply taken Santos down.

BTW: I was rooting for Santos. Great guy, great fighter.

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