WTF? Jones did nothing but just pose and he won? Santos won clearly off effective workrate

Are you talking about Santos slipping because he picked is left leg up when he got kicked to the body? Not a knockdown. Zero knockdowns scored in the fight.

But if you really want Round 3, thats ok. There are atleast 3 other rounds Santos outlanded and did more damage than Jones.

Not a knockdown?
I'm talking about when he got countered with a elbow to the side of his head

Oh yea that elbow that partially landed but Santos tripped over Jones left leg and Santos wasnt hurt at all so it wasn't ruled a knockdown.

But if you want to call it a knockdown, go ahead. There are 3 other rounds where Santos did more damage, threw more, and landed more.
Round 2, 4, and 5 could have all gone either way. I had 1,2, and 5 for Santos but the only clear cut rounds were 1 for Santos and 3 for Jones.
while I agree (they were close), it is very odd to NOT award 2 to Santos and award him round 4 while NOT awarding 2 and 5.
That shows he went against most people's perceptions in 3 out of 5 rounds.
While they were close, you can't call it a coincidence that I had the same scoring as you did (and most people who scored for Santos gave him 1,2&5) and he just happened to be wrong in 3 of the 5 rounds.
Underwhelming performance by Jones I was not impressed at all. All he did was keep Santos away, never tried to finish, never tried to dominate. He was happy to win in a boringly devastating fashion. I hope he faces a crazy unorthodox fighter by the time he retires so we all can see how he handles adversity.