WTF happened to Madonna

She forgot to put the botox in her hands
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maybe she is not well and should be approached by a person close to her advising her to stop with what she is doing

btw wtf is with those hands cmon man remove that pic
Even when things were seemingly good for her, you knew things weren't going to end well for her. She sold herself out to be a sex symbol and for money and fame.
You think she'll OD? I think she'd be more prone to losing her fucking mind. Either way, I was never a superfan of hers.
She's already lost her mind, I mean just look at her. And yeah, ODing is the most likely scenario. All of these mega stars who try to keep going in old age are always on a cocktail of "prescription" drugs. MJ, Prince, Elvis all got their shit from "doctors". With her I'm guessing it's at least sleeping pills, adderall, and maybe the occasional opiate. and who knows what else they pump into her old ass when she's doing heavy touring.
Even when things were seemingly good for her, you knew things weren't going to end well for her. She sold herself out to be a sex symbol and for money and fame.

I mean you could say that Ann Margret, Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, etc. also did so...but they moved on to quite a dignified and also well preserved older age.

Madonna was always something of a wild card but she went bat shit crazy during COVID and seems to have just lost it even more since.
I mean you could say that Ann Margret, Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, etc. also did so...but they moved on to quite a dignified and also well preserved older age.

Madonna was always something of a wild card but she went bat shit crazy during COVID and seems to have just lost it even more since.
There was a darkness with Madonna in how she dressed, the things she did and in her performances. It was on another level compared to those.
There was a darkness with Madonna in how she dressed, the things she did and in her performances. It was on another level compared to those.

I mean...she was something like a combination of Samantha Fox and Prince in that regard. Samantha in selling sex and Prince in getting pretty explicit with it. But neither Fox nor Prince went bat shit insane.

I thought it was possible she would have golden years more like what Sharon Stone is doing now. But she has gone full Mickey Rourke and Pete Burns.
Trying to give Pete Burns a fun for his money
She’s Hung Up on staying young. She outta Cherish her old age and stop being such a Material Girl Frozen in time.

She won’t Live to Tell her life story if she keeps acting Borderline crazy (for you) IMO
It's a sliding scale, she's been on her particular horse for decades, it's hard to see a specific off ramp seeing as she has reinvented herself more than any other artist.

Glad she's swinging for the fences, hope she's happy.

The last one was looking pretty good for 50s but sampling an ABBA song (Hung Up) or else piggybacking onto Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears for relevance.

There isn't really another move after that one for relevance unless she were to lean into old age with some grace like Vanessa Redgrave or Anne Bancroft etc. That ship has sailed. Hopefully she is at more peace and enjoying herself more than appearances would make one think.
This change is pretty dramatic and scary. Holy crap. I am willing to give some credence to bad lighting, bad photo, bad day, natural aging process ? etc but going from a very respectful 2015 photo at 57 years old to this is like worlds apart.

It always gives me the creeps when I see rich old ladies with smooth faces due to surgery and botox, but then they still have their crypt keeper hands.

Like I've noticed Paris Hilton is always wearing gloves 24/7 in everythingive seen her in recently. I wonder if that's why.
neeeds to age gracefully, although that ship may have sailed
I mean you could say that Ann Margret, Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, etc. also did so...but they moved on to quite a dignified and also well preserved older age.

I don't think you need to overthink it. some posters here are so afraid of sexually provocative women that they need to create a narrative that "those women" will eventually suffer for their sins